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1. John Calvin Stevens
(1855-1940) American architect. American architect who worked
in the Shingle Style, in which he was a major innovator, and
the Colonial Revival style. He designed more than 1,000
buildings in the state of Maine. Autograph letter signed,
1932, 1 page, approx. 8 x 10.5 in. Stevens sent this letter to
the noted American artist, Douglas Volk [1856-1935] Douglas
was born to be an artist. His father was the famous sculptor
Leonard Wells Volk and his mother Emily Barlow Volk was
counsin to Senator Steven Douglas. At a young age Douglas
showed an ability to draw and was taken seriously later
studying with George Inness, and at age 14 took classes at the
Accademia San Luca in Italy. In 1873 Volk went to Paris to
study at Ecole des Beaux Arts with the Master Jean-Leon
Gerome. When he returned to the U.S. he began teaching at The
Cooper Institute in New York and in 1886 was founder of the
Minneapolis School Of Fine Art. In 1893 Volk was chosen for
the selection committee at the Columbian Expo where he
exhibited three paintings and the the gold medal, his first
major award. In 1899 the National Academy granted him
membership. His paintings hang in many important collections
including the Metropolitan Museum in NY. Douglas Volk first
ventured into Lincoln portraiture in 1908, and that canvas,
reworked in 1917, eventually found its way into the National
Gallery of Art. It also achieved a kind of anonymous
familiarity between 1954 and 1968, when it was featured on the
regular four-cent U.S. postage stamp. When in 1860, Lincoln
sat in Leonard Volk's studio, a liittle child was running in
and out. The great man took him on his knee and asked his
name. It was Douglas. It was this boy, long grown to manhood
who was the paint one of the most famous portraits of Lincoln.
One of his Lincoln portraits hangs in the Lincoln Bedroom in
The White House. VG..............200-300
2. [FILM] Jack Alberton (1907-1981) American character actor who began in vaudeville. A comedian, dancer, singer, and musician, Albertson is perhaps best known for his roles as Manny Rosen in The Poseidon Adventure (1972), Grandpa Joe in the 1971 version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Amos Slade in the 1981 animated film "The Fox and the Hound" (1981), and as Ed Brown in the 1974-1978 television sitcom Chico and the Man. For contributions to the television industry, Jack Albertson was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Signed lobbycard from the film "Changes." 14 x 11".............35-45
3. [FILM] Sandy Dennis (1937-1992) American theater and film actress. In 1966, she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Set of 8 signed lobbycards from the film "Up The Stair Case", 2 are also inscribed. 14 x 11. VG. A signed set like this is rare!............500-700
4. [FILM] Gene Raymond (1908-1998)
American film, television, and stage actor of the 1930s and
1940s. In addition to acting, Raymond was also a composer,
writer, director, producer, and decorated military
pilot. SIGNED sheet music, WILL YOU?. Approx.
9x12 in. Vintage item with expected wear faults..........60-80
Burned MOH Winner J. BLACK - Offered here is a large
lot of (18) documents/ ALS's/and TLS's [some 35pp. total]
pertaining to the pension case of Civil War veteran Peter
Hanyan, who served in Co "B" Battalion Engineers, United
States Army. Hanyan enlisted Feb. 1864 and was discharged Feb.
1867. Prior to his discharge, Hanyan was severely injured when
a lamp in the Post billiard room exploded , setting fire to
his clothes, Nov. 1866. He inhaled the flames and was in poor
health until he died in 1873. The pension case
instituted by his widow was handled by attorney Darwin W.
Esmond of Newburgh, NY. These documents range in date
from 1882 to 1890, with sizes varying from 5 3/4" x 3" to 8" x
12 1/2", with many either from Esmond or directed to
him. Some highlights of this lot include: (1) an
1882 LS on Department of the Interior Pension Office
stationery from Commissioner Wm. W. Dudley, notifying Esmond
"... medical evidence is required showing the physical
condition of the soldier from his discharge until his
death..."; (2) an 1882 Memorandum to Judge Avery (1821-1899)
from Esmond, asking "... Can you not hurry up the affidavit
which I sent you some time ago, in the 'Estella Hanyan'
case..." [with Avery's reply written on the verso of the
Memorandum: "...I have tried hard to obtain what you
want. I think Doct. Monroe of this place attended to ( ?
) some but for the life of me I cant get him to look up his
case..."]; (3) TWO letters from General John Charles Black,
Civil War Medal of Honor winner, as Department of Interior
Commissioner, one with an ink signature and dated 1886, sent
to Lewis Beach [a member of the House of Representatives],
informing Beach that "... I have caused the evidence in the
claim No. 282,766, of the Guardian of the Minor child of Peter
Hanyan, late of Co. 'B', U.S. Engr. Battn. to be carefully
examined and have personally directed that the claim be
disallowed on the ground that the soldier was not in the line
of duty when he incurred the injuries alleged to have resulted
in his death..." and another lengthy 8pp. review [after
another appeal], dated Feb. 14, 1887, with a STAMPED signature
of Black, sent to Esmond and ruling again against the
appeal: "... It appears that the soldier on whose
account pension is claimed, enlisted on the 24th day of Feb.
1864, and was assigned to Co. B, Battalion United States
Engineers, and discharged Feb. 24, 1867, an artificer... The
rolls of the above named company show this soldier sick from
Nov. 4, 1866, to date of his discharge, Feb. 24, 1867... The
present company commander... reports as follows:
'enlisted men now present with the company and who knew Hanyan
at the time he was a member, state that on the evening of Nov.
3, 1866, when he was in the Post billiard room, a lamp under
which he was sitting exploded, setting fire to his clothing,
from which he sustained injuries sufficient to disqualify him
from performing duty... The claim was rejected Jany. 21, 1886,
on the grounds that the soldier was not in line of duty when
he received the injuries alleged to have resulted in his
death..."; and (4) a 2pp.ALS, dated 1889, sent to Esmond by
Estella Hanyan [Peter's wife], stating: "... I have been
waiting for the last two years and I have not heard anything
from you yet about them [pension papers]. I would like
to have my Papers. I have a friend who is going to send
Washington to a lawyer for me..." And in a typed, retained
copy reply dated Aug. 25, 1890, Esmond wrote to Estella:
"... I am still using every means to get your claim granted
and shall never give it up as long as I live..." So sad,
that 17 years after the soldier's death, the widow's lawyer
was still trying to obtain a few dollars in pension claim--
being denied because the death was not the result from LINE OF
JOHN CHARLES BLACK (January 27, 1839 – August 17, 1915) was a
Democratic U.S. Congressman and received the Medal of Honor
for his actions as a Union Army lieutenant colonel and
regimental commander at the Battle of Prairie Grove during the
American Civil War. On April 14, 1861, Black (along with
his brother, William P. Black) entered the Union Army as a
private in the 11th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment on
April 14, 1861. He became sergeant major on April 25,
After three months of service, the brothers were mustered out
of the volunteers and organized Company "K" of the 37th
Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment. John Black became
major of the regiment on September 5, 1861 He was
wounded in the right arm at the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas,
on March 7, 1862. In July 12, 1862, John Black was
promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and became
commander of the 37th Illinois Infantry. Black led his
regiment against a fortified Confederate position during the
Battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas on December 7, 1862. The
unit suffered heavy casualties and was eventually forced to
retreat. Black himself was seriously wounded. An 1896
review of numerous actions during the war resulted in John
Black being awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions at
Prairie Grove. Black's brother William also received the
medal, making them the first of five pairs of brothers to both
receive the Medal of Honor as of 2005.
On December 31, 1862, Black was promoted to colonel of the
37th Illinois Infantry Regiment. He was given temporary
command of Brigade 1, Division 2, XIII Corps, Department of
the Gulf, between November 11, 1863 and February 11, 1864, of
Brigade 3, Division 2, Reserve Corps of the Department of the
Gulf between February 3, 1865 and February 18, 1865. and of
Brigade 3 Division 2, XIII Corps, Department of the Gulf,
between February 18, 1865 and March 5, 1865.
Black resigned his commission in the volunteer service on
August 15, 1865. On January 13, 1866, President Andrew Johnson
nominated Black for appointment to the grade of brevet
brigadier general of volunteers to rank from April 9, 1865,
for gallant services in the assault on Fort Blakeley, Alabama
on that date, and the U.S. Senate confirmed the appointment on
March 12, 1866.
WILLIAM WADE DUDLEY (1842–1909), born in Weathersfield Bow,
Vermont, started life as a soldier in the American Civil War,
then became a lawyer, a government official and a Republican
campaigner. After studying at Phillips Academy, Danville
in Vermont, and at Russell Military Academy in New Haven,
Connecticut, he joined the army as captain of the Richmond
City Greys in the 19th Indiana Volunteers of the famed Iron
Brigade. After losing 79 percent of his men at the Battle of
Gettysburg, and having his right leg amputated on the field,
he served as an army inspector and judge advocate.
Following the end of the war he became a civilian lawyer in
1870, then the U.S. marshal for Indiana in 1879, commissioner
of pensions under appointment of Presidents James Garfield and
Chester A. Arthur in 1881. In 1888 he was appointed Treasurer
of the Republican National Committee. He returned to
practicing law in 1887.
The documents here are in overall excellent condition, with
the expected folds, some minor edge wear/ occasional bent
corner, light toning issues..................400-600
Horse Stealing
from France, signed 1page on paper. Comes with pages in
French that describes this document. Neither are translated.
8. [ART] DOUGLAS VOLK [1856-1935] AMERICAN ARTIST. Douglas was born to be an artist. His father was the famous sculptor Leonard Wells Volk and his mother Emily Barlow Volk was counsin to Senator Steven Douglas. At a young age Douglas showed an ability to draw and was taken seriously later studying with George Inness, and at age 14 took classes at the Accademia San Luca in Italy. In 1873 Volk went to Paris to study at Ecole des Beaux Arts with the Master Jean-Leon Gerome. When he returned to the U.S. he began teaching at The Cooper Institute in New York and in 1886 was founder of the Minneapolis School Of Fine Art. In 1893 Volk was chosen for the selection committee at the Columbian Expo where he exhibited three paintings and the the gold medal, his first major award. In 1899 the National Academy granted him membership. His paintings hang in many important collections including the Metropolitan Museum in NY. Douglas Volk first ventured into Lincoln portraiture in 1908, and that canvas, reworked in 1917, eventually found its way into the National Gallery of Art. It also achieved a kind of anonymous familiarity between 1954 and 1968, when it was featured on the regular four-cent U.S. postage stamp. When in 1860, Lincoln sat in Leonard Volk's studio, a liittle child was running in and out. The great man took him on his knee and asked his name. It was Douglas. It was this boy, long grown to manhood who was the paint one of the most famous portraits of Lincoln. One of his Lincoln portraits hangs in the Lincoln Bedroom in The White House. Collection of 15 signed bank checks, dating 1906-1921...........200-300
See above
11. [FILM] Milton Ebbins -
original retained copy of a memo sent by Ebbins to Peter
Lawford regarding Patty Duke for "Ginger" or "The
Fastest Girl in Town." Unusual behind-the-scenes.
See above
(1912-2008) talent manager of jazz greats and
a Kennedy administration and Rat Pack insider,
composer. Ebbins started his career in the
early 1930s as a trumpet player and bandleader. He
left his career as bandleader and became a talent
manager, rising to become one of Hollywood’s top
personal managers, guiding the careers of Count
Basie, Sarah Vaughn, Billy Eckstine and singer Vic
Damone. Because of Ebbins’ musical background and
his adeptness at arranging scores, he had a knack
for picking hit songs for his clients. He also
represented actresses Elizabeth Montgomery and Patty
Duke, comedian Mort Sahl and actor Peter Lawford,
who Ebbins managed for 35 years. Ebbins’ partnership
with Lawford — who was married to President
Kennedy’s sister, Patricia— brought him into close
association with The Rat Pack and the Kennedy
Clan. Ebbins produced many of his clients’
film and television projects and was partnered in a
company with Lawford that produced TV series, “The
Patty Duke Show.” He associate produced the 1950s TV
series’ “The Thin Man” starring Lawford and Phyllis
Kirk. He also produced two films starring Rat
Packers Lawford and Sammy Davis Jr. — “Salt and
Pepper” (1968) and “One More Time” (1970). He helped
set up the original Rat Packer film, “Ocean’s
Eleven” and subsequently “Sergeants 3.” He was also
involved in the production of “The Longest
Day.” Ebbins helped produce JFK’s 1961
Inaugural Ball and the subsequent 1962 JFK
Anniversary Gala. In May of 1962, Ebbins escorted a
very late Marilyn Monroe to Madison Square Garden
where she famously — and breathlessly — sang “Happy
Birthday, Mr. President.” He was also the man that
Lawford called after speaking to Monroe the night of
her death in August of 1962. Ebbins was one of the
few allowed inside the White House after the JFK
assassination. As the link between Washington and
Hollywood, Ebbins helped Kennedy family patriarch
and former ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy navigate
through the movie business, not only keeping him
apprised of his son-in-law’s career moves but at one
point advising him against purchasing United
Artists’ movie studio. At the time of his death,
Ebbins was working with his friend, actor Bill
Paxton, on an HBO project about the Kennedy
assassination. Offered here is a
page of handwritten notes written by Ebbins, not
signed, approx. 5 x 7-1/4 in.
Mentions Roman Polanski, the writer-Director,
including his phone number; a small
picture deal Jerzy Skolomowski - Dir. during
1968 $250,000 per picture etc.
13. MYSTERY LOT of about 93 pieces from 19th & 20th century. Includes: letters; documents; a few autographs; 5 bank checks signed by the noted artist, Douglas Volk, known for his portraits of Abraham Lincoln, one used on postage stamp, and various ephemera. Oldest item in this lot is 1838. There is also an 1842 document signed by R.G. Hazard [look him up], and a 1945 TLS by Commodore Badt. Good lot for eBay sellers or those who like researching items.....125-225
[1795-1865] he was appointed secretary to the French embassy
to the Porte in 1815, and remained there till 1820, when he
was ordered to visit the various ports of the Levant and the
religious establishment in Palestine. While he was on this
mission, the Venus de Milo was discovered, and Marcellus
arranged for its purchase and transport to France. He
eventually achieved an distinguished diplomatic career. He
published works about Greece, Palestine and Chateaubriand. He
was a close friend of Chateaubriand and Lamartine. Offered
here are 24 manuscript pages written by Marcellus -
translation of The Philippique by Count de
Marcellus. Ink has lightened with age. Very
neat script.......100-150
15. [ART] Charles
Meryon (1821-1868) French artist, who
worked almost entirely in etching, as he suffered from
color-blindness. He is generally recognised as the most
significant etcher of 19th century France. He also suffered
from mental illness, dying in an asylum. His most famous work
is a series of views of Paris. Offered here is a photogravure 1926 of
his etching [1865].
These superb photogravures, there were 20 printed in 1926,
are often sold as etchings. You see them all the time
offered at around $400 to $800 each. The sellers, obviously
are not aware of what they are offering. The original 1865
etching retailed at $1500. Plate size approx. 6-1/2 x 5-1/2"
plus wide clean margins. A superb example of the
LOT] includes: Warner Bros. pay check, 1985, signed on
verso by Mildred Natwick (1905-1994)
Emmy Award-winning and Academy Award-nominated American stage,
film and television actress. Also includes: 1826
Providence, RI, document signed by R.G.
Hazard [cancel hole over signature.
Roland G. hazard (1801-1888) was an American industrialist,
politician, and social reformer. Also a signature of Samuel Griswold Goodrich (1793-1860)
was an American author, better known under the pseudonym Peter
Parley. Also: H.G. Neville
- clip signature with cdv; a 4-page
handout on Socialism; Max Gebhard SECKENDORFF (1852-1911).
American journalist; chief, Washington bureau of the "New
York Tribune" (1883-1911); a very influential journalist
between the time of President Chester Arthur and President
William Howard Taft. Signed Riggs National Bank check,
1911; 1921 bank
checks signed by the noted artist, Douglas Volk, known for
his portraits of Abraham Lincoln. 9 Limerick National Bank checks
[Maine]; antique engraved port of Philip Syng
Physick; TLS, 1946 signed by
Commander F.T. Williamson, to congressman Phlip J.
Philbin; plus various other pieces. Approx. 85 pieces. Good lot for eBay sellers or those
who like researching items............80-120
17. [FRANCE] Two
French Mystery Documents,
identified as being from the Burgundy region - one
possibly a Birth Certificate. Small
documented is dated 1753, the larger one has
several dates but appears to be from 1726. As you
can see there a piece missing at edge on 1753
18. [ENTERTAINERS] group of 4 signed
items: Amy Grant - signed & inscribed 8x10
photo; Debbie Reynolds - signed & inscribed 4x5
photo; Della [Reese] signed 3x5 card; Juliet Mills -
signed 3x5 card. All VG............40-60
20. [SPACE PHOTOGRAPHY] WILLENE WHISENHANT - early NASA photographer. Offered here is an original b/w vintage photograph of astronaut Gordon Cooper strapped in centrifuge at Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. NASA S-63-3978. The photographer writes "Gordo Cooper in Centrifuse" below image. Provenance: from the personal files of Willene Whisenhant, the photographer. Fine.........60-80
See Photograph
21. Stephen Hector Taylor-Smith (4
February 1891 – 15 February 1951) often known as Stephen Smith, was a
pioneering Indian rocket scientist who developed techniques in
delivering mail by rocket. Unlike Friedrich Schmiedl, whom the
Austrian Authorities banned from further experimenting, Smith
was encouraged in his experiments by Indian Officials. In the
ten-year span of his experiments (1934-1944), Smith made some
270 launches, including at least 80 rocket mail flights.
Clipped Signature. VG............50-75
Front side
Back side
22. William Manning (1866-1949)
U.S. Episcopal bishop of New York (1921–1946). He led a major
$10 million campaign to raise funds for additional
construction on the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and
directed a program to train and employ men from the
neighborhood as skilled artisans during the Great Depression
and later. In 1939-40, Manning took a leadership role in
the successful effort to force the City University of New York
to rescind their offer of a professorship to the philosopher
Bertrand Russell. Signature below mounted
picture. Overall 3 x 5-3/4 in.
See above
23. [NAVAL] Richmond
Pearson Hobson (1870-1937) was a United
States Navy Rear Admiral who served from 1907–1915 as a U.S.
Representative from Alabama. A veteran of the Spanish–American
War, he received the Medal of Honor years later for his part
in that conflict. SIGNATURE. VG................50-75
See above
24. [POLITICIANS] mixed lot of autograph
signatures: [1] ANDERSON, John Alexander [1834-1892]
Representative from Kansas SIGNATURE. [2] BELFORD, James Burns [1837-1910]
Representative from Colorado. SIGNATURE. [3] HOLMES, Adoniram Judson [1842-1902]
Representative from Iowa; entered Milton College,
Milton, Wis., but left in 1862 to enter the Union
Army, where he served in the Twenty-fourth Regiment,
Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, until the close of the
Civil War. SIGNATURE. [4] MILLER, Killian [1785-1859] Representative
from New York SIGNATURE. [5] LORE, Charles Brown [1831-1911]
Representative from Delaware; during the Civil War
served as commissioner of the draft for New Castle
County, Del., in 1862; attorney general of Delaware
1869-1874. SIGNATURE. [6] MADDEN, Martin Barnaby [1855-1928]
Representative from Illinois. SIGNATURE. [7] PAYSON, Lewis Edwin [1840-1909]
Representative from Illinois. SIGNATURE [8] BUDD, James Herbert [1851-1908]
Representative from California; served as lieutenant
colonel on the Governor's staff in 1873 and 1874;
deputy district attorney in 1873 and 1874; studied
law; was admitted to the bar in 1874 and commenced
practice in Stockton; served as first lieutenant in
the California National Guard and was promoted to
major of the line. SIGNATURE. [9] CAMPBELL, James Edwin [1843-1924]
Representative from Ohio. SIGNATURE. [10] BENNETT, Henry [1808-1868] Representative
from New York. SIGNATURE...........75-100
25. [MIXED LOT] [1] [PHILADELPHIA] C. TOWER - noted trial lawyer. LS, Phila., 1885, 1-1/2 pages, 4to. To William Henry Rawle, praising Rawle's oration of the statue of Chief Justice Marshall [1884] at Washington. Continues with compliment of Rawle on his address : The Case of the Educated Unemployed," delivered before the Harvard College Phi Beta Kappa Society. Excellent letter. [2] IRA A. HAYNES [1859-1955] General, U.S. Army. He served in Hawaii [1899]. Signed 1920 Riggs National Bank check. [3] KEEPER OF THE PRIVY PURSE) - Sir Thos. (Myddleton) Biddulph [1809-1878] He entered the Army as a Cornet (1st Life Guards) in 1826. On his promotion to Lieutenant-Colonel in 1857 he went on half pay. He was later appointed Master of the Queen's Household, and then Receiver-General of the Duchy of Cornwall. In 1867 he was appointed Keeper of the Queen's Privy Purse. Sir Thomas had enjoyed the Queen's trust and confidence for 27 years, but there had been one occasion when he had threatened to resign, because of rows with John Brown, the Queen's personal gillie and favourite. It is on record that the Queen made gentle fun of Sir Thomas behind his back: with roars of laughter she told Sir Henry Ponsonby how shocked Sir Thomas had been by the design for a medal of the Ashanti campaign and she quoted his comment, "Roman soldiers with nothing - nothing at all - but helmets on." However, Sir Thomas was not without a sense of humour: in 1871, when the Queen was gravely ill with an abscess on her arm, Lady Churchill wanted to send for all her children. "Goodness", said Sir Thomas, "that would have killed her at once!" Two [2] ALSs, 1874 and 1876, each 1p. [4] [US CONGRESSMEN] album page signed on both sides by: RIDGELY, Edwin Reed, (1844 - 1927) Ks; SIMS, Thetus Willrette, (1852 - 1939) Tenn; CLARDY, John Daniel, (1828 - 1918) Ky. Signed on the other side by: BOTKIN, Jeremiah Dunham, (1849 - 1921) Kan; GREENE, William Laury, (1849 - 1899) Neb; SKINNER, Harry, (1855 - 1929). VG. [5] [STOCK CERTIFICATE] JOHN F. SHAFROTH (1887-1967) distinguished naval officer, comdr. battleship division that bombarded Japan in 1945. DS, 1928, North American Edison Co. [6] [SCIENCE] Alembert, Jean Le Rond [1717-1783]. French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher. Son of Mme. de Tencin and of the chevalier Destouches; member of Academy of Sciences (1741); wrote Traitéde dynamique (1743) containing "d' Alembert' s principle,"Traitéde l' équilibre et du mouvement des fluides (1744), Réflexions sur la cause générale des vents (1747) containing his discovery of partial differential equations; explained precession of equinoxes, rotation of Earth' s axis; associated with Diderot in editing the Encyclopédie (1746-54), writing Discours préliminaire for Vol. I (1751); member (1754) of French Academy; wrote six volumes of Histoire des membres de l' Académie (1785-87); author also of Éléments de musique (1752), Mélanges de littérature, d' histoire et de philosophie (1753); published collected Opuscules mathématiques (1761-80). ENGRAVED PORTRAIT, c. 1853. Clean. [7] LADD, George Washington, a Representative from Maine; born in Augusta, Kennebec County, Maine, September 28, 1818; attended the common schools and Kents Hill Seminary; engaged in the drug business in Bangor, Maine; later engaged in the lumber, commission, and wholesale grocery business in Bangor; was also interested in railroad development; elected as a Greenback candidate to the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Congresses (March 4, 1879-March 3, 1883); chairman, Committee on Expenditures in the Post Office Department (Forty-sixth Congress); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1882 to the Forty-eighth Congress; died in Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine, January 30, 1892; interment in Mount Hope Cemetery. SIGNATURE. [8] LAMPORT, William Henry, a Representative from New York; born in Brunswick, N.Y., May 27, 1811; moved with his parents to Gorham, Ontario County, in 1826; attended the public schools; engaged in agricultural pursuits; supervisor of Gorham in 1848 and 1849; sheriff of Ontario County 1850-1853; member of the State assembly in 1854; moved to Canandaigua in 1864; president of the village of Canandaigua in 1866 and 1867; elected as a Republican to the Forty-second and Forty-third Congresses (March 4, 1871-March 3, 1875); was not a candidate for renomination in 1874; retired to Canandaigua, N.Y., where he died July 21, 1891; interment in the West Avenue Cemetery. CLIP SIGNATURE, mounted. [9] [ASSAULT ON A POLICEMAN] H.D. Hawley - Singer Sewing Co. Agent. ALS, on illust. sewing machine letterhead, Savannah, Ga., Nov. 4, 1871, written on both sides of 8.5 x 11 in. sheet. To the Singer Manufacturing Company about a Lady La Velle who was unhappy with Singer for not exchanging her sewing machine, which she had used for a year, for a brand new model. Gives background on the woman's history. "She had a spite against a Policeman their" (in Brunswick) "and once upon a time as he was passing her window, She having prepared with a Mug of her dear Virgin water took the liberty of transfering it to the head of the Policeman. Cause of her being in New York, a choice was given her to go to the penitentiary or leave the State." As usual with almost all Singer letters there are mounting traces on verso along one edge. Small loss to one corner. Front side Back side [10] [OPERA] Jess Thomas [1927-1993] Am. lyric and Wagnerian tenor. In 1963, he joined the cast of the Metropolitan Opera appearing in 95 performances for 15 years. Amongst the highlights of his career with the Metropolitan Opera was appearing at the opening of the new Metropolitan Opera House at Lincoln Center in the first performance of Samuel Barber's Antony and Cleopatra with Leontyne Price. Signed photo, 4 x 5-3/4". Also signed with initials with sentiment on verso. Edge crack. [11] 1814 Gov. Doc., 2pp, Report of the Committee of Ways and Means. [12] Six. bank checks dated 1923...........80-120
26. [AMERICANA MIXED LOT] [1] [HARVARD] Thomas Hill (1818-1891) American Unitarian clergyman, mathematician, scientist, philosopher and educator. Taught to read at an early age, Hill read voraciously and was well regarded for his capacious and accurate memory. He was taught botany by his father, took a delight in nature and devised scientific instruments, one of which was designed to calculate eclipses and was subsequently awarded the Scott Medal by the Franklin Institute. Though not formally educated in his youth, Hill briefly attended the Lower Dublin Academy in Holmesburg, Pennsylvania and the Leicester Academy in Massachusetts, now the Leicester campus of Becker College, leaving in 1837. He earned his A.B. and D.Div. from Harvard University in 1843 and 1845 respectively. Hill was president of Antioch College from 1860 to 1862 until the Civil War forced the college to shut down; he then held the presidency of Harvard University from 1862 to 1868. Ink signed form letter, Harvard College, Nov. 1, 1865, 1p, 5x8", filled in by Hill. Sent to Paul Willard, concerning meeting of the Law School. VG. [2] Asbury Dickins [1780-1861] Secretary of the U S. senate. He lived his early life in Philadelphia, and afterward spent several years in Europe. In 1801 he was associated with Joseph Dennie in founding the "Port Folio" at Philadelphia. He was a clerk in the treasury department under Secretary Crawford from 1816 till 1833, and while there composed and read Secretary Crawford's successful vindication of himself against the charges preferred by Ninian Edwards, then minister to Mexico. He was chief clerk of the state department in 1833'6, and became secretary of the United States senate in 1836, an office that he retained until 1861. He published an oration on Washington (Philadelphia. 1800; New York. 1825). Heavily browned CLIP "Free" SIGNATURE as Secretary of the Senate. Accompanied by 1853 government document, Report of The Secretary of the Senate. Amount paid for documents, books, and maps or purchased for distribution by order of the Senate since the 1st May, 1832. Signed in type Asbury Dickins. 17 pages. [3] [OHIO] Album page signed by 3 Ohio Congressmen [all on same side]: CAMPBELL, Lewis Davis, (1811 - 1882) served in the Union Army as colonel of the Sixty-ninth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in 1861 and 1862; appointed by President Andrew Johnson as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Mexico on May 4, 1866; WADE, Edward, (1802 - 1866); LEITER, Benjamin Franklin, (1813 - 1866). VG. [4] Album page signed on both sides by: THORNBURGH, Jacob Montgomery, a Representative from Tennessee; during the Civil War entered the Union Army as a private and was promoted to lieutenant colonel of the Fourth Regiment, Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, July 11, 1863 / BAGLEY, George Augustus, a Representative from New York. On the other side: WRIGHT, Hendrick Bradley, a Representative from Pennsylvania / NEAL, Henry Safford, a Representative from Ohio. VG. [5] EUGENE ERNST PRUSSING (1855-?). American author and lawyer; author of GEORGE WASHINGTON, IN LOVE AND OTHERWISE (1925) and THE ESTATE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON, DECEASED (1927). Document Signed, The Riggs National Bank, Washington, D.C., Bank check with vignette of bank. 1921. Clear signature. [6] Jefferson Davis as Secretary of War - printed government document, Mis. Doc. No. 66, Estimate - Experiments On Gun Metal. Signed IN TYPE Jeff'n Davis. Feb. 24, 1857, printed on both sides. 34th Congress, 3d Session, House of Representatives. [7] Benjamin F. Rice (1828-1905) Republican politician from Arkansas who represented the state in the U.S. Senate from 1868 to 1873. Rice was born in East Otto, New York, on May 26, 1828; his schooling was private. He studied law, and upon his admission to the bar began practice in Irvine, Kentucky , in which state's house of representatives he served from 1855 to 1856. In 1856 he served as a presidential elector for the Republican ticket; in 1860 he moved to Minnesota, where he began service as a Union captain during the Civil War. Eventually he gained promotion to the rank of major in position of judge advocate with the 3rd Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment. In 1864 Rice settled in Little Rock, Arkansas and resumed his law practice. He was active in organizing the Republican Party in the state, and was appointed the chair of a committee which in 1868 prepared the state's code of practice. Upon readmission of Arkansas to the Union, Rice was elected to the Senate, serving from 1868 to 1873 and holding at one point the chairmanship of the Committee on Mines and Mining. Clip Signature as USS, mounted. Rice signature [8] SAM FREEMAN (1743-1831) American jurist from Maine. He was an active patriot during the Revolutionary struggle; was secretary of the Cumberland County convention in 1774, secretary of the provincial congress [John Hancock was president] in 1775, member of the Massachusetts house of representatives in 1776 and 1778. From 1776 - 1805 he was also postmaster of Portland. The historian William Willis described Freeman: "We believe no other man ever held so many responsible trusts at one time, and none was ever more faithful in the discharge of his duties." Signed court document, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Portland [then Maine], 1807, 8 x 9 in. Stephen Longfellow [so stated in text] witnessed Freeman's signature. He was the father of the famous poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Nice signature of Freeman as Clerk. [9] [MISSOURI] Edwin Dean - Agent for the Singer Manufacturing Co. ALS, St. Louis, on wonderful Singer letterhead, July 27, 1867, 1p, 8x10 in. Sewing machine business. Mounting traces on verso along one edge. [10] [CIVIL WAR] JOHN MANNING JR. [1830-1899] Representative from North Carolina; enlisted in the Chatham Rifles in 1861; was made first lieutenant, later becoming adjutant of the Fifteenth Regiment, North Carolina Volunteers, and served throughout the Civil War. CLIP SIGNATURE. Click to see Manning......100-150
27. Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006) 38th President of the United States from 1974 to 1977. His signature below picture of the Capitol in Washington D.C. Approx. 8x10 in. On thick paper stock. VG.............100-150
See above28. Theodore Roosevelt - US President.
Typed Letter Signed with a stamped signature frequently used
during Roosevelt's administration as governor of New York,
1899-1900. Pencil notations on the letter.............50-75
29. [AMERICANA MIXED LOT] [1] an 1852 engraving of the Indiana Institute for the Education of the Blind. [2] R.C. Winthrop (1809-1894) Am. lawyer and philanthropist and one time Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Clip signature. Mounting trace show thru. [3] Richard Salter Storrs (1821-1900)American Congregational clergyman of considerable note. He was pastor of the Harvard Congregational church of Brookline, Massachusetts, in 1845-1846, and of the Church of the Pilgrims in Brooklyn, New York, from 1846 until shortly before his death. He was a conservative in theology, and an historical writer of considerable ability. From 1848 to 1861, he was associate editor of the New York Independent , which he had helped to establish; from 1887 to 1897 he was president of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions, and he was prominent in the Long Island Historical Society. Brief ALS, Brookyn [NY], May 14, no yr. Re: Sunday School meeting. Letter appears to have been cropped along left edge, although no loss of text.. [4] Rose Eytinge (1838 - 1911) was an American actress and author, born in Philadelphia. From 1862 to 1869 she played in various theatres in New York City and then went abroad with her second husband, Col. George H. Butler, Consul General to Egypt. SIGNED CARD, 4 x 2-7/8". [5] [MICHIGAN] STRICKLAND, Randolph, a Representative from Michigan; born in Dansville, N.Y., February 4, 1823; attended the common schools; moved to Michigan in 1844 and taught school in Ingham County; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1849 and commenced practice in De Witt, Clinton County, Mich.; moved to St. Johns, Clinton County, and continued the practice of law; elected prosecuting attorney for Clinton County in 1852, 1854, 1856, 1858, and 1862; member of the State senate in 1861 and 1862; provost marshal of the Sixth Congressional District 1863-1865; delegate to the Republican National Conventions in 1856 and 1868; elected as a Republican to the Forty-first Congress (March 4, 1869-March 3, 1871); was an unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1870; resumed the practice of law; died in Battle Creek, Mich., May 5, 1880; interment in De Witt Cemetery, De Witt, Mich. SIGNED album page. Large signature, St. Johns, Mich. [6] [PENN] John Heinz [1938-1991] US Senator from Penn. He died in a tragic plane crash. TLS, 1986, 1p. Routine content [sending autograph]. [7] 1839 wood-engraving - View of Lowell, Mass. [8] John Sherman Cooper - US senator from Ky. Clip signature. [9] Alexander Wiley (1884-1967) was a member of the Republican Party who served four terms in the United States Senate for the state of Wisconsin from 1939 to 1963. Signed 1948 FDC honoring Wisc. Statehood............80-120
Mary Woods (1917 –2005) was Richard
Nixon's secretary from his days in Congress in 1951, through
the end of his political career. Before H. R. Haldeman and
John Ehrlichman became the operators of Nixon's presidential
campaign, Woods was Nixon's gatekeeper. TLS, 1963. With
trimmed photo of her at her desk, with portrait of Nixon
above it. William M.
Batten (1909–1999) American
businessman. He served as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of the J. C. Penney Company, and Chairman of the New
York Stock Exchange. TLS, 1989. Robert Leslie Shapiro
( b. 1942) American civil litigator most recognized for
being part of the defense team which successfully defended
O.J. Simpson. TLS, 2001. George
Howard Herbig (1920 – 2013)
astronomer. He is perhaps best known for the discovery
of Herbig–Haro objects. His specialty was stars at an
early stage of evolution (a class of intermediate mass
pre–main sequence stars are named Herbig Ae/Be stars after
him and the interstellar medium. He was perhaps best known
for his discovery, with Guillermo Haro, of the Herbig-Haro
objects; bright patches of nebulosity excited by bipolar
outflow from a star being born. ALS, 2001. Oscar Terry Crosby (1861-1947)
American Electrical Engineer, Author, Traveler and Public
Servant - collector of an important group of Khotanese
texts. He began his career as an electrical engineer, having
a particular interest in high-speed electric loco¬motion. He
became the first president of the Potomac Electric Power
Company in Washington, D.C., and was later president of the
Washington Traction and Electric Company, the Trenton (N.J.)
Street Railway Company, and the Wilmington-Philadelphia
Traction Company. During World War I he served as assistant
secretary of the treasury in charge of loans to the Allies
and, as United States commissioner of finance, presided over
the Inter-Allied Council for War Purchases and
Finance. ALS, 2pp, 1930. Don
Messick (1926 –1997) American voice
actor best known for his work for Hanna-Barbera. His best
remembered vocal creations include Scooby-Doo, Bamm-Bamm
Rubble and Hoppy in The Flintstones, Astro the dog in The
Jetsons, Muttley the dog in Wacky Races and Dastardly and
Muttley in Their Flying Machines, Gears, Ratchet and
Scavenger in The Transformers, Papa Smurf in The Smurfs, and
Dr. Benton Quest in Jonny Quest. He also did the voice of
Snip in the Rankin/Bass 1979 movie Jack Frost. TLS,
1989. Harriet Andersson (b.
1932) Swedish actress, best known outside Sweden for
being part of director Ingmar Bergman's stock company. She
often played impulsive working class characters and quickly
established a reputation on screen for her youthful,
unpretentious, full-lipped sensuality. She disdains the use
of makeup. SIGNED trimmed postal receipt. Laura Capon Fermi (1907–1977)
Italian-born writer and political activist, and the wife of
Nobel Prize physicist Enrico Fermi. She met Enrico
Fermi while she was a student in general science at the
University of Rome. She published a book about her life with
Enrico, Atoms in the Family, the same year he died.
31 - BIG BAND/JAZZ MUSICAN LOT - Horace Heidt (1901–1986)
pianist, big band leader, and radio and television
personality. His band, Horace Heidt and his Musical Knights,
toured vaudeville and performed on radio and television
through the 1930s and 1940s. SIGNED, inscribed 5x7 photograph
- Mark Warnow
(1900 -1949) noted violinist and orchestra conductor, who
performed widely on radio in the 1930s and 1940s. Warnow's
superb, smoothly-flowing arrangements made him quite popular
during his career. SIGNED CARD, in pencil, also with Andre Baruch
(1908-1991), popular broadcaster on radio, film narrator, disc
jockey -- Harry James (1916
–1983) actor and musician best known as a trumpeter who led a
swing band during the Big Band Swing Era of the 1930s and
1940s. He was especially known among musicians for his
astonishing technical proficiency as well as his superior
tone. SIGNED card plus music sheet of “I had the
Craziest Dram”. TED WEEMS
( 1901 -1963) bandleader and musician. Weems' work in music
was recognized with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
SIGNED, inscribed 10x8 photograph (signed only by him)
with Elmor Tanner and Red Ingle, who are pictured (outer edge
tape stains on white margin). Philip Wells Woods (1931-
) jazz bebop alto saxophonist, clarinetist, bandleader and
composer. ALS, 2001, with SIGNED 8x10, inscribed
photograph. Charles Melvin
"Cootie" Williams (1911 – 1985) jazz,
jump blues and rhythm and blues trumpeter. SIGNED paper, (with
tape outlined all sides), also signed with members of his
band: Darrell James, Jess Payne, Danny
Lot 32 (American Literature Lot) Erich Wolf Segal (1937 –2010) author, screenwriter, and educator. He was best known for writing the novel Love Story (1970), a best-seller, and writing the motion picture of the same name, which was a major hit. TLS 1982. John Monk Saunders (1897 - 1940) novelist, screenwriter and film director. His screenwriting credits include Wings (1927), The Last Flight (which he adapted from his own novel Single Lady), and The Conquest of the Air (1936), which he also directed. Wings (1927), was the first film to ever win a Best Picture Academy award on May 16, 1929. He won an Oscar for Best Story for the writing of The Dawn Patrol. Saunders was married first to Avis Hughes from 1922 to 1927 then to the actress Fay Wray from 1928 to 1939, after suffering poor health he committed suicide in 1940. SIGNED note card. Irwin Shaw (1913 –1984) playwright, screenwriter, novelist, and short-story author whose written works have sold more than 14 million copies. He is best known for his novels The Young Lions (1948) about the fate of three soldiers during World War II that was made into a film of the same name starring Marlon Brando, and Rich Man, Poor Man (1970) about the fate of three siblings after World War II that was made into a popular miniseries starring Nick Nolte. SIGNED mounted Saturday Review Magazine cover to matte board in which he is on the cover. Euell Theophilus Gibbons (1911 –1975) Author, Natuartlist, outdoorsman and proponent of natural diets during the 1960s. SIGNED 8x10 photograph. Richard Gustave Stern (1928 —2013) novelist, short story write. ALS, 2001. Benjamin Greenleaf (1786-1864) Publsiher and Educator – He published as series of mathematical text-books the “first” was his National Arithmetic, published in Boston in 1835. SIGNATURE dated 1811, Bradford, Mass.....................80-120
LOT 33 (American Literature Lot) Lillian Eugenia Smith (1897 – 1966) writer and social critic known best for her best-selling novel Strange Fruit (1944). TLS, 1944. George Ade (1866 –1944) writer, newspaper columnist, and playwright. SIGNED CARD1908. Shere Hite (1942) sex educator and feminist. Hite builds upon biological studies of sex by Masters and Johnson and by Alfred Kinsey. SIGNATURE. George Ephraim Sokolsky (1893–1962) weekly radio broadcaster for the National Association of Manufacturers and a columnist for The New York Herald Tribune, who later switched to The New York Sun and other Hearst newspapers. SIGNATURE1938. John Kendrick Bangs ( 1862 –1922) author, editor and satirist. SIGNATURE1900. Elizabeth Spencer (b. 1921) writer. Spencer's first novel, Fire in the Morning, was published in 1948. She is a five-time recipient of the O. Henry Award for short fiction. ALS, 2002. James Brander Matthews (1852 –1929) writer and educator. He was the first full-time professor of dramatic literature at an American university and played a significant role in establishing theater as a subject worthy of formal study in the academic world. SIGNATURE clipped from printed page....................75-100
(1890 – 1957) American journalist, novelist, essayist and
poet. SIGNATURE from Return Address Label. Comer Vann Woodward (1908
–1999) preeminent American historian focusing primarily on the
American South and race relations. ANS, 1982. Richard Wilbur (1921)
American poet. Twice received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry,
Poet Laureate. ANS 1973. AUSTINE M. HEARST
(1919-1991) In 1946, she became a reporter at The
Washington Times-Herald. She wrote a sociey column, "Under My
Hat," and later wrote a syndicated column, "From the Capital."
She was also a commentator for the Columbia Broadcasting
System. SIGNED 7x9 photograph (fold in middle). John Patrick ( 1905
–1995) American playwright and screenwriter. His play “The
Teahouse of the August Moon” won the Pulitzer Prize. ANS,
quoting a line from “Teahouse”. Frank
Jenners Wilstach (1865-1933) American
theatrical business manager, press agent, author, and compiler
of A Dictionary of Similes. In addition to the dictionary,
which was first published in 1916, he wrote a book and
articles about Wild Bill Hickok. Collection consists of
correspondence, writings and other papers of Frank J. Wilstach
and his father, John A. Wilstach. General correspondence,
1873-1933. RARE SIGNED 8x11 matte finish photograph
with lengthy inscription 1929. (top edge very faulty, corners
missing) portrait photograph. Michael
Gedaliah Kammen (1936 –2013) professor
of American cultural history in the Department of History at
Cornell University, Author and writer. ALS, 1973. And
another Comer Vann Woodward
(1908 –1999) TNS 1984.................80-120
William Allen
White (1868 – 1944) renowned American
newspaper editor, politician, author, and leader of the
Progressive movement. White became the iconic spokesman for
middle America. SIGNED CARD. Dušan "Charles" Simić
(1938-) American poet and was co-poetry editor of the Paris
Review. He received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1990 for
The World Doesn't End, and was a finalist of the Pulitzer
Prize in 1986 for Selected Poems, 1963-1983 and in 1987 for
Unending Blues. He was appointed the fifteenth Poet Laureate.
ALS, on verso of postcard postmarked 2002. Elizabeth Hollister Frost
(1887-1958) American Poet - began to write poetry and
her first book of poems The Lost Lyrist, was published in
1928. Two other books of poetry, Hovering Shadow (1929) and
The Closed Gentian (1931) followed. She wrote The Wedding
Ring, in 1938 which was published earlier in England under the
title of The Good Pain, This Side of Land in1942 and Mary and
the Spinners in 1948. SIGNED presentation page from her
book “The Lost Lyrist” (1928). Joseph
Wambaugh, Jr. (1937) is a bestselling
American writer known for his fictional and non-fictional
accounts of police work in the United States. SIGNED,
inscribed 5x7 photograph. Dorothy
Clarke Wilson (1904-2003) American
author and playwright. SIGNED, inscribed 4x5 photograph.
John Pierpont (1785
– 1866) American poet, who was also successively a
teacher, lawyer, merchant, and Unitarian minister. His most
famous poem is The Airs of Palestine. SIGNATURE. John Daly ((1914
–1991) American journalist, game show host and radio
personality, probably best known for hosting the panel show
What's My Line?. TLS 1957. Very interesting letter concerning
the recipients letter to him and his views, on curing
36 (SINGERS LOT) BILL Withers,
Jr. (1938- ) singer-songwriter and musician who performed and
recorded from 1970 until 1985. He recorded a number of major
hits including "Lean on Me", "Ain't No Sunshine", "Use Me",
"Just the Two of Us", "Lovely Day", and "Grandma's Hands
SIGNED, inscribed 8x10 photograph,- - George Beverly
Shea (1909 – 2013 gospel singer and hymn composer. Shea
was often described as "America's beloved Gospel singer" and
was considered "the first international singing 'star' of the
gospel world," SIGNED card, with unsigned 5x7 photo --
Donald Eugene "Don" Gibson (1928 – 2003) songwriter
and country musician. A Country Music Hall of Fame inductee,
Gibson penned such country standards as "Sweet Dreams" and "I
Can't Stop Loving You", SIGNED, inscribed 8x10
photograph -- Kenneth Clark "Kenny" Loggins (1948- )
singer and songwriter. SIGNED CARD 1985 – DOLLY
PARTON (1946- ) Signer and songwriter
Country music Legend singer – SIGNED CARD..........60-80
LOT 37 ( MIXED AMERICAN NOTABLES LOT) HARRY AUGUSTUS GARFIELD (1863-1942) Lawyer, academic and son of Pres. James A. Garfield . SIGNED Card (1921). THOMAS BUCHANAN REED (1822-1872) Poet, Portrait Painter he painted portraits of Longfellow, Elizabeth and Robert Browning and Pres. William Henry Harrison. SIGNATURE, with 2 lines from ALS. DENTON A. COOLEY - Pioneering Heart Surgeon. SIGNED card (1991). WILLIAM SEAMAN BAINBRIDGE (1870-1947) Surgeon and inventor. SIGNATURE. ANN TURNER COOK (b. 1926) Baby Model, the original baby for Gerber SIGNED 8x10 Gerber print. KERRY ALLEN LIVGREN (1949) American songwriter, rock musician known for his “Dustin In the Wind” song. SIGNED composition paper in which he has written All we are is Dust in the Wind................60-80
CHIANG KAI-SHEK (1897-2003) Chinese Political
Figure. SIGNED CARD (has spotting). KURT A. J. J. SCHUSCHNIGG
(1897-1977) Austrian Chancellor, succeeded after assassination
of Dollfuss in 1934. He was imprisoned by the Nazi’s but freed
COUVE de MURVILLE (1907-1999) Prime Minister of
France (1968-1969). SIGNED card. HANS C. S. HANSEN (1906-1960)
Prime Minister of Denmark(1955-1960) ANS on verso of calling
(1905-1978) President of Rhodesia (1965-1975) SIGNED postcard
size portrait..............80-120
signed cards SHIRLEY BOOTH (1898-1992),
HAMPDEN (1879-1955) Stage, Film, TV Actor ALS . ANITA
BJORK (1923-2012) Actress SIGNED inscribed 4x6
photograph. FLORENCE NASH (1888-1950) Stage,
Theater, Film Actress ALS (1908). ARLENE DAHL -
Actress ALS on verso of postcard size photograph (2001).
NORM CROSBY - Comedian, actor. SIGNED inscribed
8x10. GLADYS HENSON (1897-1982) Film, Stage
Actress most remembered in film in “Prince and the Showgirl
with Olivier and Marilyn Monroe. SIGNED postcard
photograph (bend left side) dated 1957. RAOUL JULIA
(1940-1994) Actor SIGNED card.........80-120
LOT 41 (HOLLYWOOD/ENTERTAINER LOT) BLANCHE SWEET (1896-1986) ANS. FLORENCE HALOP (1923-1986) ANS (1983). LEIF ERICKSON (1911-1986) ANS. RUDY VALLEE (1901-1896) SIGNED inscribed postcard photograph. SONNY TUFTS (1911-1970) SIGNED small trimmed photograph. MARGARET WEBSTER (1905-1972) DS, receipt of US Savings bond (1945).............60-80
(1887-1975) Evolutionary biologist, humanist. SIGNED CARD
(1960). SIR OLIVOR LODGE (1851-1940)
Physicist, writer worked in the direction of development of
the wireless telegraph. ANS on card (1929) (light writing).
(1907-1995) Physicist who worked on the Atomic Bomb and had a
major impact on the Nuclear program in modern science.
H.R.BARTON (1907-1995) Organic Chemist,
Awarded Nobel Prize. SIGNED CARD. SIR STEPHEN MacKENZIE (1844-1909)
Physician, writer leader in Pathology. CLIPPED SIGNATURE.
(1908-1995) Canadian Physician discovered in 1948 “Barr Body”
important cell structure. SIGNED Typescript of contributions
(1827-1910) Painter, one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite
Brotherhood. Clipped SIGNATURE. ALGERNON
NEWTON (1880-1945) SIGNED 4x7 book print
(1928). SIR FRANCIS GRANT (1838-1878)
Artist and Portrait painter. He painted a most noted early
young portrait of Queen Victoria, he was President of the
Royal Academy. Clipped SIGNATURE MARY
THORNYCROFT (1814-1895) Sculptor,
grandmother of Siegfried Sassoon She made notable busts
of Queen Victoria’s Children. SIGNATURE. HERBERT G. C. S. CARMICHAEL
(1856-1935) Painter noted for his classical and exotic history
paintings. SIGNATURE with sentiment. HENRY W. BANKS DAVIS (1833-1914)
Painter noted for his pastoral scenes and landscapes.
ALS,1p. no year...............80-120
LOT 44 (BRITISH ARTISTS/PAINTERS/SCULPTORS) HENRY HUGH ARMSTEAD (1828-1905) Sculptor/Illustrator. SIGNATURE (1902). WILLIAM B. E. RANKEN (1881-1941) Portrait painter. SIGNED 4x6 print of his portrait of Queen Mary. OLIVER HALL (1869-1957) Landscape Painter. ANS, (1894). ROBERT EURICH 1903-1992) Painter Known for his being a War Artist. SIGNED card. JOHN SARGENT NOBLE (1848-1896) Painter known for his Dog Paintings which were hugely popular. ALS (1891) 3pp. JAMES DRUMMOND (1816-1877) Scottish Painter. SIGNATURE sentiment from ALS. PETER TURNERELLIS (1774-1839) Irish Sculptor Royal Sculptor to King George III. SIGNATURE from ALS. SAMUEL LOVER (1797-1868) Scottish songwriter, novelist and portrait painter. Clipped SIGNATURE............80-120
45. Portrait
of Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone (1872-1946). Original
etching signed in pencil by the artist Franklin T. Wood
(1887-1945) master graphic artist from Hyde Park, just
outside of Boston, Massachusetts. Franklin enrolled in
the Cowles Art School in Boston, then in 1897 he transferred
to the Art Students League in New York. Like most
aspiring, young American artists, Wood went to Europe to
polish off his artistic training (1903); his home base was
Antwerp, where Charles Verlat had been the guiding
spirit. Verlat, who passed away in 1890, had spread
Thomas Couture's influence to Belgium. Both John Leslie
Breck and Edward Potthast studied under Verlat. The
image area is approx. 15-3/4 x 12 in. plus good margins.
Quality paper; another example of this portrait is in the
Harvard collection. VG.............200-300
See above
LITERATURE LOT) Thomas Louis Berger
(1924-) novelist. Probably best known for his
picaresque novel Little Big Man and the subsequent
film by Arthur Penn. TLS, 2001. Lucius Manlius Sargent (1786-1867)
author, antiquarian, and temperance advocate.
At the Boston peace celebration on February 22, 1815
(following the War of 1812), an ode of his, "Wreaths
for the Chieftain," was sung. He wrote constantly
for the newspapers and became well known for his
literary interests. He found a popular subject in
temperance reform. From 1830 till the approach of
the Civil War he spoke and wrote on this theme so
frequently and vigorously that he became one of the
most uncompromising and conspicuous leaders in the
crusade against liquor. He wrote Three Temperance
Tales (2 vols., 1848), twenty-one stories of a
tract-like nature bearing such titles as "My
Mother's Gold Ring", "I Am Afraid There Is A God",
"Groggy Harbor", and "An Irish Heart", first
published in separate issues between 1833 and 1843.
These were widely distributed by religious and
temperance societies as well as by Sargent
himself. CLIPPED SIGNATURE 1861. Leo Calvin Rosten (1908-1997)
teacher and academic, but is best known as a
humorist in the fields of scriptwriting, story
writing, journalism and Yiddish lexicography.
EMERSON (1869-1959), Author,
War Correspondent and “ROUGH RIDER”.
MOORE JACOBS (?-1960’s)
Inspirational Author and writer. “The Secret to a
Happy Life, a popular book to this day. ALS
1960, 4pp. KENNETH B.
CLARK (1914-2005) American
Educator, Author, Psychologist – ANS on title page
to his book “Dark Ghetto”, 1973. Sidney Dillon Ripley
II (1913-2001) ornithologist and wildlife
conservationist and writer Secretary of the
Smithsonian For his leadership at the Smithsonian he
was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by
Ronald Reagan in 1985, TLS 1976. Nathan Marsh Pusey (1907-2001)
university educator, writer and author. TNS,
Wilbur (b. 1921) American poet
and literary translator. He was appointed the second Poet
Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress
in 1987, and twice received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry,
in 1957 and again in 1989. SIGNATURE, inscribed
2000. Theodore Russell
Weiss (1916-2003) American poet, and
literary magazine editor. He edited (with his wife, Renee
Karol Weiss) Quarterly Review of Literature, which
published William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens, E. E.
Cummings, and Ezra Pound.In 1987, he was the subject of a
documentary, Living Poetry: A Year in the Life of a Poem,
made by Harvey Edwards. ALS, 1973. Eleanor Clark Warren (1913
–1996) American writer. She was married to Robert Penn
Warren. TLS,1990. Paul
Henry de Kruif 1890 -1971) American
microbiologist and author. He is most noted for his 1926
book, Microbe Hunters. This book was not only a bestseller
for a lengthy period after publication, it has remained
high on lists of recommended reading for science and has
been an inspiration for many aspiring physicians and
scientists. TLS, 1957. George Herbert Palmer
(1842 –1933) American scholar and author. ALS, 1908,
2pp. William
Babcock Weeden (1834-1912) American
Historian, author. ALS,1910, 2pp. James Russell Wiggins
(1903 –2000) managing editor of The Washington Post and
United States Ambassador to the United Nations. After his
tenure as ambassador, Wiggins moved to Brooklin, Maine
where he became editor and publisher of the The Ellsworth
American of Ellsworth, Maine. SIGNED 8x10
photograph; signed in dark area [poor
48. [TV] Harry Crane (1914-1999) comedy writer who helped create the long-running and perpetually rerun television show ''The Honeymooners,'' featuring Jackie Gleason. Besides writing for Mr. Gleason, Mr. Crane concocted gags and routines for Jimmy Durante, Abbott and Costello, the Marx Brothers, Milton Berle, Jerry Lewis and others. He also wrote jokes for singers like Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Dinah Shore and Perry Como, for television specials featuring Alan King and for Dean Martin's ''Celebrity Roast'' television series. Among his screenplays were ''Air Raid Wardens'' (1943), starring Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, ''The Harvey Girls'' (1946), with Judy Garland and Angela Lansbury, and ''Song of the Thin Man'' (1947), starring Myrna Loy and William Powell. Brief TLS, 1968, to Peter Lawford [actor]. "Dear Peter, Thanks for courtesy extended to my daughter and her husband. Stay well - there's a shortage of nice guys. Warmly, Harry." Accompanied with signed bank check from Harry Crane to Peter Lawford. Lawford never cached this check. Fine.........60-80
49. Prosper Montgomery
Wetmore (1798-1876) American
author and poet. Twelve bound volumes of his
correspondence are among the Delafield Family Papers in
the Princeton University Library. Born in Stratford, Ct.,
he writes a letter to Chauncey F. Cleveland, the Governor
of Connecticut. Folded stampless letter dated New York,
May 17, 1842, 1 full page + address leaf. He
engaged in business and entered into partnership with his
brother Robert in the dry-goods trade. He joined the 11th
regiment of state militia in 1819, was made major in 1824,
and colonel in 1826, held several posts on the staff of
the governor, and at one time was brigade-inspector.
In 1845-'9 he was navy-agent, and for many years he was
paymaster-general of the state militia. In 1834-'5 he
served in the legislature, was chairman of the committee
on colleges and academies, and advocated the bill to
establish the school-district libraries, tie became a
regent of the University of New York in 1833, was
president of the American art union until 1850, was chosen
secretary of the New York chamber of commerce in 1843, and
vice-president in 1849. He also aided in establishing a
line of steamships to Nicaragua. He was a founder of the
Union defense committee in April, 1861, and was its
secretary until the close of the war. General Wetmore
began to write for magazines and annuals at the age of
seventeen, and was at one time connected with the "New
York Mirror." He was a popular speaker, and in 1832 He
recited a poem, "Ambition," before a literary society of
Hamilton college. He published" Lexington, with other
Fugitive Poems" (New York, 1830) ; "Observations on the
War with Mexico" (1847)" and an edition of the " Poems of
James Nack," with a biographical notice (1838). This
letter is in very good condition, approx. 8 x 13
50. [FRANCE] Aime Giron
(1836-1907) French poet, writer, lawyer. Aimé Giron
began his literary career by publishing poems which appeared
in the Revue de Paris, while continuing his legal career in
his hometown, where he was secretary of the Academic society.
In 1863 he published The Christmas Sabot (with illustrations
by Léopold Flameng) who met a great success and was translated
into several languages. He then published the poetry
collection The Strange Loves, and Three girls in 1864 and
Mysterious new in 1866. In 1870 he abandoned as a lawyer
to defend the invaded territory. He moved to Bois-Colombes and
becomes a contributor to Figaro, the Gauls and France
Illustrated. In 1873 he published a new collection of
poems Les Cordes de Fer who obtained a warm welcome. He was
one of the most prolific writers of his time, finding his
inspiration in history and legends of the Velay. He described
the most beautiful sites, he has told the captions so that
gave rise to the desire to know the Haute-Loire, with warm
enthusiasm that gives the love of native soil. He was
distinguished on numerous occasions and in particular by the
Academy of Floral Games and the French Academy. It is
decorated in July 1899 by the Spanish Queen Regent of the
Order of Charles III on behalf of King Alfonso XIII, in return
for pro-Spanish articles he published during the
Spanish-American War in 1898. Aimé Giron is the brother
of the painter Léon Giron and the father of the Egyptologist
Christmas Giron (Giron-loved Christmas). A street in the
Puy-en-Velay bears his name. Offered here is a handwritten
poem written on 4 sides of a approx. 5-1/4 x
8-1/4 in. pages. No signature or date. VG................100-150
51. [FILM] Catherine Deneuve
(b. 1943) French actress who
gained recognition for her portrayal of aloof, mysterious
beauties. She has appeared in more than 120 films. A
14-time César Award nominee, she won for her performances
in François Truffaut's The Last Metro (1980) and Régis
Wargnier's Indochine (1992). Signed photo, 3.5 x 5
in. VG................40-60
52. [FILM] Catherine Deneuve (b.
1943) French actress who gained recognition for her
portrayal of aloof, mysterious beauties. She has
appeared in more than 120 films. A 14-time César Award
nominee, she won for her performances in François
Truffaut's The Last Metro (1980) and Régis Wargnier's
Indochine (1992). Signed photo, 5-1/4 x 4-1/4 in.
53. [FILM] Jane Russell (1921-2011) American film actress, and was one of Hollywood's leading sex symbols in the 1940s and 1950s. TLS, 1989, 1p, signed Jane. Fine..............40-60
54. [LINCOLN, MASS] Samuel Hartwell (1764-1829)
American patriot. He was a clocksmith and a sergeant
in Captain William Smith's Company of Lincoln Minutemen.
The Hartwell was located on the road between Concord and
Lexington, Mass. It was on this road in front of the house
that the British tramped when they went to Concord. In
1775, Paul Revere rode out to tell the settlers that the
British were coming, but before reaching this house,
Revere was startled by British soldiers and taken captive.
He escaped later, but Mr. Prescott returning from
Lexington, where he had been calling on a young lady,
carried the message on to Concord. The story is told that
Prescott rode through the fields and did not stop until he
reached this house. He tapped at the back door, that one
which leads out on the Terrace, and rode on. Who was
living there at the time? Sergeant Samuel Hartwell, and he
began at once to get ready to join the Lincoln Company.
Mary Flint Hartwell, his wife, asked Sukey, their negro
slave, to run down the road to Captain Smith's to warn him
about the British. It was a moonlit night, and Sukey was
frightened of the shadows, so Mrs. Hartwell asked Sukey to
hold the baby and she would go. Mary rushed down to Capt.
Smith's to warn him and returned quickly to get an early
breakfast for her husband. After he left, Mrs. Hartwell
and Sukey milked the cows and turned them out to pasture;
then Mrs. Hartwell sat quietly at home with her children
to await the return of her husband, Samuel, but
Sukey dashed into the woods back of the house and was not
seen until the next day--long after the battles were
over. Hartwell's house was to have been
burned, but when the British returned from Concord, they
were in too much of a hurry to stop. One soldier put his
bayonet through the front window and Mr. Hartwell found
the gun when he returned, repaired it, and used it for
hunting. Who was the last Hartwell to live in the house?
John Hartwell, who was born in this house in 1848. Is
there any book which describes in detail what happened on
this road in 1775? Yes, there is a book called "Heroes of
the Battle Road" written by Mr. Frank Wilson Cheney
Hersey. Offered here is an 1802 document from
Lincoln, Mass., signed by Sam Hartwell and Edmond
Wheeler (1730-1805) as Trustees. Concerns a
donation given to the town by Joseph Brooks.
Condition problems as you can see. Split in half and
heavy staining. The actual house stood
until around 1961 when it burned down. Scan below
pictures the house............200-300
[ART] Walt Kuhn (1877-1949)
Original metal etching plate, title unknown, c. 1920s , 5-3/4
x 4-5/8 in. Walt Kuhn was born in Brooklyn, and after a
period of study art in Europe, he returned to the US to work
as a cartoonist; illustrator, and developing artist. Aware of
the great surge of modernist artistic activity in Europe, he
joined with others to encourage Arthur B. Davies to get behind
the idea of bringing a great European modernist art show to
the US, and traveled with Davies to Europe to select art for
the occasion (which became the 1913 Armory Show).
Negligee was probably done c. 1920 when Kuhn, Davies, and a
few others in the US were experimenting with modernism as they
developed their printmaking skills. Kuhn successfully
continued printmaking and painting in a modernist mode for the
next 30 or so years. The picture of Kuhn was
borrowed and not offered for sale here. You are bidding
on the original plate only. ...............2500-3500
See etching
portrait of the artist
56. [ART] Walt Kuhn (1877-1949)
Original metal etching plate, title Vaudville, 3 Women, c.
1920s , 7-1/2 x 5-3/4 in. Walt Kuhn was born in
Brooklyn, and after a period of study art in Europe, he
returned to the US to work as a cartoonist; illustrator, and
developing artist. Aware of the great surge of modernist
artistic activity in Europe, he joined with others to
encourage Arthur B. Davies to get behind the idea of bringing
a great European modernist art show to the US, and traveled
with Davies to Europe to select art for the occasion (which
became the 1913 Armory Show). Negligee was probably done
c. 1920 when Kuhn, Davies, and a few others in the US were
experimenting with modernism as they developed their
printmaking skills. Kuhn successfully continued
printmaking and painting in a modernist mode for the next 30
or so years. The picture of Kuhn was borrowed and
not offered for sale here. You are bidding on the
original plate only.......2500-3500
See etching
portrait of the artist
57. [ART] Walt Kuhn at the Marie
Harriman Gallery 1934 - Original exhibition catalog of
work by Walt Kuhn at the Marie Harriman Gallery, 61-63 East 57
Street, New York, 8 pages, plus cover. There were 14 paintings
in this show, all are illustrated in this catalog. Staples are
rusted. Included is a signed 1965 bank check, signed by Brenda
Kuhn, the daughter of the artist. Provenance: Directly out of
the Kuhn Estate.............75-100
58. [ACTORS & ACTRESSES] multiple lot comprised of: [1] [THEATRE] Willis P. Sweatnam (1854-1930) Broadway actor. He was born in Zanesville, Ohio, died at the Lambs Club in NYC. The New York Times, November 26, 1930 said, " One of the Best End-Men Who Ever Cracked Jokes in a Minstrel Show. Organized Several Companies. Created a Score of Negro Characters in Comedies." Clip Signature mounted to blank page from autograph catalog. Has sentiment plus "St. James Hotel, New York." [2] [TV]Debbie Watson, (b. 1949) American movie and television actress. Born in Culver City, Los Angeles, she got her start on television, starring as the boy-struck teenage girl Karen Scott in the 1964 sitcom TV series Karen. She then went on to star in the 1965 rural themed sitcom TV series Tammy. Perhaps her best known film appearance was when she portrayed Marilyn Munster in Munster Go Home 1966. Signed [on lined side] 3x5 card. Fine. [3] [FILM] Virginia Madsen (b.1961) American actress. She came to fame during the 1980s, having appeared in several films aimed at a teenage audience. Several decades later, she once again became known after an Academy Award and Golden Globe-nominated role in the 2004 film Sideways. SIGNED, inscribed "To John" 8x10 photo. VG. [4] [THEATRE] Wilson Barrett (1846-1904) English manager, actor, and playwright. With his company, Barrett is credited with attracting the largest crowds of English theatregoers ever because of his success with melodrama, an instance being his production of The Silver King (1882) at the Princess's Theatre of London. The historical tragedy The Sign of the Cross (1895) was Barrett's most successful play, both in England and in the United States. He writes on 4-7/8 x 3" slip "I am very Virginius Wilson Barrett." [5] [THEATRE] Marshall P. Wilder - vaudeville performer. Signature. [6] [THEATRE] Daniel Frohman (1851-1940) American theatrical producer and manager and an early film producer. CLIP SIGNATURE. [7] [FILM] Nick Stuart[1904-1973] serial star of THE LOST PLANET, THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN KIDD, etc. Signature, inscribed. Scarce!. [8] [FILM] PATRICIA NEAL - actress. Her signature on imprinted 3 x 5 card. [9] [CINEMA] Leo Chalzel [1901-1953] actor. In Ida Lipino's film "Men In White." Small clipping about him signed in ink, 1938........80-120
59. [MIXED LOT OF AUTOGRAPHS] Comprised of: [1] Edward Martin (1879-1967) Gov. Pennsylvania & US Senator. Signature. [2] Alexandra Danilova (1903-1997) Russian-born prima ballerina who became an American citizen. She had a long intimate relationship with George Balanchine although they never officially married. Signed, inscribed 3x5 card. Fine. [3] Hiram Walbridge (1821-1870) U.S. Rep. from NY. Signature. [4] Peter W. Strader (1818-1881) U.S. Rep. from Ohio. Signature. [5] Charles Stewart (1840-1907) English zoologist and comparative anatomist. Stewart was born in Plymouth and studied at St Bartholomew's Hospital, receiving his MRCS in 1862. He was Conservator of the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England from 1884 to 1900, in succession to William Henry Flower. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society on 4 June 1896, and he was the president of the Linnean Society from 1890 to 1894. Brief ALS, 1901, 1p. "Dear Sir, I have arranged for the visit of your party on Oct. 5th. Yours truly C. Stewart. VG. [6] Sir Thomas Brooke-Pechell, 2nd Baronet (1753-1826) Major General. Signed address panel postmarked 1833. [7] Moses Norris, Jr. (1799-1855) United States Representative and Senator from New Hampshire. Clip Signature. Click to see signature [8] G. MONOD [Monod, Gabriel-Jean-Jacques. 1844-1912]. French historian. Founder and director of Revue historique (1875); lectured at École des Hautes Études, École Normale Supérieure; professor, Collège de France (1905). Author of Allemands et Français (1872), Études critiques sur les sources de l' histoire mérovingienne (1872-85), etc. ANS, in English. Clipped from a letter but complete in itself. Mounted. No year. [9] Jonathan Chace (1829-1917) US Representative and Senator from Rhode Island. He was also the nephew of famed 19th century abolitionist Elizabeth Buffum Chace and had himself been active in the Underground Railroad during his time in Philadelphia, where he operated a dry goods store. CLIP SIGNATURE. [10] Alan Dershowitz (b. 1938) American lawyer, and political commentator. He is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. He is known for his career as an attorney in several high-profile law cases. SIGNED 3x5 card.............100-150
60. MYSTERY LOT of about 74 pieces from 19th & 20th century. Includes: letters; documents; and various ephemera. Oldest item in this lot is 1815. Good lot for eBay sellers or those who like researching items.....80-120
62. [FRANCE] Francois-Joseph
Belanger (1744 – 1818) French
architect and decorator working in the Neoclassic style.
Bélanger designed and constructed numerous hôtels
particuliers for Parisian aristocrats and bankers. He
designed the Château de Méréville for Jean-Joseph de
Laborde, 1784–86. He designed interiors for the Hôtel
Baudart de Saint-James, 12 Place Vendôme, and influenced
garden designs of the epoch. Rare
document signed, 1816, 1 page., 7-1/4 x 9-3/4".
Very fine condition.............100-150
63. [MEDICINE] Guido Patinus
(Guy Patin, 1601-1672) French doctor and man of letters.
Guy Patin was doyen (or dean) of the Faculty of Medicine in
Paris (1650–1652) and professor in the Collège de France
starting in 1655. His scientific and medical works are not
considered particularly enlightened by modern medical scholars
(he has sometimes been compared to the doctors in the works of
Molière). He is most well known today for his extensive
correspondence: his style was light and playful (he has been
compared to early 17th century philosophical libertines) and
his letters are an important document for historians of
medicine. Patin and his son Charles were also dealers in
clandestine books, and Patin wrote occasional poetry (such as
a quatrain to honor Henric Piccardt (1636-1712). In 1627
he took the degree of doctor regent of the Faculty of Medicine
of Paris first thesis presidency December 16, 1627). In many
respects, Guy Patin is regarded as a spirit of the sixteenth
century lost in the Model: S-XVII. [translated from the
French]. Whatever that means! Offered here is a
clip signature written on 3-3/4 x 5/8 in. slip, laid to
larger piece of paper. VG. dated 1627, the year he became
a doctor. Most unusual offering. Far too
much time spent researching this offering. The picture showing
is not included with this autograph............100-150
See autograph
See his
[ART] ROY CHARLES FOX (1908-1993)
American artist. Member of Print Council of America; Rochester
Print Club; Cooperstown Art Association; Elmira Art Club. His
work is in the permanent collections of Elmira College, Arnot
Art Museum, Florida Southern, etc. He exhibited at Audubon
Artists 1942-44; Saranac Lake Art League 1943 & 1944;
Northwest Print Makers 1944-48; Wawasee Art Gallery 1944 &
45; Laguna Beach AA 1944 & 45; Oakland Art Gallery 1944
& 45; Phila. Print Club 1956; Phila. Etchers 1962; Albany
Print Club 1947; Grand Central Galleries (NY) 1946; Corning
Glass Center 1965, etc. Offered here is a large signed
watercolor, winter scene dated 1977, approx. 15 x 22". Fine
65. [ART] Auguste Nicholas Cain (1822-1894) was a noted French sculptor known for his portrayals of wild and domesticated animals. ALS, no date, 1p, 4.5 x 7 in. VG.............50-75
66. [MUSIC] Rod McKuen (1933-2015) American singer-songwriter, musician and poet. Signed and inscribed sketch, dated Paris 1977, approx. 8-1/2 x 6-3/4 in. Fine..................80-120
67. "Chuck" Jones (1912-2002) American animator, cartoon artist, screenwriter, producer, and director of animated films, most memorably of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies shorts for the Warner Bros. Cartoons studio. He directed many classic animated cartoon shorts starring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, Pepé Le Pew, Porky Pig and a slew of other Warner characters. Signed , inscribed 6x8 in. color print of various cartoon characters he developed. Dated 1985. VG...............80-120
68. [WORLD WAR 11] The following are 37 pages from the diary of the American physicist Louis W. McKeehan (1887-1975) Director of the Physics Laboratories Yale. He took leave of his teaching position to help out with the war effort. He was the driving force behind the creation of the torpedo called Fido. Capt. Louis McKeehan, head of the Mine Warfare Branch of the Bureau of Ordnance. Scientists at the Naval Torpedo Station at Newport, Rhode Island had been considering acoustic homing torpedoes for fifteen years but insisted that torpedoes made too much noise themselves to be able to home on any external noise source and until McKeehan came along to challenge them they seemed to have a point. But McKeehan was not a career naval officer. He was a reserve officer, on active duty for the duration, whose peacetime job was director of the physics laboratories at Yale University. Unimpressed by the received wisdom of Navy engineers, McKeehan turned to HUSL and BTL where his idea for an acoustic homing torpedo quickly bore fruit. With support and funding from the NDRC, HUSL and BTL proved Newport wrong and only seventeen months after the beginning of the project Fido had entered service and made his first kill. After the war, the scientists at Bell Labs who had worked on Fido returned to telephone work, Captain McKeehan returned to Yale, and Harvard - like some other universities - anxious to shed the military connection as soon as possible took back its buildings and ended its classified work. Louis McKeehan was, among other things, author of Yale Science: The First Hundred Years, 1701-1801 (New York: H. Schuman, 1947). In order starting from March 10, 1941 to May 25, 1941. His daily activities during his services helping the navy during the war. VG...............200-300
69. Frederic William Farrar (1831-1903)
was a cleric of the Church of England (Anglican),
schoolteacher and author. He was a pallbearer at the funeral
of Charles Darwin in 1882. He was a member of the Cambridge
Apostles secret society. ALS, Westminster, April 9
[1877], 3pp. Mounting traces on back of blank page; edge. Both
affect nothing.............50-75
[FRANCE] Rare National Assembly
Decret dated August 16, 1792. Unusual way
of marking the year: Year 4 of Liberty {but not of Republic,
as the Republican calendar has not started yet. One month
before Abolition of Royalty, and the day before creation of
the Criminal Tribunal. Contains accusation of Louis Hardouin
Tarbé, senior French official. He was very attached to the
king, he managed to hide and subsequently refused any
job. Signed Danton in print, also signed Arrien
& Marun in ink. Approx. 7.5 x 9.5 in., 3pp.
71. [CIVIL
WAR] Francis Edward Heath
(1838-1897) Civil War Union Brevet Brigadier General. He
began his service in the Union Army on June 4, 1861 when
he was commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant in Company H, 3rd
Maine Volunteer Infantry. Promoted to Captain and
commander of the company on September 12, 1861, he led his
men through the Spring 1862 Peninsular Campaign in
Virginia. He was then tabbed to be the Lieutenant Colonel
of the newly raised 19th Maine Volunteer Infantry, being
commissioned on August 26, 1862. He was raised to Colonel
and regimental commander on February 12, 1863, and led the
unit at the July 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,
where it fought on Cemetery Ridge during the Second Day
(July 2) of the battle. There, placed by Major General
Winfield Scott Hancock, Colonel Heath directed his men as
they fired eight volleys that stopped the Confederate
charge on the position. He would continue to lead the
regiment through the summer and fall of 1863, then
resigned on November 4, 1863. On March 13, 1865 he was
brevetted Brigadier General, US Volunteers for
"meritorious services". Today a monument stands for the
19th Maine Infantry on Hancock Avenue near the Copse of
Trees in the Gettysburg National Military Park. Almost 53%
of the 19th Maine Regt. were lost at the Battle of
Gettysberg. Manuscript document signed at
conclusion by Heath [signed in ink], dated
1896, 3 pages. Business agreement. The picture of
Col. Heath is not included here..........200-300
Scan 1
Scan 2
Scan 3
of Heath in uniform
[MILITARY] Christain Hanson - Troop "G" 1st Cavalry,
Fort Walla Walla, Washington Territory. He writes a 4 page
letter to his friend Dick [no cover]. Dated Feb. 5,
1884. Apparently he has just heard from Dick after 10
years. Says there are too many new fangled ideas now in
the service; mentions several commanding officers; mentioned
mutual friends who have died; Doc Miller was shot and killed
at target practice. One of the fold line has a half
74. Lloyd Bridges [1913-1998]
American actor. Signed rider to a contract "Where the artist
agrees to pay commission to agent...". Not dated,
75. (ART) Charles Albert Waltner [1846-1925] this celebrated etcher was born in Paris, France. He first studied in the atelier of Gerome, but abandoned painting after about two years instruction, subsequently devoting himself entirely to etching, in which art he soon acquired a great reputation. Original etching titled "Forbidden Fruit" after painting by J.E. Millais, R.A. dated 1875 in plate. Published 1880. 10-1/4 x 8 plus margins............100-150
76. [MIXED LOT] [1] To Organize Gov. of Nebraska - Speech of Joseph R. Chandler, of Penn. on the Bill to organize Territorial Government in Nebraska. Delivered to the House of Rep., April 5, 1854. 7-pp. VG. See speech above [2] [BOER WAR] stereo-view photograph card issued 1900, Underwood & Underwood. When the Cannon's Roar is Still - men sleeping by their stacked arms. VG. [3] [SINGER SEWING] EDWIN DEAN - Singer Sewing machine agent from Missouri. ALS, St. Louis, 1866, 2 separate pages, 4to. To The Singer Manuf. Co. describing a trade fair "at which $20,000 will be distributed in premiums and which will be attended by 50,000 persons at least..." Says he will distribute Singer products to stimulate business. On Singer Co. letterhead. Light stain along edge from mounting trace on back. Page 1 Page 2 [4] Benjamin Penhallow Shillaber (1814 - 1890) American humorist. Clip signature. [5] S. Parkes Cadman (1864-1936) American clergyman, newspaper writer, and pioneer Christian radio broadcaster of the 1920s and 1930s. He was an early advocate of ecumenism and an outspoken opponent of anti-Semitism and racial intolerance. By the time of his death in 1936, he was called "the foremost minister of Congregational faith" by the New York Times. ANS on card. [6] Nat C. Goodwin (1857-1919) American actor and vaudevillian. Signature. [7] Senator Lloyd Bentsen - TLS, 1989, 1p. [autopen?] [8] Clyde Fitch (1865-1909) American dramatist. Clip signature. [9] Edward J. Phelps (1822-1900) lawyer and diplomat from Vermont. [10] Lee Iacocca - signed 8x10 photo.........75-100
Titanic Disaster 1912
See portrait of Rajon [borrowed from the internet]
79. [ART] Etienne-Gabriel Bocourt (1821-1882) French etcher. Original etching, portrait of the artist Gustave Courbet, image approx. 9-1/4 x 6-1/4" plus margins. The soft crease in scan below is not that visible in real life. VG............100-150
83. [CINEMA] Melanie Griffith (b. 1957) Golden Globe-award winning and Oscar-nominated American film actress. DOCUMENT SIGNED, Oct. 6, 1980, 1p. Contract with International Creative Management. ..............50-75
See above
The Amazing Kreskin
(b. 1935), born George Joseph
Kresge, is a mentalist who
became popular on North
American television in the
1970s. Signed & inscribed
4 x 5-1/4" photo.
ROLL LOT] signed 3x5 cards, (*inscribed] by: Mary
Wilson*, Chubby Checker*, Bobby Sherman*, Billy Idol,
Frankie Avalon, Bobby Vinton, Alice Cooper, Eric
Singer. 7 autographs. VG. Not subject to return
if one or more of the autographs are secretartial. Multiple
lots are non-returnable..........100-150
92. MYSTERY LOT of about 93 pieces from 19th & 20th century. Includes: letters; documents; a few autographs; 5 bank checks signed by the noted artist, Douglas Volk, known for his portraits of Abraham Lincoln, one used on postage stamp, and various ephemera. Oldest item in this lot is 1838. There is also an 1842 document signed by R.G. Hazard [look him up], and a 1945 TLS by Commodore Badt. Good lot for eBay sellers or those who like researching items.....125-225
[ART] Sir
HUBERT von HERKOMER, (1849-1914,
painter, R.A., R.W.S.) SELF-PORTRAIT, original etching, head and
shoulders, with his children Siegfried and Elsa below
half-length as a vignette, signed ('HH') and dated '79 on the
plate, titled 'Published London April 1st 1880 by The British
and Foreign Artists Association', 'Entered according to act of
Congress in the year 1880 by Knoedler & Co in the office of
the Librarian of Congress at Washington', extremely fine
impression, 13-1/2 x 8 in. Herkomer regarded this as his
best etching. He described the circumstances of the production
of it when on a camping trip to Wales in 1879. 'As I knew the
painting of one landscape would not give me sufficient
occupation for so many weeks, I took with me all the
paraphernalia of the etcher - plates, grounds, dishes, acids,
and a small printing press (an invention of Mr Hamerton's). This
wretched little contrivance proved utterly inadequate for my
work. In order to get a decent impression we tightened the
rollers to their last gasp, and then we dragged the whole
machine around the tent in the vain attempt to turn the toy
handles. Still, it was under these circumstances that I did -
what I consider my best etching - a portrait of (the handy
model) myself, with my two children in the lower corner of the
plate.' Very good condition. In an auction at
Bonhams [London] [2005] another example of this etching
was estimated at £500 - 600 US$ 840 - 1,000. It
realized $730.........700-900
94. [MIXED LOT] [1] Ben Spock (1903-1998) American pediatrician whose book Baby and Child Care, published in 1946, is one of the biggest best-sellers of all time. Signed card. [2]Bainbridge Wadleigh (1831-1891) US Senator from New Hampshire. SIGNED CARD, DATED 1874. [3] [CABINET] William DeWitt Mitchell [1874-1955] U.S. Attorney General for the entirety of Herbert Hoover's Presidency. Born in Winona, Minnesota, he received his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Minnesota. After he was admitted to the Minnesota bar he began practicing law in St. Paul. Mitchell served as an infantry officer during the Spanish-American War and World War I. On June 4, 1925, he was appointed Solicitor General of the United States. President Hoover appointed him Attorney General of the United States on March 4, 1929, and he held that office until March 4, 1933. Mitchell then settled in New York City where he practiced law. He was named chairman of the Committee on Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and chief counsel of the joint congressional committee investigating the attack on Pearl Harbor. He died in 1955, in Syosset, New York. signed 3-3/4 X 2-1/4 IN. card. [4] Samuel John "Lamorna" Birch, RA, RWS (1869 - 1955) was an artist in oils and watercolours. At the suggestion of fellow artist Stanhope Forbes, Birch adopted the soubriquet "Lamorna" to distinguish himself from Lionel Birch, an artist who was also working in the area at that time. Lamorna Birch was born in Egremont in Cheshire, England. He was self-taught as an artist, other than for a brief period of study at the Académie Colarossi in Paris during 1895. He is thought of as a painter of northern England, but his most important period was when he settled in Lamorna, Cornwall in 1902, and many of his most famous pictures date from this time and the beautiful Lamorna Cove is usually their subject matter. He exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1892. He held his first one man exhibition at the Fine Art Society in 1906. He is said to have produced more than 20,000 pictures. The exhibition Shades of British Impressionism Lamorna Birch and his Circle was shown at Warrington Museum & Art Gallery in the Mezzanine in October 2004. This details his links with Henry Scott Tuke and Thomas Cooper Gotch and many others who settled in the artists' colony in the 1880s and 1890s. "These painters helped to change the face of British art. Their emphasis on colour and light, truth and social realism brought about a revolution in British art." says the catalogue for the show. SIGNED CARD dated 1935. VG. [5] MYSTERY LOT - 9 misc. autographs, unidentified and not researched. There will be several of these Mystery Lots offered elsewhere in this auction. For those who prefer to do the research. See signatures [6] Douglas Volk - American artist famous for his portrait of Lincoln used for postage stamp. His Lincoln portrait hangs in the Lincoln Bedroom in The White House. Signed 1922 bank check. [7] H.S. Bundy - Congressman from Ohio. Signature. [8] TAYLOR, Joseph Danner [1830-1899] Representative from Ohio; during the Civil War entered the Union Army as a captain in the Eighty-eighth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; was judge advocate of the Department of Indiana in 1863 and 1864 SIGNATURE. [9] HATCH, Herschel Harrison [1837-1920] Representative from Michigan. SIGNATURE. [10] etching by A. Lalauze, portrait of Alain Rene Lesage........100-150
[ART] Sir Hubert
von Herkomer CVO
(1849-1914) British
painter of German
descent, and also a
pioneering film-director
and composer. Though a
very successful
portraitist, especially of
men, he is mainly
remembered for his earlier
works that took a
realistic approach to the
conditions of life of the
poor. Hard Times, showing
the family of a travelling
day-labourer at the side
of a road, is probably his
best known work. Original
etching, title "The
Poacher's Fate", plate
signed, image approx. 14
x 10-1/4" plus margins.
Done c. 1880. Herkomer
etched this print after
one of his own
96. (ART) (JASPER JOHNS) original multiple. New York. Museum of Modern Art. Text by Riva Castleman Technics and Creativity Gemini GEL, 1971, 10.5 x 8.5 in. stiff wrappers in plastic clamshell box. 108 pp. 364 mostly thumbnail illustrations (20 full size in color), bibliography, index of artists. A Catalogue raisonne (to early 1971), published in a boxed edition of 22,500, with its problematic Jasper Johns "Target," an offset lithograph with applique paintbrush and three watercolor disks, in addition to the print , which is glued to the inside front cover of the box). Box also contains the catalog, a sheet of protective foam. The foam sheet is normally discolored and usually has three circular offprints from the watercolor disks. According to Richard S. Field ("Jasper Johns Prints 1970-1977"), the image was derived from a pencil drawing and collage of 1960 in the Sonnabend collection. A hand-pulled edition of 50 copies and six artists proofs was printed by Kenneth Tyler at Gemini in 1971. The offset edition was produced by Graphic Press, Los Angeles. Johns's participation in this enterprise was, at best, limited to the Gemini printing, which was hand-signed and numbered. The signature on the MoMA target was mechanically reproduced [the one offered here]. If it appears to have been signed in ink or pencil, forgery is indicated. The white clamshell box is spotted but intact. The other main factor involving this multiple is the condition of the offset target lithograph. As is often the case a former owner has wetted the watercolor blocks and started to paint the target but has only painted a small part in yellow. The brush is often missing as is missing here. VG condition.............300-400
Clamshell box
[FILM] Walter Newman
(1916-1993) American radio writer and screenwriter active
from the late 1940s to the early 1990s. He was nominated three
times for Academy Awards (Ace in the Hole, Cat Ballou, and
Bloodbrothers), but he may be best known for a work that never
made it to the screen: his unproduced original script Harrow
Alley. Newman's radio writing included scripts for Escape,
Suspense, and The Halls of Ivy as well as the first broadcast
episode of Gunsmoke. He is not officially credited for his
screenplays for The Magnificent Seven and The Great Escape,
having renounced credit after sharp disagreements with the
director, John Sturges in both cases, over changes made during
shooting. Document Signed, his pay check from Warner Bros.,
1984, endorsed on verso by Newman. Fine.
99. [NOBEL PRIZE] WERNER ARBER (b. 1929) Swiss microbiologist and geneticist. Along with American researchers Hamilton Smith and Daniel Nathans, Werner Arber shared the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of restriction endonucleases. Their work would lead to the development of recombinant DNA technology. SIGNED card with sentiment. Fine...........25-35
100. Charles R. Van Hise,
Ph.D. (1857-1918) American geologist and academic. He served
as president of the University of Wisconsin (UW) in Madison,
Wisconsin, from 1903 to 1918. In 1904, as president of the
university, he declared that "the beneficent influence of the
university [be] available to every home in the state," later
articulated as the "Wisconsin Idea." He was instrumental in
the formation of the University of Wisconsin Extension
division, which later grew into the University of Wisconsin
System. During his tenure, UW's medical college was
established, the number of faculty doubled and the
university's revenue increased fourfold. Van Hise worked as a
consulting geologist for the United States Geological Survey
from 1909 -1918 and published several works for them. He
served as the president of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science in 1916. TLS, U. of Wisc., July 3,
1908, 1p, 8.5 x 11". To Ira Remsen, President Carnegie
Institution. "Your letter asking me to serve on a committee of
the National Academy with reference to the consolidation and
correlation of government scientific work is received. While I
am sorry to undertake any additional work, the importance of
the duty you suggest for me is such that I feel I should
accept. This I do, because in the past I have known somewhat
intimately of the work of some of the departments of the
government, but at present have no connection with any of
them." Mail folds o/w VG............75-100
Portrait of
Van Hise
101. James B. Longacre (1794-1869) American
engraver, b. Delaware Co., Pa. Known for his work in The
National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans (4 vols.,
1834-39); chief engraver, U.S. Mint (1844-69). Original portrait
engraving of Josiah Stoddard Johnston
(1784-1833) United States Representative and Senator from
Louisiana. Image size 3-1/2 x 4-1/2 in. plus clean margins.
Old Regime (Royal) Decrees Are Rare
103. [FRANCE] FRENCH REVOLUTION DECRET De La Convention Nationale, No. 194, 25 Nov. 1792, dated 2 months after abolition of Royalty, signed in type Monge & Garot. 3-pages, approx. 7-3/4 x 9-1/4". Excellent condition............80-120
Page 2
104. [FRANCE] Émile Auguste Étienne Martin Deschanel (1819-1904) French author and politician, the father of Paul Deschanel, the 11th President of the French Republic. His works include: Études sur Aristophane (1867), Le Romantisme des classiques (1882), and the controversial Catholicisme et socialisme (1850). As a result, Napoleon III forced him into exile between 1851 and 1859. He later became a professor at the Collège de France and in 1881 became a lifetime member of the French senate. A street bearing his name is located in Paris's VIIe arrondissement bordering the Champs de Mars. ALS, 1869, 3pp, 5-1/4 x 8". Not translated. One soiled corner.........50-75
105. [FRANCE] Pierre Brisson [1896-1964] long-time editor of Le Figaro.
ALS, 1962, 1p., written on Le Figaro letterhead. To Mrs.
Robert Kemp speaking about her husband, who was an important
critic. Fine...........50-75
107. [FRANCE] Joseph Dubosc,
count of Pesquidoux (1869-1946), known as Joseph de Pesquidoux,
was a French writer. In 1927 he won the Grand prix de
littérature de l'Académie française, of which he was elected a
member in 1936. He was also elected mainteneur of the Académie
des Jeux floraux in 1938. Lengthy ALS, 1938, on postal card.
108. [FRANCE] Pierre Barillet [b.1923] dramatist. ALS, 1967, on both sides,
8-1/4 x 10-1/2. Speaks about translation of Black Comedy and
Peter Shaffer. VG.............60-80
109. [FRANCE] Pierre Martin Victor Richard de Laprade (1812-1883), known as Victor de Laprade, was a French poet and critic. After completing his studies at Lyon, he produced, in 1839, a small volume of religious verse, Les Parfums de Madeleine. This was followed in 1840 by La colère de Jesus, in 1841 by the religious fantasy of Psyche, and in 1844 by Odes et poèmes. In 1845 Laprade visited Italy on a mission of literary research, and in 1847 he was appointed professor of French literature at Lyon. The Académie française, by a single vote, preferred Émile Augier at the election in 1857, but in the following year Laprade was chosen to fill the place vacated by Alfred de Musset. In 1861 Laprade was removed from his post at Lyon owing to the publication of a poem satirising the Second Empire (Les Musées d'Etat), and in 1871 was elected to the National Assembly as a conservative. A statue was erected in his memory at Montbrison. ALS, 1872, 3pp, to the French poet Aime Giron. 5-1/4 x 8-1/4 in. VG............60-80
110. [FRANCE] Marcel Achard (1899-1974) French playwright and screenwriter whose popular sentimental comedies maintained his position as a highly-recognizable name in his country's theatrical and literary circles for five decades. He was elected to the Académie française in 1959. The second Clouseau film, A Shot in the Dark, was based on a 1961 Broadway farce of the same name written by Harry Kurnitz (who in turn had adapted his play from L'idiote, by French author Marcel Achard). Kurnitz is sometimes given credit for inspiring the Clouseau phenomenon, though in fact it seems he had no hand in the first Pink Panther film. Offered here is Marcel Achard's personal imprinted card, unsigned, on which he has penned 2 lines in French. Approx. 4.5 x 3.5". Fine...........25-35
111. [FRANCE] François
Debret (1777-1850) French architect. He was
the brother-in-law of fellow architect Felix Duban, and among
his students and apprentices was Antoine-Nicolas Bailly. A pupil
of Percier, he in turn became an important teacher of many
architects who were destined to transform Paris under Haussmann.
ALS, 1830, 1p. To the painter Blondel. VG...........75-100
112. [FRANCE] Arvède Barine (1840-1908) French writer and historian. Arvède Barine was the pseudonym of Mme. Charles Vincens, born Louise-Cécile Bouffé. She mostly wrote on the subject of women, but she also wrote about travel and the political issues of the day. ALS, 1895, written on both sides of 4.5 x 3.5 in. card............40-60
113. [FRANCE] ELIE BERTHET [1815-1891] Fr. novelist. ALS, 1877, 1p. About the book Picturesque Trip in Spain." Not translated. VG..........40-60
114. [FRANCE] GABRIELLE REVAL, pseudonym de Mme. Fernand Fleuret [1870-1938] Fr. writer. ALS, Paris, 1928, on both sides. Not translated but interesting content about the first adaptation made for the film from her novel L'lnfante a la Rose. And what a sad experience it has been. They even changed the ending without her permission. Fine..................75-100
115. [FRANCE] (AUGUSTE ALPHONSE) ETIENNE-GALLOIS [1809-1890] Fr. writer, traveler. ALS, no date, 1p............50-75
Father of Modern Palm Reading
116. Adolphe Desbarrolles (1801-1886) French artist. He is considered the father of modern chiromancy, aka palmistry or palm reading. He was a friend of Alex. Dumas; accompanied Dumas on many of his trips abroad. ALS, 1860, 1-1/2 pages, 8vo. Speaks about Humbolt's Cosmos. Not translated. VG............100-150
117. Albert Auguste Cochon de Lapparent (1839-1908) French geologist. In 1879 he prepared an important memoir for the geological survey of France on the Pays de Bray , a subject on which he had already published several memoirs, and in 1880 he served as president of the Société Géologique de France. In 1881-1883 he published his Traité de géologie, a well-regarded textbook of stratigraphy. ALS, 1891, 1p, 4-1/4 x 7 in. Color pencil notations at top............50-75
118. [FRANCE] Madame de Thebes - French palmist and prophet. She was born in 1845 and died in 1916. She carried on a business as a palmist at her salon in the Avenue de Wagram in Paris, and each year at Christmas published prophecies which enjoyed a wide circulation. She was said to have predicted the Boer War and the Russo-Japanese War. ANS, no date, written on both sides of 4.5 x 3.5 in. card. VG.........50-75
119. [FRANCE] Jules Mary [1851-1922] Fr. novelist, the modern Alexandre
Dumas. Two ALSs, dates [?], 1p and 3pp. The long letter is to a
woman novelist with a long criticism of her novel. Both
121. A. CLEVELAND HALL - American poet. Two AMS's. His poem "The Sea" signed and dated June 1891 and "The Year Grows Old" signed and dated Oct. 1890. Both are tipped into folders.............50-75
122. Two Manuscript Documents Signed relating to an 18th century Bass family in Virginia. First is a receipt dated 12/10/1795 and reading "Received in full of Archad Bass and Thomas Bass his father from the beginning of the world to this day. It is signed by Isaac Micaels (by his mark), approx. 8x3 in. The second document gives an accounting (in pounds, shillings and pence), "being the balance which I am due Alexander Bass for the rent of his plantation." It is signed by Wm. Goode and dated July 1, 1801. Approx. 6.5 x 4 in. G/VG..............35-45
123. [CONRAD, CHARLES M.] Conrad was Secretary of War under Fillmore. This lot includes two ALS's written by Anne H. Lloyd. As one of the letters is addressed to Hon. Charles M. Conrad in Washington and is written to "My precious Jean', and signed "Your loving mother", it appears that the writer was Conrad's mother-in-law. One letter,1p dated Sep. 5th 1852 to "My precious children" begins "I have news for you that will gladden our hearts and I trust fill you with thankfulness. Our beloved Nelson is with us. We are all happy and I trust thankful that after peril by land and by water he is brought to us safely in health. He was shipwrecked twice on his journey home and lost everything but the clothes on his back." The second letter is 3 full pages plus an integral address leaf. It is dated Nov. 24th 1857. It is written to "My precious Jean". It primarily consists of interesting family news. In part, "I knew you would feel a great deal as to the intelligence my last letter conveyed. I must reply to parts of yours. When our Heavenly Father afflicts us, we should ever remember that there is mercy in his judgments. Altho we see it not it is far more comfortable to feel that he does not willingly afflict his children and to say at all times "Tho he slay me yet will I trust him." More religious content follows.............40-60
124. BALILES, GERALD L. Governor of Virginia 1986-90. Two letters. The first dated January 29, 1981 as a member of the House of Delegates thanks addressee for a contribution to his campaign for Attorney General and briefly discussing the campaign. The second letter is dated Sept. 16, 1981 and on letterhead of his campaign organization. This letter is soliciting campaign funds and is signed "Jerry".........20-30
125. MOORE, ARCH A., JR. Governor of West Virginia 1969-77 and 85-89. He was also a Congressman 1957-69. As governor, he writes thanking a company for it contribution to the West Virginia Recovery Foundation. With a West Virginia lapel pin affixed. During World War II, He received a disfiguring wound in the jaw during fighting in Germany. Moore was left for dead for two days in a German farmer's beet field after 33 of the 36 members of his platoon died in battle . Very fine...........20-30
126. CAMPBELL, CARROLL A., JR. Governor of South Carolina 1987-95. Letter as Congressman dated April 11, 1983 to a constituent discussing his views of a number of important political issues..........20-30
127. BAILEY WILLIS (1857-1949), noted geologist; subject of an Argentine biography as a result of his surveys for a railroad across the Andes; a glacier wall in Mt. Rainier Park is named for him; son of Nathaniel Parker Willis, editor and writer. His papers are in the Huntington Library in Pasadena, CA. A collection of 3 letters - two ALS plus an LS - all to E. H. Frost re books and maps..............75-100
129. SAM JONES - Hall of Fame basketball player with Boston Celtics. 2 signatures - one on a 3 x 5 card ("Kindest Regards"); the other on the faded program of a 1972 high school basketball luncheon. The program is badly faded; the signature is not..........25-35
131. [MARYLAND] George L. Radcliffe (1877- 1974) Democratic member of the United States Senate, representing the State of Maryland from 1935-1947. GROUP of 3 TLSs, 1939-1942, all 1p., to King V. Hostick, sending autograph...........40-60
132. [MARYLAND] Paul Sarbanes (b. 1933) a Democrat, is a former United States Senator who represented the state of Maryland. Sarbanes was the longest-serving senator in Maryland history, having served from 1977 until 2007. Group of 3 TLSs, 1977-80, 1p. each. To the President of a financial company, regarding various bills......40-60
133. WINTON M. BLOUNT [1921-2002] Postmaster General under Nixon. Typed Letter Signed, May 17, 1968, as president of Chamber of Commerce of the US, welcoming a new member. VG.............25-35
134. William Vann Rogers, generally known as Will Rogers, Jr. [1911-1993], was the son of legendary humorist Will Rogers [1879-1935] and his wife, the former Betty Blake [1879-1944]. He was a Democratic Congressman from California from January 3, 1943 until May 23, 1944, when he resigned to return to the United States Army. Rogers had several other careers, notably as a newspaper owner/publisher, an actor, writer, and a political commentator. Signature in return address clipped from envelope.....20-30
135. Ossie Davis (1917-2005)
American film actor, director, poet, playwright, writer, and
social activist. Clip Signature.....15-20
136. [WISC.] Warren P. Knowles (1908-1993) Governor of Wisconsin. Lengthy TLS, 1969, 1p, as governor. About taxes. VG...............25-35
137. [THEATRE] ANTON LANG [1875-1938] Enacted the role of Christ in the famous Oberammergau Passion Plays in the early 20th century. DS, Oberammergau, Germany, Oct. 14, 1922. Postal receipt sent from Cleveland, Ohio. Signed in pencil........25-35
138. JOHN SCHNEIDER - actor. ISP, color 8x10...................20-30
139. PETER BROWN - actor. SP, 4x6. Signed 1997...................15-25
141. DEAN JONES - actor. ISP, 3-1/2 x 5-1/4.......................15-20
142. MITZI GAYNOR - actress. Sig/inscribed 6x4 picture................10-15
143. [IDAHO] Weldon B. Heyburn (1852-1912) U.S. Senator from Idaho from 1903 - 1912. The city of Heyburn is named for him, as is Mount Heyburn. Signed Riggs National Bank check, 1909. Good clear signature............25-35
144. Richard Pike Bissell (1913-1977) American author of
short stories and novels. One of which, 7 1/2 Cents, was turned into the Broadway
musical The
Pajama Game.
This won him (along with co-author George Abbott) the 1955 Tony
Award for Best Musical. He wrote a book about the experience
called Say,
Darling, which
chronicled the ins and outs of a broadway musical production and
featured characters based on those (such as Harold Prince) he
worked with; this book was also turned into a musical, also
called Say, Darling, in 1958. ALS, 1965, 1p, inquiring about a job for his
son who was coming for the summer to Boothbay, Maine. Written to the owner of the
Boothbay Theatre Museum. VG..........50-75
145. [MUSIC] Birgit Nilsson (1918-2005) celebrated Swedish
dramatic soprano who specialized in operatic and symphonic
works. ALS, no
date, on 4-1/4 x 5-3/4 card. VG..........30-40
146. Herbert G. Klein - Asst. to Pres. Nixon. Sig./inscribed business card [White House].....15-20
147. W.S. Lilly - British essayist. ALS, 1870, 2pp..........25-35
148. ROBERT FITZGERALD (1910-1985) American Poet/Critic/Translator. He started out as a reported for the New York Hearald Tribune, then worked as a writer for Time Magazine. His poetry is collected in "A Wreath for the Sea(1943),In the rose of Time(1956), Spring Shade(1971). Translated The Odyssey, The Iliad, and The Aeneid. SIGNATURE/inscribed with sentiment on Harvard University Stationary, dtd 5/27/73...........20-30
149. Cyril
Ritchard (1897-1977) Australian stage,
screen and television actor, and director. He is probably best
remembered today for his campy performance as Captain Hook in
the Mary Martin musical production of Peter Pan. DOCUMENT
SIGNED, April 21, 1961, 1p, 4to. An agreement to appear on the
Hy Gardner Show [TV]. Fine............50-75
150. Madeline Vanderpool [d.1995] Am. Sculptor. Sig. [on verso] 3x4 photo of her 1934 bronze sculpture.......20-30
(1908-1991) Chinese-born American reproductive biologist. His
specific area of study was the fertilisation process in
mammalian reproduction. Though his career produced findings that
are important and valuable to many areas in the field of
fertilisation, including his work on in vitro fertilisation
which led to the first "test tube baby", he was best known to
the world for his contribution to the development of the
combined oral contraceptive pill at the Worcester Foundation for
Experimental Biology. Signed 3x5 card. Fine..........40-60
153. [FILM] Susan Strasberg (1938-1999) American actress. After a widely praised performance as a teenager in Picnic, Strasberg originated the title role in the Broadway production of The Diary of Anne Frank at the age of 18 and was nominated for a Tony Award. SIGNED 1972 bank check. VG.......50-75
154. Lynn Johnston - Canadian cartoonist. Typed note signed, 1990.....20-30
155. [ART/THEATRE] John Seymour Lucas (1849-1923) Victorian English historical and portrait painter as well as an accomplished theatrical costume designer. As his reputation grew, Lucas increasingly mixed in society circles, and became firm friends with the famous society portrait painter John Singer Sargent who was his almost exact contemporary. A portrait of Lucas executed by John Singer Sargent is displayed in Tate Britain . Towards the 1890s John Seymour Lucas executed a number of major works for prestigious public buildings or royal clients. These include: The Flight of the Five Members (Houses of Parliament), The Granting of the Charter of the City of London (Royal Exchange), Reception by HM King Edward VII of the Moorish Ambassador (Royal Collection), HRH the Prince of Wales in German Uniform (Royal Collection). ALS, 1916, 2pp., written on both sides......50-75
158. Malcolm
Forbes (1919-1990) was publisher of Forbes
magazine, founded by his father B. C. Forbes. He was known as a
promoter of capitalism and for extravagant spending on parties,
travel, and his collection of homes, yachts, aircraft, and
art. Signed color 8x10 photo. VG............50-75
159. [FRANCE] Henry Houssaye (also
Henri) (1848-1911) French historian and
academician. His early writings were devoted to
classical antiquity, his knowledge drawn partly from visits to
the actual Greek sites in 1868. The military history of
Napoleon I then attracted him. His first volume on this
subject, called 1814 (1888), went through no fewer than
forty-six editions. It was followed by 1815, the first part of
which comprises the first Restoration, the return from Elba
and the Hundred Days (1893); the second part, Waterloo (1899);
and the third part, the second abdication and the White Terror
(1905). He was elected a member of the Académie française in
1895. ALS, no date, 1p, 5-1/2 x 8-1/4
in. Re: he cannot attend diner for
Dumas. VG...............80-120
160. [FRANCE] Charles Dollfus
(1827-1913) French philosopher, novelist and essayist. He
studied in Switzerland and Paris, where he studied law.
Protestant belonging to the current Liberal , "militant
anti-papist" as an expression of René Martin , he enrolled at
the Paris Bar in 1848 , then to that of Colmar in 1852 . He
soon, however, to follow his literary and philosophical
tastes. Returning to Paris, he founded with Auguste Nefftzer
in 1857 the German Journal, later published under the title of
Modern Review, where he became Director. He joined the writing
of Time , founded in April 1861 , under the direction of
Nefftzer and contributes to several other journals. It also
publishes fiction (including The Doctor Fabricius that
inspired his nephew Charles Koechlin symphonic poem of the
same name) as well as works of literary criticism and
philosophy. ALS [1853], 1p., 5-1/4 x 8
in. VG............80-120
161. [FRANCE] Natalis de Wailly
(1805-1886) French archivist, librarian and
historian. In 1841, as head of the Administrative
Section of the Royal Archives, he wrote a ministerial
circular, issued by Count Tanneguy Duchâtel, Minister of the
Interior, stating that records should be grouped according to
the nature of the institution that has accumulated them and
formulating the principle of respect des fonds (up until that
point, archives had often been sorted according to subject,
date or place). In 1854, he was appointed head of the
manuscript department of the Bibliothèque impériale. A
member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
since 1841 and of several learned societies, he was a renowned
paleographer and published scientific editions of medieval
chroniclers. ALS, 1846, 4pp, 5 x 7-1/4 in.
162. [FRANCE - MUSIC] Pauline
Dameron (1825-1890) Mezzo-soprano.
She sang the roles of Ines in the premiere of Le trouvere at
the Opera in Paris in 1857, having begun her career there
around 1847. ALS, no year, 1p, 4 x 5-1/4 in.
[SPACE] Owen K. Garriott
(b. 1930) former NASA astronaut who spent 60 days aboard the
Skylab space station in 1973 during the Skylab 3 mission, and 10
days aboard Spacelab-1 on a space shuttle mission in 1983.
Signed, inscribed color litho. photo, 8x10. VG.........50-75
164. [ART] Edward Hawke Locker (1777 -1849) English watercolourist (producing works now in the V&A and British Museum). He was named after his father's patron Admiral Edward Hawke. Entering the navy pay office as a clerk on 1 June 1795, he served in its India department (from 1799) and the board of naval enquiry before becoming a prize agent and Edward Pellew 's civil secretary during his East Indies, North Sea and Mediterranean commands from 1804 to 1814. He was in England in July 1802, when he accompanied the French balloonist André-Jacques Garnerin on his second English ascent during the Peace of Amiens. He also spent time in Spain in 1813 during the Peninsular War alongside Lord John Russell, bringing despatches to Wellington, as well as visiting Napoleon in May 1814 during his Elba exile. ALS, 1826, 1p, 4-5/8 x 7-1/4". To apparently a young collector of autographs giving advice -who to collect i.e. Southey, Basil Hall, Captain Parry [North Pole] Sir T. Laurence - Pres. of R. Academy etc. VG............60-80
See Lockyer letter
166. [ENGLAND] Major-General Sir John Hanbury-Williams GCVO,
KCB, CMG. (1859-1946 ). He served in South Africa
between 1899 and 1900. He was Military Secretary to Sir A
Milner from 1897 to 1900 and Military Secretary to Secretary of
State for War 1900 to 1903. He was Governor-General's Secretary
and Military Secretary in Canada from 1904 to 1909. He was
Brigadier-General in charge of Administration Scotland between
1909-1914. In 1911 he was elected as a member of the
International Olympic Committee to represent Canada and served
on the IOC until 1921. He was employed on General Staff in 1914.
During the First World War he was head of the British military
mission at Russian Stavka and was mentioned in despatches. He
was in charge British Prisoners of War Department at the Hague
from August 1917 to March 1918 and at Berne from April 1918 to
December 1918. He retired from the Army in 1919. He was Her
Majesty's Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps in the Royal Household
of the Sovereign of England from 1920 to 1934. Hanbury-Williams
was Colonel Commandant of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Light Infantry from 1918. He was Extra Equerry to the King from
1934. Signed 3.5 x 2.5" card, he adds 1922 and Major
General. Lightly sun toned
167. [WOMEN] Anna E. TICKNOR - Founder
Boston, 1876, last line & signature on verso. "...your
wishes may be met by the Harvard Examinations for Women..."
168. Anne Sophie Swetchine (1782-1857) known as Madame Swetchine, was a Russian mystic, and author, born in Moscow, and famous for her salon in Paris. She spent her early years at the court of empress Catherine II, as her father was one of the empress's closest advisors. In 1799, she married General Nicolas Sergeyvitch Swetchine. Under the influence of Joseph de Maistre, she became a member of the Roman Catholic Church in 1815; she had also been under the influence of the Jesuits. Because of the law, which disallowed Russian nobles who converted from the orthodox religion to live in Russia, she was forced to leave Russia, and she decided upon Paris as her new home. In the following year she settled in Paris with her spouse where, until her death, she maintained a famous salon. From 1826 onward, she held her salon at number 71 Rue Saint Dominique in Paris. Her salon was considered remarkable for its high courtesy and intellectuality. She often received Russian exiles at her salon. It was also a centre of the French contrarevolutionary movement. Frequent guests was people of France's literary, political and ecclesiastical communities. With her "fervent and enlightened Catholicism", which took the form of a rational and intellectualized form of faith, she is described as an influence on the French Catholic community until her death in 1856. ALS, no date, 2pp. Not translated.........100-150
Portrait of Swetchine
170. [FILM] Louise Fletcher
(b.1934) American actress perhaps best
known for her role as Nurse Ratched in One Flew over the
Cuckoo's Nest and as Kai Winn Adami in Star Trek: Deep Space
Nine. SIGNED 8X10 PHOTO. VG..............25-35
Boxer, Heavyweight Champion, SIGNED, 8x10 photograph, with
sentiment. DARRELL ROYAL (1924-2012)
Football Player, coach - TLS, 1971. TOM
WEISKOPF (1942- ) American Golfer - SIGNED
8x10 color photograph, inscribed. NANCY
LOPEZ (1957- ) American Golfer -
SIGNED, inscribed 8x10 photograph. HAZEL
HOTCHKISS WRIGHTMAN (1886-1974) American
Tennis Star - ANS, no date, sending birthday greetings.
(1927-2005) American harness racing driver and trainer. He was
the only horsemen to drive and train three Triple Crowns in
horse racing. In total, he drove 23 Triple Crown winners. TLS,
ny, nd with SIGNED, inscribed 8x10 reprint of cover of Sports
Illustrated with him on cover. ROD
LAVER, MBE (1938- ) Australian former
professional tennis player who holds the record for most singles
titles won in the history of tennis, with 200 career titles.
SIGNED 6x8 print of him playing tennis, with
172. Belva Plain
(1915-2010) was a best-selling American author of
mainstream fiction. ALS, 2000, plus TLS, 2001. Two
173. Mike
Connors (b. 1925) American actor best
known for playing detective Joe Mannix in the CBS television
series, Mannix. In the 1959–1960 television season, he had
played a crime-fighting investigator known only as "Nick" in
another CBS series, Tightrope. Signed, inscribed 8 x 10
photo. VG............40-60
174. [BENJ. HARRISON] Message from the President of the United States, Feb. 19, 1890, government document, Senate Ex. Doc. No. 66, 29 pages, signed in type by Harrison. A report relative to the purchase and release of the surplus lands in the Lake Traverse Indian Reservation.......30-40
175. [BENJ. HARRISON] Message from the President of the United States, Dec. 18, 1889, government document, Senate Ex. Doc. No. 14, 91 pages, signed in type by Harrison. "A letter of the Secretary of the Interior relative to the purchase of a part of the Coeur d'Alene Reservation". Disdound but all present. Contains one foldout diagram....30-40
176. Sophie Tucker (1884-1966) singer and comedian, one of the most popular entertainers in America during the first third of the 20th century. SIGNATURE, inscribed, 1961..............25-35
177. [FILM] Lionel Stander (1908-1994) American actor in movies, radio, theater and television. The role he is now most famous for: Max, the loyal butler, cook, and chauffeur to the wealthy, amateur detectives played by Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers on the 1979 -1984 television series Hart to Hart. Signed document, CONTRACT, 1945, 2pp, to appear as "Spider" in THE KID FROM BROOKLYN, starring Danny Kaye. With attached "condition" agreement initialed. VG............75-100
178. [MUSIC] Boris Goldovsky (1908-2001) Russian conductor and broadcast commentator, active in the United States. He has been called an important "popularizer" of opera in America. As an opera producer, conductor, impresario, and broadcaster he was prominent within the American operatic community between 1946 and 1985. Large Signature. Two mail fold lines..........25-35
179. (MIXED
LOT) - Walter
Isard (1919-2010) American economist,
the principal founder of the discipline of Regional Science,
as well as one of the main founders of the discipline of
Peace Science. SIGNED, 3x5 photograph dated 8/20/89 --
Dean L. Kamen (1951)
American entrepreneur and inventor from New Hampshire. Kamen
is best known for inventing the product that eventually
became known as the Segway PT, an electric, self-balancing
human transporter with a computer-controlled gyroscopic
stabilization and control system. – SIGNED 5x7 color
photograph – Mairéad Corrigan
(1944-) Irish peace activist -1976 Nobel Peace Prize –
SIGNED, card - Raol BOTT (1923-2005)
Hungarian mathematician known for numerous basic
contributions to geometry in its broad sense. He is best
known for his Bott periodicity theorem, the Morse–Bott
functions which he used in this context, and the
Borel–Bott–Weil theorem. SIGNED 5x7 color photograph (signed
in dark area) -- Lotfali Askar
Zadeh (1921-) mathematician, electrical
engineer, computer scientist, artificial intelligence
researcher. Zadeh, in his theory of fuzzy sets, proposed
using a membership function (with a range covering the
interval [0,1]) operating on the domain of all possible
values. He proposed new operations for the calculus of logic
and showed that fuzzy logic was a generalisation of
classical and Boolean logic. He also proposed fuzzy numbers
as a special case of fuzzy sets, as well as the
corresponding rules for consistent mathematical operations
(fuzzy arithmetic) – SIGNED 4x6 color photo on verso – RAYMOND B. FOSDICK (1883-1972)
American Lawyer and Writer, During WW1 he was a civilian
aide to Gen. Pershing. Major role in the help to build the
famous Rockefeller Foundation – SIGNATURE, 1922 - -Thomas Earl Starzl
(1926-) is an American physician, researcher, and is an
expert on organ transplants. He performed the first human
liver transplants, and has often been referred to as "the
father of modern transplantation." TLS 2002 -- Paul B. MacCready,
Jr. (1925-2007) American aeronautical engineer. He was the
founder of AeroVironment and the designer of the
human-powered aircraft that won the first Kremer prize.
SIGNED 7x5 color photograph -- Martin
David Kamen (1913-2002) Canadian born,
American physicist inside the Manhattan project. Together
with Sam Ruben, he co-discovered the isotope carbon-14 on
February 27, 1940, at the University of California Radiation
Laboratory, Berkeley. ANS 1983.........75-100
180. Hannibal Goodwin [1822-1900] Episcopal priest at the House of Prayer in Newark, New Jersey, patented a method for making transparent, flexible roll film out of nitrocellulose film base, which was used in Thomas Edison's Kinetoscope, an early machine for viewing animation. AQS, dated Oct. 17, 1881, 7 x 4.5". VG.........60-80
181. Pauline Frederick [1883-1938] AQS "All the world's a stage And all the men and women merely players - Sincerely yours, Pauline Frederick. Fine..........35-45
(1875-1966) Father of Photojournalism, full time editor of
National Geographic Magazine (1899-1954) Married the daughter
of Alexander Graham Bell . SIGNED collector’s card
See above
183. Edmund
Blunden [1896-1974] English, poet, author.
Signed Presentation/edition page from his book "Near & Far"
1929. Fine.............25-35
Henry Austin Bruce,
1st Baron Aberdare GCB, PC, FRS (1815-1895) British Liberal
Party politician- Home Secretary (1868–1873) and as Lord
President of the Council. ALS, 1853. Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan,
1st Baronet, KCB (1807-1886) British civil servant and colonial
administrator. Trevelyan's most enduring mark on history may be
the quasi-genocidal anti-Irish racial sentiment he expressed
during his term in the critical position of administrating
relief for the millions of Irish peasants suffering under the
Irish famine as Assistant Secretary to HM Treasury (1840-1859)
under the Whig administration of Lord Russell . ALS, 1880,
4pp to Dorman Bridgeman Eaton (1823-1899) the American lawyer
who was instrumental in Federal Civil Service reform. Henry Richard Vassall-Fox,
3rd Baron Holland PC (1773-1840) English politician, a major
politician in the 19th Century England. Lord Privy Seal between
1806 and 1807 in the Ministry of All the Talents headed by Lord
Grenville and as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster between
1830 and 1834 and again between 1835 and his death in 1840 in
the Whig administrations of Lord Grey and Lord Melbourne. On a
visit to Paris in 1791 Holland became acquainted with Lafayette
and Talleyrand. He took his seat in the House of Lords on 5
October 1796. SIGNED address panel. Adelbert W. Brownlow-Cust,
3rd Earl Brownlow (1844-1921) British soldier, courtier
and Conservative politician. He held office under Lord Salisbury
as Parliamentary Secretary to the Local Government Board from
1885 to 1886, as Paymaster-General from 1887 to 1889 and as
Under-Secretary of State for War from 1889 to 1892[1] and was
admitted to the Privy Council in 1887. ANS. Charles C. Chetwynd-Talbot,
2nd Earl Talbot (1777-1849) styled Viscount Ingestre between
1784 and 1793, British politician. He served as Lord Lieutenant
of Ireland between 1817 and 1821. In 1817, Talbot was also
appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and admitted to the Privy
Council. SIGNED address panel1833.............75-100
185. [BASEBALL] James Cory Snyder
(b.1962) is a former Major League Baseball player for the
Cleveland Indians, Chicago White Sox, Toronto Blue Jays, San
Francisco Giants, and Los Angeles Dodgers from 1986 to 1994.
Snyder's best season came in 1987 with the Indians when he hit
33 home runs, and had 82 Runs Batted In. SIGNED & INSCRIBED
COLOR 8X10 photo. VG.............20-30
186. [GOLF] David Stockton (b.
1941) American professional golfer who has won numerous
tournaments on both the PGA Tour and the Champions Tour. SIGNED
COLOR 8X10 PHOTO. VG...........25-35
187. CARLOS P. ROMULO (1899-1985), Philippine diplomat,
journalist, and educator. A leader of the Philippines during
World War II, Romulo served with distinction in the U.S. Army as
aide-de-camp to Gen. Douglas MacArthur, the commander of U.S.
forces in the Far East, and was promoted to the rank of
brigadier general in 1944. After the war he participated in the
founding of the UN, serving as permanent Philippines
representative to the UN and as president of the UN General
Assembly (1949-50). He was his country's ambassador to the U.S.
(1952-53 and 1955-62). TLS, 1949, on UN stationery. RE:
188. Clarence
Thomas (b. 1948) Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court of the United States. Signed 3x5
189. [MUSIC] "Zino"
Francescatti (1902-1991) French
virtuoso violinist. Signed postcard of Tel-Aviv - Frederic
R. Mann Auditorium. Music postage stamp affixed. Signed in
a dark area therefopre a poor contrast. Dated
See above
190. [MUSIC] James Galway
(b. 1939) Northern Irish virtuoso flute player nicknamed "The
Man With the Golden Flute". Following in the footsteps of
Jean-Pierre Rampal, he became one of the first flute players to
establish an international career as a soloist. Signed 1961
special music cover. Fine...............50-75
191. [POETS] Lot of 5 signed pieces: [1] Rod McKuen - signed 1977 FDC. [2] Gerard P. Meyer [1900-1983] ANS, 1945, to the pote Louise Bogan
[1897-1970]. [3] Park Benjamin [1809-1864] signature mounted. [4] Conrad Aiken [1889-1973] clip signature. [5] Percy MacKaye [1875-1956] signed card..........50-75
192. [FILM - TV] Art Carney
(1918-2003) American actor in film, stage,
television and radio. He is best known for playing Ed Norton,
opposite Jackie Gleason's Ralph Kramden in the situation comedy
The Honeymooners, and for winning the Academy Award for Best
Actor for his role in Harry and Tonto. Signed 8x10 photo.
193. Michael Ansara (1922-2013)
stage, screen, and voice actor who portrayed Cochise in the
American television series Broken Arrow, Kane in the 1979–1981
series Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Commander Kang on three
different Star Trek television series, Deputy U.S. Marshal Sam
Buckhart on the NBC series Law of the Plainsman, and provided
the voice for Mr. Freeze in Batman: The Animated Series and
several of its spin-offs. Signed, inscribed 8x10 photo.
See above
[ART] Jacques Villon
(1875 - 1963) A painter and printmaker, Villon was known for his
Cubist-style works, and is especially noted by art historians
for "his creation of a purely graphic language for Cubism. He
first came to the attention of the American public when his work
was included in the 1913 New York Armory Show, which introduced
modernism to the United Sates. All of his work sold at this
exhibition. He was from a cultured family in the Normandy region
of France, and was much influenced by his maternal grandfather,
Emile Nicolle, who gave him early artistic training. Villon was
born with the name of Gaston Emile Duchamp, and was the older
brother of artists Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Marcel Duchamp and
Suzanne Duchamp-Crotti. Honoring the French medieval poet,
François Villon, and so as not to be confused artistically with
his siblings, he changed his name to Jacques Villon. Jacques
Villon died in his studio on June 9, 1963, and three years
later, Marcel Duchamp, his last surviving brother, organized an
exhibition of his work, which was held at the Musée National
d'Art Moderne in Paris. In 1922 Villon was commissioned by the
Galerie Bernheim-Jeune to produce a series of color aquatints
after 38 major 19th and 20th century paintings. These included
works after Braque, Matisse, Renoir, Manet, Picasso, Cezanne,
Dufy, Modigliani, Bonnard and numerous others. Villon
collaborated with these master artists and signed these prints
so that they provided the public with access to works which
otherwise would not be available. Color aquatint, signed in the
plate (not pencil signed), 1923, title "NATURE MORTE", after
Georges Braque, mat opening size 25-1/2 x 9 in. Framed. Not
examined out of frame but appears to be without
Click links below to see
Taylor (1789-1879) born in Brussels
he was closely associated with the development of French
theatre, a noted traveller and author, and a
philanthropist. Ennobled in 1825 by King Charles X, he was
by this time collecting Spanish art on behalf of the new French
King Louis Philippe I, who made him a Commissioner of Art in
1838. Previously, he had been very active in the
theatrical world and was made Royal Commissioner of the Theatre
Francaise between 1825-38. During this period he used his
position to encourage the production of Romantic drama. Among
those he helped was Alexandre Dumas, who dedicated to Taylor his
first successful play, Henri III et sa cour (The court of Henry
III, 1829). Taylor himself authored plays with a Levantine
background, Ismael et Maryam, ou l’arabe et la chrétienne (The
Arab and the Christian, 1821) and La fille de l’Hébreu et le
chevalier du temple (The Jewess and the Templar, 1823) and
co-authored with Charles Nodier an adaptation of Charles
Maturin’s successful drama, Bertram ou le pirate (1821).
From the 1840s he began his philanthropic activity by setting up
a series of mutual societies for members of the artistic
professions that have continued to this day as the Taylor
Foundation. In recognition of his work he was elected to the
Académie Française in 1847, named a senator of the Second Empire
in 1869 and made an officer of the Legion of Honour in
1877. Offered here is a document dated 1848,
boldly signed by Taylor and by 13 others. One of
the signers was Pierre
Jules Théophile Gautier (1811-1872)
French poet, dramatist, novelist, journalist, and art and
literary critic. While Gautier was an ardent defender of
Romanticism, his work is difficult to classify and remains a
point of reference for many subsequent literary traditions such
as Parnassianism, Symbolism, Decadence and Modernism. He was
widely esteemed by writers as diverse as Balzac, Baudelaire, the
Goncourt brothers, Flaubert, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Henry
James, Proust and Oscar Wilde. Approx. 8-1/4 x 10-3/4
in. Not translated. Certainly worthy of further
research..............200 - +
See document
See picture
of Taylor
[FRANCE] French Mystery document
on paper, signed, various dates of 1587, 1589
and 1590 appear in the text but obviously early 1600s, 8
pages, approx. 7 x 10-1/2 in. VG..............100-150
199. [CARTOON] Bil Keane
(1922-2011) American cartoonist most notable for his
work on the long-running newspaper comic The Family Circus. It
began in 1960 and continues in syndication. Signed drawing,
dated 5-17-01, approx. 8.5 x 11 in. The title and name
at top appears to be printed as well as the circle line. The
drawing inside the circle, dated and signature below are
original. Fine...............75-100
See above
201. Early Shipping Bill of Lading from the Rowland G. Hazard papers, dated Boston, 1840. For "Three Cases Shoes" being shipped on the Schooner Henry, now in Port of Boston and bound for Mobile. 10-1/2 x 5 in. Quite clean. VG. Nice small vignette of full-masted sailing ship. Signed by E. Bangs for the Master. Very nice example............25-35
202. [MISSISSIPPI] John C. Stennis (August 3, 1901 - April 23, 1995) was a U.S. Senator from the state of Mississippi. It was due to his work with the Armed Services committee (1969-1980) that he became known as the "Father of America's Modern Navy." TLS, 1974, 1p...........25-35
203. BRITISH SHOW BIZ - Lot of approx. 34 autographs comprosed of 14 small size photos & picture portraits; 2 ALSs, and 18 signatures. Needs research............80-120
Scan 1
204. [THEATRE] Charlotte B. Mantell [1866-1898] American actress. She was born in Brooklyn, NY, but her family base was from the San Francisco area, where she got her start in the theatre. She was fairly prominent during her time. Her second marriage was the the well known actor Robert B. Mantell, the Shakespearean/early motion picture actor. ALS, 1897, 1p. Written on Wayne Hotel, Fort Wayne, Ind. stationery. Says she received "my photos today. I am more than delighted. They are the best I ever had taken...." Neatly inalid to sheet.............25-35
205. [EARLY FILM] Liane Haid [1895-2000] Austrian actress who has often been referred to as Austria's first movie star. Signed early postcard photo [leggy pose with cigarette]. VG..........40-60
206. Rita Wellman [1890-1965] American playwright - her first successful play "the Gentile Wife", was in 1917. She continued to be successful with other plays and was considered, with Susan Glasell, one of the most promising playwrights in the 1920s and 30s. She translated the journals of Benito Mussolini. AQS, 1925, inscribed to Howes Norris Jr., 2pp........40-60
207. [SCOTTISH] Misc. Lot comprised of: 1. Robert Anderson (1750- 1830) Scottish author and critic. For several years his attention was occupied with his edition of The Works of the British Poets, with Prefaces Biographical and Critical (14 vols. 8vo, Edin., 1792-1807). Autograph Manuscript Poem signed, 1-1/3 pages of his poem "Jacep the Peyper." 2. W.G. Blackie Murdoch (1880-1934) Scottish art critic, author. ALS, 2pp, mentions Whistler the artist. 3. Thomas Ryburn Buchanan (1846-1911) Liberal politician. Clip signature. 4. Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909) Scottish poet. ANS [trimmed]. Each accompanied by biographical sheet.......100-150
208. [MUSIC] Goffredo Petrassi [1904-2003] influential Italian compser. SIGNATURE
W/SENTIMENT, DATED ROME 1983...........20-30
209. James Bryce. 1st Viscount Bryce. [1838-1922]. British jurist, historian, and diplomat. Regius professor of civil law, Oxford (1870-93); M.P. (1880-1907); undersecretary for foreign affairs under Gladstone (1886), president of Board of Trade (1894-95), and chief secretary for Ireland in Campbell-Bannerman cabinet (1905-06). Ambassador to the U.S. (1907-13); signer of Anglo-American arbitration treaty (1911). Created viscount (1914); named to International Court of Justice (1914). Author of Holy Roman Empire (1864), The American Commonwealth (1888), Modern Democracies (1922), and of studies of South Africa and South America. ALS, Oxford, Oct. 29, no yr., 3pp., about returning from Italy and inviting correspondent to breakfast. VG............50-75
210. [THEATRE] Louis Arsene Delaunay [1826-1903] French actor, born in Paris, the son of a wine-seller. He studied at the Conservatoire, and made his first formal appearance on the stage in 1845, in Molière's Tartuffe at the Odon. After three years at this house he made his debut at the Comédie-Française as Dorante in Corneilles Le Menteur , and began a long and brilliant career in young lover parts. He continued to act as jeune premier until he was sixty, his grace, marvellous diction and passion enchanting his audiences. It was especially in the plays of Alfred de Musset that his gifts found their happiest expression. In the thirty-seven years during which he was a member of the Comédie-Française, Delaunay took or created nearly two hundred parts. He retired in 1887, having been made a Chevalier of the Légion d'honneur in 1883. ALS, no date, 1p, 5-1/4 x 8-1/2 in. VG.............. 60-80
211. [FRANCE] Paul Bins, comte de Saint-Victor (1827-1881), known as Paul de Saint-Victor, French author, was born in Paris. His father Jacques BM Bins, comte de Saint-Victor (1772-1858), is remembered by his poem L'Espérance, and by an excellent verse translation of Anacreon. Saint-Victor, who ceased to use the title of count as being out of keeping with his democratic principles, began as a dramatic critic on the Pays in 1851, and in 1855 he succeeded Théophile Gautier on the Presse. In 1866 he migrated to the Liberté, and in 1869 joined the staff of the Moniteur universel. In 1870, during the last days of the second empire, he was made inspector-general of fine arts. Almost all Saint-Victor's work consists of articles, the best known being the collection entitled Hommes et dieux (1867). His death interrupted the publication of Les Deux Masques , in which the author intended to survey the whole dramatic literature of ancient and modern times. Saint-Victor's critical faculty was considerable, though rather one-sided. He owed a good deal to Théophile Gautier, but he carried ornateness to a pitch far beyond Gautier's. Saint-Victor died in Paris on 9 July 1881. ALS, no date, 1p, 5-1/4 x 8 in. VG............50-75
212. [FRANCE] Anatole le Braz, the "Bard of Brittany" [1859-1926] Breton folklore collector and translator. He was highly regarded amongst both European and American scholars, and known for his warmth and charm. Le Braz was sent on foreign cultural missions by the Government of France twenty times. He made several visits to the US, Canada and Switzerland, notably lecturing at Harvard University in 1906, and at Columbia University in 1915. ALS, 1900, 3pp. 4-1/2 x 7 in. ............60-80
213. [FRANCE] Georges Valois (real name Alfred-Georges Gressent; 1878-1945) French journalist and politician. After having written his first book, L'Homme qui vient, he met the nationalist and monarchist writer Charles Maurras and became a member of his Action Française (AF) league, where he continued to follow the workers' movement. As his employment would have been compromised by an involvement in the far-right monarchist league, he took the pseudonym of Georges Valois. Georges Valois was finally arrested by the Nazis on 18 May, 1944, and died in February 1945 of typhus at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. ALS, 1911, 2pp, 4-3/4 x 6-1/2 in.............75-100
214. HERBERT BOYER (1936- ) American Biochemist. Genetic engineering (DNA Cloning) using living organisms was first accomplished soon after it became feasible in the early 1970s. In 1973 Herbert Boyer, of the University of California at San Francisco, and Stanley Cohen, at Stanford University, reported the construction of functional organisms that combined and replicated genetic information from different species. Their experiments dramatically demonstrated the potential impact of DNA recombinant engineering on medicine and pharmacology, industry and agriculture. SIGNED 5x7 portrait photograph.............25-35
215. [FRANCE] Henry Houssaye (1848-1911) French historian and academician. The military history of Napoleon I then attracted him. His first volume on this subject, called 1814 (1888), went through no fewer than forty-six editions. It was followed by 1815, the first part of which comprises the first Restoration, the return from Elba and the Hundred Days (1893); the second part, Waterloo (1899); and the third part, the second abdication and the White Terror (1905). He was elected a member of the Académie française in 1895. ALS, no date, 1p, 5-1/4 x 8-1/4. VG........50-75
217. [MUSIC] Carl Wendling [1875-1962] German violinist. Signature...........25-35
218. [OPERA] Ernestine Schumann-Heink [1861-1936] contralto. Signature...30-40
219. [OPERA] Elizabeth Futral -
American coloratura soprano who has won acclaim throughout the
United States as well as in Europe, South America, and Japan.
220. Jared Sparks (1789 - 1866) American historian, educator, and Unitarian minister. He served as President of Harvard University from 1849 to 1853. Manuscript document signed by him and his wife Mary E. Sparks, receiving property as executor of will, dated Cambridge, Dec. 15, 1850. Text of document is brief. VG............50-75
Portrait of Sparks221. William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam PC [1748-1833], styled Viscount Milton until 1756, was a British Whig statesman of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In 1782 he inherited his uncle Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham's estates, making him one of the richest people in Britain. He played a leading part in Whig politics until the 1820s. ALS, 1841, 1p, mounted attractively...........50-75
222. [THEATRE] Johnstone Bennett [1870-1906] American stage
actress. Signature on 6.5 x 4.5" slip...........20-30
223. [THEATRE] George Robert Sims [1847-1922] English journalist, poet, dramatist, novelist and bon vivant. Signed photo, signed on the mount, Alfred Ellis & Wallery photograph. Approx. 6-1/2 8-3/4". VG...........50-75
224. Wm. Tyler Page
(1868-1942) best known for his authorship of the American's
Creed. Today it also often comprises part of the
Naturalization Ceremony for new Americans. SIGNED copy of "The
America's Creed." 6x9 in. Boldly signed..............50-75
225. [MUSIC] Pierre Luboshutz [1891-1971] Russian-American pianist. Signed card, with sentiment written in different hand.......25-35
See Luboshutz
226. [MUSIC] Frederick Martin Reiner (1888-1963) was a prominent conductor of opera and symphonic music. Signed album page...........40-60
See portrait of Reiner227. [NORTH DAKOTA] Kent Conrad (b.1948) US senator from North Dakota. In April
2006, he was selected by Time Magazine as one of "America's 10
Best Senators." Signed & inscribed color 8x10
228. [SILENT FILM] Jane Novak (1896-1990)
was a silent film actress. Born in St. Louis she
attended convent school but ran away with a friend with
whom she created a vaudeville act. Although she returned
home, an aunt invited her to California where she began
acting in motion pictures in 1913 at the age of 17. She
appeared in a movie on her very first day in southern
California, before there was a film studio in Hollywood.
Novak endured as a performer, in part, by sacrificing
sensational roles for roles as leading women in more
wholesome films. Some actresses who were Novak's
contemporaries quickly found stardom, yet were forgotten
soon afterward, while she was considered an
"old-fashioned girl." As a result, Novak, refused to
work in films with other leading ladies. She played
opposite Wallace Beery, Tom Mix, Hobart Bosworth, Alan
Hale, Thomas Moore, and Lewis Stone. At one time she was
engaged to marry Western star William S. Hart, although
their marriage never took place. She is celebrated for
her westerns; and made five films with Hart. Offered here is
a signed sheet with a small picture scene from the
film "ROADS OF DESTINY" affixed above her autograph. Shown in the scene
are Pauline Frederick, John Bowers and Novak..........20-30
229. SIMON LAKE (1866-1945) American mechanical engineer and naval architect who obtained over two hundred patents for advances in naval design and competed with John Holland to build the first submarines for the United States Navy. SIGNED Document -check dedicated and signed by him 1910. With COA from The Simon Lake Collection..........................75-100
[FILM] Rudy Vallée (1901-1986)
singer, actor,
He was one of
the first
modern pop
stars of the
teen idol
type. Signed
1946 bank
check made out
to the
Studio Club.
231. Waldegrave - 8th Earl [1788-1859] Brit. naval Vice-Adm. Clip signature.......25-35
232. Lily Pons (1898-1976) French-American soprano. Signature on stained 3x5 card.....25-35
233. [MUSIC] James Patrick Page OBE (b. 1944) English guitarist, songwriter, and record producer. He began his career as a studio session guitarist in London and was subsequently a member of The Yardbirds from 1966 to 1968, after which he founded the English rock band Led Zeppelin. Signed color 8x10 photo. VG.............75-100
234. [MUSIC] Ned Rorem (b. 1923) Pulitzer prize-winning American composer and diarist. He is best known and most praised for his song settings. CLIP SIGNATURE WITH SENTIMENT.......20-30
235. [FILM] Ernst Hofmann (1890-1945) German
film actor. He was one of the most attractive actors of
the German silent cinema. In the 1910s he was the producer
and star of Der Knabe in Blau (1918), the first film by
legendary director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau. Hofmann became a
very busy actor in the 1920's and he took part in many
well-known productions. When sound films arrived he
finished his film career. Rare signed postcard photograph.
237. [FRANCE] Louis
Liard (1846-1917) French
philosopher and director. A street in Bordeaux and a street
fourteenth arrondissement bear his name. ALS, 1908,
1p, 5-3/8 x 8-1/4 in. VG.................60-80
[FRANCE] Etienne
Marie Victor Lamy
(1845-1919) French author, born in Cize, Jura.
He was educated at the College Stanislas and became a doctor of
law in 1870. From 1871 to 1881 he was a deputy from his native
department, Jura, and his earlier writings were political and
historical. In the House of Deputies he was a member of the
Left, but he broke with his party and became a clerical
reactionary, writing for the Gaulois and the Correspondant. In
1905 he became a member of the Académie française (seat #21),
and in 1913 he succeeded Thureau-Dangin as its perpetual
secretary. ALS, 1917, 2pp, 4-3/8 x 6-3/4
in. VG................75-100
[FRANCE] Jean Pierre
Lesguillon (1800-1873)
French poet , novelist , playwright and librettist.
Lesguillon wrote comedies , the comedies and tragedies in prose
and worms , the novels and a large number of parts to crowned
with floral games and competitions of all departmental
academies. He succeeded in 1830 to Justin Gensoul at the
head of the Almanac of the Muses he directed until 1833 , the
year in which he published the periodical Magic Lantern , 1836 .
His Epistle to MN-L. Lemercier earned him three months'
imprisonment and a fine of 300 francs in 1826 for having
"insulted and mocked the religion of the state" and "directing
attacks against the royal dignity. ALS, no date, 2pp, 5-1/4
x 8 in. VG..................75-100
240. [FRANCE] Paul Bastid (1892-1974)
French lawyer and politician. Attached to the Radical Party, he
was a member of the Cantal , Minister of Commerce under the
Popular Front and representing radicals National Council of the
Resistance , before heading L'Aurore. In 1941, the Vichy
government dismisses the mandate of General Counsel. Paul Bastid
while campaigning in the Resistance and the General Committee of
studies (CGE), was formed in 1942 in Lyon, at his home. In 1943,
he is the representative of the radical party in the National
Council of Resistance and writes articles for the underground
press. ALS, 1971, 1p, 5-1/4 x 8-1/4 in. About a
presentation at the Academy. Fine............75-100
[FRANCE] Victor Louis Armand
Boucher (1877-1942) French
actor. ALS, 1912, 1p. 5-1/4 x 8-1/2 in.
242. Frank Johnson - American
Disney animator. Signature in form of return address [Walt
Disney Co.]..............20-30
243. [CABINET] Curtis D. Wilbur [1867-1954] 43rd United States Secretary of the Navy. Signature with sentiment.
244. [NOBEL PRIZE] Tjalling Charles Koopmans (1910-1985) was the joint winner, with Leonid Kantorovich, of the 1975 Nobel Prize in Economics. SIGNATURE on slip.......25-35
245. [FILM - MUSIC] Frank Ramsey Adams (1883-1963) American author, screenwriter, composer. Adams wrote plays, musical comedies, and lyrics for popular songs, such as "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now". He composed the stage scores for the musicals "The Time, the Place, and the Girl", "The Girl Question", "A Stubborn Cinderella", "The Goddess of Liberty", and "The Price of Tonight". His chief musical collaborators included Joe Howard, Harold Orlob and Will Hough. TLS, 1934, 1p. Written on Paramount Pictures letterhead he says he is no longer running the theatre in Whitehall, Mich., "I still keep a finger in the motion picture pie. Maybe you will be in the business yourself one of these days." VG.......50-75
246. Benjamin Altman
(1840–1913) American businessman who in 1865 founded B.
Altman & Co., opening a store on Third Avenue and 10th
Street in NYC. In 1906, he moved the business to Fifth Avenue
and 34th Street. Benjamin Altman died without heirs. Shortly
before the death, he founded the Altman Foundation. Until 1985,
it owned B. Altman & Co., which latter closed the last store
in 1990. Altman was an avid collector of Rembrandt
paintings and china, much of which he acquired through art
dealer Joseph Duveen. Upon his death, he donated the collection
to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Signed Chemical National
Bank check, 1906. VG.................80-120
247. [FRANCE] Francis de Miomandre (1880-1959) French novelist and well-known
translator from Spanish into French. He was born in Tours,
Indre-et-Loire and educated in Marseille. He began writing
in his early twenties and won the Prix Goncourt in 1908 for
his novel, Ecrít sur de l'Eau . His novels are highly
imaginative and put together with the genuine talent of a
romancer who has traveled far and wide at his own study
table. Lengthy ALS, 1955,
1-1/2 pages [ON BOTH SIDES
OF ONE SHEET], 8-1/4 x 10-1/2". To the critic, Robert Kemp.
248. [THEATRE] Robert Woodruff Anderson (b. 1917) is an American playwright and screenwriter, perhaps best known as the author of Tea and Sympathy, which made its Broadway debut in 1953 and was made into an MGM film in 1956. Both versions starred Deborah Kerr and John Kerr. Anderson wrote the screenplays for 1959's The Nun's Story and 1966's The Sand Pebbles. He was Oscar-nominated for the The Nun's Story as well as the 1970 screen version of his play I Never Sang for My Father. SIGNED & INSCRIBED 6.5 x 10" photo. He also signs & describes this particular photo. Dated 2000................25-35
249. Jarmila Novotna [1907-1994] Czech soprano. Signature in return address clipped from envelope........20-30
250. [MUSIC] Sir Julius Benedict (1804-1885) German-born composer
and conductor, resident in England for most of his career.
DEFECTIVE ALS, 1863 setting time for tea, 1863. Large section of
letter has been cut away...............no estimate given
251. Lloyd Morris (1893-1954) American teacher, critic, and man of
letters, best known for his biography of Hawthorne "The Rebellious Puritan. He was one of the foremost social historians of
his generation. Lengthy TLS, NY, 1944, 2pp., regarding life at the famous Mac
Dowell Colony in the 1920's; and being with the poet Edward
Arlington Robinson. A remarkable letter about the generosity of
Robinson and another writer there, who was not wanted there, and
the relationship of Robinson and this writer. Lightly toned in
252. [FILM] Wynne Gibson (1905-1987) American actress of the 1930s. Early in her career she had a small part in a film but had no special interest in appearing before the camera. It was the stage that interested her and she began her stage career in chorus and was soon playing leads. She toured Europe then returned to America and tried for a dramatic part but failed and returned to musical comedy. Paramount signed her when about to film Nothing But the Truth (1929), starting her success which continued in some 50 films between 1929 and 1956 although many were B movies. Gibson was a long-time companion of former Warner Brothers actress Beverly Roberts. AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT SIGNED, not dated, 1p. She answers 2 questions on a questionaire. About 5 lines plus signature in her hand. 8.5 x 11". VG..........25-35
253. John Watson - Pseudonym Ian Maclaren [1850-1907]. Scottish clergyman and author. Presbyterian minister, Liverpool (1880-1905); won reputation with Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush (1894), followed by other "kailyard school" portrayals of humble Scottish life as Days of Auld Lang Syne (1895), Kate Carnegie (1896); also wrote religious works, including The Upper Room (1896), Children of the Resurrection (1912). ALS, 1899, 2pp. ...............40-60
254. Nathan Lewis
Miller (1868-1953) was an American lawyer
and politician who was the 43rd Governor of New York from 1921
to 1922. Document Signed, bank check dated 1921. $100 from the
Adjutant General's Office, State of New York. Fine
255. [NASA] William H. Pickering (1910-2004) was a New Zealand born rocket scientist who headed Pasadena, California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for 22 years, retiring in 1976. He was a senior NASA luminary and pioneered the exploration of space. SIGNED, inscribed 8x10 photo. VG..............50-75
256. George
Barr McCutcheon [1866-1928] Am.
writer. Signature/sentiment.........15-20
257. Albert Henry Smyth [1863-1907] American writer. ALS, 1900, 2pp. Mentions his biography of Bayard Taylor. Light irregular toning on last page............25-35
258. [ENGLAND] R(ichard) Cobden (1804-1865) British manufacturer and Radical and Liberal statesman, associated with John Bright in the formation of the Anti-Corn Law League as well as with the Cobden-Chevalier Treaty. Clip signature MOUNTED. Below is article about him............25-35
259. [ENGLAND] Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778 - 1868) British statesman who became Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom. Brougham was the designer of the brougham, a four-wheeled, horse-drawn style of carriage that bears his name. A statue of him, inscribed "Lord Brougham," stands at the Cannes waterfront, across from the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès. SIGNED address panel dated 1821...........25-35
260. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, born Mary Gray Phelps, (1844-1911) American
author. She was born at Andover, Massachusetts, and married
Herbert Dickinson Ward , in 1888. In most of her writings she
used her mother's name "Elizabeth Stuart Phelps" as a pseudonym,
both before and after her marriage. She also used the pseudonym,
Mary Adams. Ward wrote three Spiritualist novels, The Gates
Ajar, Between the Gates and Beyond the Gates, and a novella
about animal rights, Loveliness. While writing other popular
stories, she was also a great advocate, by lecturing and
otherwise, for social reform, temperance, and the emancipation
of women. SIGNATURE on card with sentiment, 1881, mounted to larger
(1914-1999 ) American Novelist/Author. His most famous work was
"Sounder", made into a movie. Clipped SIGNATURE "Wm. H.
262. [FILM] John Rhys-Davies (b. 1944) English-born Welsh actor and vocal actor. He is perhaps best known for playing the charismatic Arabian excavator Sallah in the Indiana Jones films and the dwarf Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Clipped Signature. Mounted......20-30
263. [THEATRE] Ethel Irving
[1869-1963] British actress [not related to Henry Irving]. She
created at Daly's Theatre [1902] the part of Sophie in A Country
Girl. Another important role she played was Pamela Tuckwell in
"What Pamela Wanted" at the Criterion Theatre. ALS, April 12, no
yr., written on both sides of Criterion Theatre stationery which
also says "Miss Ethel Irving's Season." Light scattered
264. Ruth Draper [1884-1956] Am. playwright. CLIP SIGNATURE..........20-30
265. Rex Allen (1920-1999) American actor, singer, and songwriter who is particularly known as the narrator in many Walt Disney nature and Western productions. For contributions to the recording industry, Rex Allen was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. SIGNED large limited edition poster, matted & shrink-wrapped. Plague on front says edition number 45 of 300. The Certificate of Authenticity on back says 45 of 134. "The prints were personally signed by Rex Allen at his home in Arizona between August and November 1999. ....Unfortunately he met his untimely death after signing 134 posters." Overall size 20 x 24". VG...........50-75
266. [SCIENCE] Karl T. Compton (1887-1954) was a prominent American physicist and president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1930 to 1948. Signature on back of 1946 postal card. Appears to be lightly, evenly toned..........50-75
267. [NOBEL] Paul Crutzen (b. 1933) Dutch Nobel prize
atmospheric chemist. Brief ALS, no date, 8.5 x 3".
268. [MAINE] Ralph Owen Brewster (1888 - 1961) was an American politician from Maine. Brewster, a Republican, was solidly conservative, a close confidant of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin and antagonist of Howard Hughes. Brewster came to national attention due to his opposition to the commercial interests of Howard Hughes , America's wealthiest man at the time. Brewster was chairman of a special Senate committee investigating defense procurement during World War II. He claimed concern that Hughes had received $40 million from the Defense Department without actually delivering the aircraft he had contracted to provide, but Brewster may have had an ulterior motive. Incidentally, Hughes stated that the H-4 Hercules cost far more, with the balance coming from his own funds. Hughes aggressively combated the inquirer, alleging corruption. Memoirs by Hughes right-hand man Noah Dietrich and syndicated newspaper columnist Jack Anderson each sketched Brewster as, in Dietrich's words, "an errand boy for Juan Trippe and Pan American World Airways," who pushed for legislation that would give Pan Am the single-carrier international air monopoly for the U.S. The Martin Scorsese movie The Aviator portrays Brewster (played by Alan Alda) similarly, as corrupt and in the pocket of Pan Am, the rival of Hughes' TWA . Hughes spread rumors about Brewster's close association with Pan Am, alleging that he received free flights and hospitality in return for legislation such as his bill to withdraw government approval for TWA flights across the Atlantic. TLS, on Congress of the United States stationery, 1938, 1p. ......25-35
269. Martha Ostenso (1900-1963) Canadian novelist and screenwriter. Ostenso was born in Haukeland, near Bergen, Norway, but emigrated with her family to the United States in 1902. They first settled in South Dakota and Minnesota before immigrating to Canada in the province of Manitoba. Ostenso is probably best known for the award-winning novel Wild Geese, published in 1925 (and filmed as After the Harvest in 2001). She signs at bottom of an autograph request typed letter, 1929...........20-30
270. James Duff, 4th Earl of Fife KT, GCH (1776-1857) was a Scot who became a Spanish general. On 9 September 1799 he married Mary Caroline Manners (second daughter of daughter of John Manners and Louisa Tollemache, 7th Countess of Dysart ), who died on 20 December 1805 without children. Thereupon Duff sought distraction in 1808 by volunteering to join the Spaniards in their war against Napoleon . His assistance was gladly received, especially as he came full of enthusiasm and with a full purse, and he was made a major-general in the Spanish service. He served with great distinction at the battle of Talavera , where he was severely wounded in trying to rally the Spanish runaways, and was only saved from becoming a prisoner by the gallantry of his lifelong friend, Major (afterwards Lieutenant-general Sir) S. F. Whittingham. In that year, 1809, he became Viscount Macduff on his father's accession to the Irish earldom of Fife, but he still continued to serve in Spain, and was present during the defence of Cadiz against Marshal Victor, and was again severely wounded in the attack on Fort Matagorda in 1810. On 17 April 1811 he succeeded his father as fourth Earl Fife, and as Lord Lieutenant of Banffshire, and returned to Britain, after being made for his services a knight of the order of St. Ferdinand. He was elected M.P. for Banffshire in 1818, and made a lord in waiting in the following year. He was created a peer of the United Kingdom as Lord Fife on 27 April 1827, in which year he was also made a knight of the Thistle. He soon afterwards retired altogether to Scotland, where he lived at Duff House , Banffshire. SIGNED address panel postmarked 1833. Tipped to page from book mentioning him..........25-35
271. [NOBEL PRIZE] Wassily Leontief [1905-1999] was an economist notable for his
research on how changes in one economic sector may have an
effect on other sectors. Leontief won a Nobel Prize in Economics
in 1973. BRIEF ALS [1989]................30-40
272. [MUSIC] David Rubinoff, also known as Dave Rubinoff, (September 13, 1897, Grodno, Russian Empire, now Belarus; October 6, 1986) was a popular violinist who was heard during the 1930s and 1940s on various radio programs playing his $100,000 Stradivarius violin. He also performed in theaters, clubs and schools, and he gave several concerts at the White House during the 1940s. He was sometimes billed as Rubinoff and his Violin. SIGNED, inscribed photograph, appears to have been trimmed to 6-3/8 x 6-3/4". Very good condition except for 2 "white" flaws, one above his head & the other in upper right corner. See below..........60-80
273. [FILM] Art Clokey (1921- 2010) a pioneer in the popularization of stop motion clay animation, beginning in 1955 with a film experiment called Gumbasia. From the Gumbasia project, Art Clokey and his wife Ruth invented Gumby. SIGNED 11 X 8.5 " color photo, signed in sliver ink in dark area. VG...........75-100
274. [NOBEL PRIZE] JAMES TOBIN (1918-2002) 1981 Nobel Prize in Economics. SIGNED 1982 FDC honoring State Birds/Flowers. Clean with cachet. Fine........25-35
275. Margaret Pedler (?-1948) British novelist, who
wrote popular works of romantic fiction. Initially Pedler
studied piano and singing at the Royal Academy of Music , and
published several songs for which she wrote both the music and
lyrics. Over her career as a best-selling writer, from 1917 to
1947, she produced 28 novels. ALS, 1932, written on both sides,
6 x 7.5". VG...............40-60
276. George Owen Knapp [1855-1945] American Industrialist, Philanthropist, founder of Union Carbide. He built the famous Knapp's Castle in California. ALS, 1919, 1p.......50-75
277. Cyril Ritchard (1897-1977) actor of stage, screen and television. He achieved star status in 1954 as Captain Hook in the Broadway production of Peter Pan co-starring Mary Martin,. Signed 1957 bank check.......40-60
278. [THEATRE] MARY F. SCOTT-SIDDONS (1844-1896) Indian born-English Actress. She was
born in India. Scott Siddons made her professional debut at
Nottingham, England, as Lady Macbeth. She first appeared in
London in 1867 at the Haymarket Theatre, as Rosalind in "As You
Like It." Her American debut was at the Boston Museum and her
New York debut was as Rosalind in "As You Like It" at the
Worrell Sisters' Theatre in 1868. She joined Augustin Daly's
company in New York in 1869 SIGNED card.........25-35
279. Colonel John Purviance [1743-1823] At the commencement of the
Revolutionary war, he volunteered and was appointed Lieutenant
in the army. He behaved himself valiantly during the war, and
was gradually promoted to the office of Colonel. He fought
bravely for the liberty of his country, and rejoiced to see the
Colony free. He returned a thankful heart to the bosom of his
family, and lived happily there until the fall of 1791. He moved
with his family to Sumner County, Tennessee. The country there
was almost a wilderness. In the spring of 1792, his second son,
John Purviance, while in the field at work, was shot, scalped,
he was so near the house, that his wife could hear the Indian
yells, and she would have run to her husband in the midst of
them, had she not have been prevented by the interposition of
her friends. They had been married but a few months. Col. John
Purviance being alarmed at these savage cruelties, left the
place and moved to Caneridge, Bourbon County, Kentucky, where
the inhabitants were less exposed to Indian attacks. Clip signature dated 1781.........50-75
280. Stuart Cloete (1897-1976) South African novelist, essayist, biographer and short story writer. Signed, inscribed personal bookplate, dated July 28, 1973. 3-1/2 x 6 in............40-60
281. Betty
Furness (1916-1994) American
actress, consumer advocate & current affairs commentator.
Signed/inscribed 8x10 photo. VG.........25-35
[FRANCE] Jules
Gervais-Courtellemont (1863 - 1931)
French photographer who was famous for taking color
autochromes during World War I. He was born in the province of
Seine-et-Marne, near Paris, but grew up in Algeria, where he
developed a passion for the pre-colonial Orient and devoted
most of his professional career in search of the exotic. In
1894 converted to Islam prior to making a pilgrimage to Mecca.
Images collected in Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia, Spain,
India, Morocco and China formed the basis for his popular
illustrated lectures, which he illustrated with lantern
slides. With the outbreak of World War I, Courtellemont
returned to his home province to record the war. After the
war, Courtellemont began working for an American publication.
He eventually became a photographer for National Geographic.
In 1911, Courtellemont opened the "Palais de l'autochromie" in
Paris, which comprised an exhibition hall, studio, laboratory,
and lecture hall with a seating capacity of 250. It was in
this hall that Courtellemont would project his autochromes
both of the Orient and, after 1914, of the war, particularly
the Marne battlefields. These lectures proved to be so popular
that Courtellemont issued a twelve-part series later bound in
book form called The Battle of Marne and later a four-part
series entitled The Battle of Verdun. These are the first
books ever published in color on war. Between 1923 and
1925 he wrote a three-volume work entitled La Civilisation –
Histoire sociale de l'humanité, illustrated with his
photographs. He was a lifelong friend of the novelist,
Orientalist and photographer Pierre Loti. While over 5,500
Gervais-Courtellemont autochromes survive in various
institutional collections, his work in private hands is quite
rare and sought after. Courtellemon died in 1931. His German
counterpart is Hans Hildenbrand. ALS, c. 1910,
written on both sides of 7 x 9 sheet. To M. Brunet. Speaks
of Islam in Bosnia. VG............100-150
283. [FILM] Ron Randell (1918-2005) Australian-born American film and
stage actor. Arguably his best performance was in King of Kings,
as the Roman centurion Lucius, who defends Christ at his trial
as a sort of impromptu legal counsel, and presumably becomes
converted to Christianity after the Crucifixion. Great TLS,
1949, 2pp, all about acting, mentions several films.
(1903-1990) Actress, Academy Award WINNER. SIGNATURE,
inscribed attached to an 8x10 portrait photograph......30-40
285. [SIGNED
BOOK] Albert L. Murray
(b. 1916 in Nokomis, Mobile County, Alabama) is an
African-American literary and jazz critic, novelist and
biographer. SIGNED, inscribed copy of his book "From the
Briarpatch File", dated 2002, 195 pages, with very
good dust jacket. First edition. Murray and the American
painter Romare Bearden were close friends and influenced
each other's art. Bearden's 1971 six-panel, 18-foot collage
"The Block" was inspired by the view from Murray's Harlem
[FRANCE] 1776 letter from a nobleman in his castle
addressed to de Lassale, Captain of Angoumois regiment,
Commander in Combes. Writer's livestock were seized by
soldiers following an order that the writer ignored. He
gave permission to another parish to use his livestock
which is newly forbidden from one parish to another. VG.
Not translated.............100-150
287. Benjamin Fine [1905-1975] Am. journalist, author. TLS, 1956........20-30
288. Carl Hayden [1877-1972] US senator [Ariz.] TLS, 1964, 1p........20-30
289. [MUSIC] Lugi Ottolini - Italian Opera Singer, associated with the Chicago Lyric Opera and Metropolitan Opera Co. ANS, no date.......25-35
290. [MUSIC] Connee Boswell [1907-1976] American vocalist who performed in the 1930s with The Boswell Sisters. Signed & inscribed 8x10 photo. VG...........30-40
291. Ignacio
Mariscal [1829-1910] important
Mexican writer and diplomat . He was Vice President, as well as
Secretary of Foreign Affairs in 1871 - 1872. Signed card,
292. [POETRY] John Hall Wheelock (1886-1978) American poet. He was a descendant of
Eleazar Wheelock, founder of Dartmouth College. He wrote
fourteen books of poetry and was co-winner of the 1962 Bollingen
Prize. As an editor, he is noted for discovering young poets
like May Swenson and James Dickey. Signed 1p. typescript of his
poem "To You, Perhaps Yet Unborn, That Some Day May Read These
293. [NOBEL PRIZE] PAUL BOYER (1918- ) American Chemist - Nobel Prize 1997 - he formulated a hypothesis to describe what he calls "the most prominent chemical reaction in the whole world." It is the process by which molecules produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), thereby transmuting light, air, water and food into the energy required for both plant and animal life. SIGNED 4x6 portrait PHOTO..........25-35
(1926-2010) Actress, Academy Award. TNS on card, 2001.
296. [MUSIC] Jack Palmer (1900-1976) American composer, pianist, Jazz musician. Signed, inscribed vintage 8x10 photo. VG.............25-35
297. [MUSIC] Ferdinand Q. Dulcken (1837-1902) German concert pianist and composer.
ANS, no date, not translated. Approx. 6-3/4 x 3".
298. [MUSIC] Jack Jones [b. 1938] American jazz and pop singer. He was one of the most popular vocalists of the 1960s. Signed 1993 contract to appear in Dearborn, Michigan for $12,500. Jones signs with initials...........30-40
299. [MUSIC] Sir (Herbert) Hamilton Harty (1879-1941) Irish composer, conductor, pianist and organist. After an early career as a church organist in his native Ireland, Harty moved to London at about age 20, soon becoming a well-known piano accompanist. The Musical Times called him "the prince of accompanists". As a composer he wrote throughout his career, many of his works being well received, though few are regularly performed in the 21st century. Signed card, 1930. VG......30-40
300. [MUSIC] Baroness Jacqueline Fontyn [b. 1930] contemporary Belgian composer, pianist and music educator. She was born in Antwerp, and has received the title of baroness from the King of Belgium in recognition of her many artistic contributions. AMQS on 6x4 card. VG.......35-45
(1923-2015) Actor, Comedian. SIGNED & inscribed 8x10
photograph. EDDIE QUILLAN
(1907-1990) Actor, early Silent films TLS (1989). DAVID STREET (1917-1974)
Actor, Singer. SIGNED 5x7 photograph. BINNIE BARNES (1903-1998)
Actress. SIGNED inscribed music sheet “Till We Meet
(1923) Actress. ALS (1990). VINCENT
GARDENIA (1920-1992) SIGNED inscribed 7x8
photograph. KEVIN CONWAY (b.1942)
Actor, director. TLS.................80-120
302. Harry Reasoner [1923-1991] American journalist. Brief TLS, 1971, thanks to a viewer. On American Broadcasting Co. letterhead. Fine............25-35
303. Jim Hagerty (1909-1981) served as the only White House Press Secretary from 1953 to 1961 during the administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Signed & inscribed 7x9 photo. VG...........20-30
305. Lee
Meriwether (b. 1935) American
actress, former model, and the winner of the 1955 Miss America
pageant. She is perhaps best known for her role as Betty Jones,
Buddy Ebsen's secretary and daughter-in-law in the long-running
1970s crime drama, Barnaby Jones. Signed, inscribed 8x10 photo.
See above
307. STUART CHASE (1888-1985) American Economist/Consumer Activist/Man of Letters. From 1922 to 1939, Chase was a director of the New York-based Labor Bureau, Inc., an organization that furnished research, accounting, and other professional services to labor unions and cooperatives and published a newsletter.Chase and Frederick John Schlink were the founders of Consumers' Research. Schlink established Consumers' Research, Inc. They published the famous book Your Money's Worth(1927), a controversial exposé of the advertising and pricing practices used by manufacturers of consumer products. This work was widely distributed through the Book-of-the-Month Club In 1929, two months after the Wall Street crash, the organization began to publish its findings both as consumer pamphlets and in a regular bulletin that compared and assigned ratings to consumer products. These reports were eventually published in the Handbook of Buying. By 1930, membership in Consumers' Research, Inc. had reached twelve thousand.. He was the author of hundreds of papers and articles for over 60 years. ANS dtd Dec 1980.................30-40
308. Sir Walter Besant (1836-1901) was a novelist and historian from London. His sister-in-law was Annie Besant. ALS, 1882, 1p. Mounted to another sheet.........50-75
309. Robert (Smythe) Hichens (1864-1950) English journalist and novelist. He wrote lyrics for music, stories, and collaborated in successful plays. He is best remembered now, perhaps, for his satire on Oscar Wilde, The Green Carnation (1894), his novels that were made into films &emdash; The Garden of Allah (pub. 1904) and The Paradine Case (pub. 1933) &emdash; and the story "How Love Came to Professor Guildea", which has been frequently anthologized. His novel "Felix" (1902) is an early fictional treatment of hypodermic morphine addiction. ALS, 1907, 1p............80-120
310. [EARLY FILM] Odette Myrtil [1898-1978] French born American actress. One of the highlights of her career was acting the title role of Odette in Jerome Kern's :The Cat and the Fiddle" [1931], written especially for her. Written in TLS form, a document dated 1936, re: contract with Samuel Goldwyn, Inc. 1-page, she signs at bottom "Approved and Accepted." VG.......50-75
311. [BALLET] Dame Merle Park (b. 1937) prima ballerina. She joined the Royal Ballet in 1954 and became a soloist in 1958. In her career, she was partnered by Rudolf Nureyev, Anthony Dowell, Mikhail Baryshnikov. Signed color 5x7 photo. VG.............40-60
312. Cyril Ritchard (1897-1977) actor. Signed 7x9 photo. Corner
creases and old ink price written on backside.........30-40
314. [NY] David B. Hill (1843-1910) American politician from New York who was Governor of New York from 1885 to 1891. During his tenure as Governor, William Kemmler was executed in the electric chair, the first inmate in the country ever to be put to death in this manner. He served as a U.S. Senator from New York from 1892 to 1897. He was also a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President in 1892, but lost to Grover Cleveland, who later won the presidential election. DOCUMENT SIGNED, 1902 bank check, National Commercial Bank, Albany, NY. VG.........40-60
315. [OPERA] CESARE SIEPI (1923- ) Italian Basso - He was based mainly at La Scala and from 1950 at the Metropolitian Opera in New York. He is particularly noted for his Mozard roles, and with the Italian repertory, especially Don Giovanni and Mefistofele. He is condidered one of the greatest Bassos after WW2. He created Nonno Innocenzo in Pizzetti's L"Oro. SIGNED Christmas card dtd 1991...............25-35
316. [MUSIC] Allan Blank (b. 1925) American composer. AMQS from his "Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet."........40-60
317. [MUSIC] Simon Bainbridge (b. 1952) British composer. AMQS, inscribed from his "Viola Concerto" [1976]...........40-60
318. [MUSIC] Burrill Phillips (1907-1988) American composer. AMQS, inscribed..........40-60
319. [MUSIC] Frederic Goossen (1927-2011) American composer. AMQS, inscribed from his "Aria", dated 1993........40-60
320. [MUSIC] Arthur Frackenpohl (b. 1924) American composer. AMQS
from "Natural Minor Blues".......40-60
321. [MUSIC] Allen Brings (b. 1934) American composer,
pianist. AMQS from "Viola and Piano.".......40-60
322. [MUSIC] Rudolf Kelterborn (b. 1931) Swiss musician and composer. AMQS from his "Nuovi Canti" dated 1993..........40-60
323. [MUSIC] Tina Davidson (b. 1952) American composer. AMQS from "Fire on the Mountain"......40-60
324. [MUSIC] Jeergen Jerslid (1913-2004) Danish composer. AMQS, inscribed, from his "Frantasia Per Arpa Sola" [1977], dated 1993..........40-60
325. [MUSIC] Haflioi Hallgrimsson (b. 1941) Icelandic composer and cellist. AMQS from his "Poemi" 3rd movement.........40-60
326. [MUSIC] Paul Hayden (b. 1956) American composer. AMQS from his "Hambridge Quavers" [1989]........40-60
327. [MUSIC] Wilhelm Maler (1902-1976) German composer. Signature on album paper [light blue]......25-35
328. [MUSIC] Francis Burt (b. 1926) British composer. AMQS from his "Echoes For Ensemble."......40-60
329. Jan Peerce [1904-1984] Opera star. ISP, 8x10, 1982........25-35
(1917-1990) American Cabinet Official - Smith was one of
several wealthy Republicans who urged Ronald Reagan to run for
governor and was a leading backer of Reagan's successful 1966
bid. As governor, Reagan appointed Smith as a member of the
University of California Board of Regents. Smith remained a
strong backer of Reagan's political aspirations and was a
member of Reagan's "kitchen cabinet" during the 1980
presidential campaign. Following President Reagan's
inauguration in 1981, Smith became attorney general; he served
until his resignation in 1985. SIGNED/inscribed 8x10 color
portrait with sentiment...........25-35
331. DOUGLAS FRASER (1916-2008) Am. Labor Leader. President of Chrysler, President of the United AutoWorkers (1979-1983). SIGNED/inscribed 8x10 photograph..........25-35
332. [MUSIC] Richard Bonynge (b. 1930) Australian conductor and pianist. Signed, inscribed 8x10 photo, 2001. VG........25-35
333. [MUSIC] Jane Glover CBE
(b.1949) British-born conductor and music scholar. Signed 8x10
photo. VG.........25-35
334. [NOBEL PRIZE] JAMES TOBIN (1918-2002) American Economist - 1981 Nobel Prize in Economics. His career as an economist began in 1939. He did research and writing in several fields: macroeconomic theory and policy; money and banking; public finance; consumer behavior; welfare economics; rationing; portfolio selection and asset markets ("q" ratio), economic growth; investment and capital accumulation; inequality and public policy to ameliorate poverty (negative income tax); econometric method ("tobit analysis"); international monetary system ("tobin tax"). SIGNED 1982 FDC honoring State Birds/Flowers. CLEAN.............25-35
335. [BALLET] DAME PEGGY VAN PRAAGH (1910-1990) Australian Ballerina/Choreographer. SIGNED/inscribed 8x10 photograph, 1982. VG.......25-35
338. Kathleen Norris [1880-1966] American novelist. At least two of her novels were made into films: My Best Girl (1927), starring Mary Pickford and Manhattan Love Song (1934), which was released under the title Change of Heart, starring Janet Gaynor. Signed 3-page biographical form from the Cyclopedia of American Biography. Signed at conclusion, August 28, 1916.............50-75
339. Clinton Scollard [1860-1932] was a prolific American poet and occasional writer of fiction. He was a Professor of English at Hamilton College, and collaborator and husband of Jessie Belle Rittenhouse. Brief ALS, 1895. Two lines in his hand............25-35
340. George William Childs [1829-1894] American publisher who co-owned the Philadelphia Public Ledger newspaper with financier Anthony Joseph Drexel. ALS, May 28, 1861, 1p, asking that certain publication be sent to the historian Henry Loomis......25-35
341. Kuno Francke [1855-1930] American (German-born) educator and historian. Most of his career was spent at Harvard University where he eventually became a professor of history and German culture and curator of the Germanic Museum. He played an important role in his time as the foremost German-American cultural ambassador. ALS, 1914, 2 full pages. "...It is not entirely sure that I shall be here next winter. If the war is over by that time - frant God that it will..."........40-60
342. [NJ] Harold (Giles Hoffman) (1896-1954) Republican who served as the 41st Governor of New Jersey, from 1935 to 1938. He also served two terms representing New Jersey's 3rd congressional district in the United States House of Representatives, from 1927 to 1931. He is probably best known for being one of the most corrupt Governors of that State. As governor, Hoffman secretly visited convicted Lindbergh kidnapper Bruno Hauptmann in his death row cell on the evening of October 16, 1935 with Anna Bading, a stenographer and fluent speaker of German. Hoffman urged the other members of the New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals , then the state's highest court, to visit Hauptmann. Despite Governor Hoffman's doubt regarding Hauptmann's guilt, Hoffman was unable to convince the other members of the Court to re-examine the case, and Hauptmann was executed on April 3, 1936. On March 18, 1954, Governor Robert B. Meyner uncovered a significant embezzlement scheme perpetrated by Hoffman, and suspended him from his position of Employment Security Division Director. Three months later, in June 1954, Hoffman died in a New York City hotel room of a heart attack. Just before dying, the disgraced former governor wrote a confession and admitted that he had embezzled over $300,000 from the state. TLS, 1942, 1p, signed Harold. To Danny Sullivan. Sullivan is in the hospital going to have an operation...........35-45
343. [THEATRE] Dame Anna Neagle [1904-1986) popular English stage and motion picture actress and singer. Signed sheet music from "A Broken Doll." Signed on cover picturing her & Michael Wilding. VG............40-60
344. Henry Festing Jones (1851-1928) friend and posthumous biographer of Samuel Butler. His biography of Butler, entitled Samuel Butler, Author of Erewhon (1835-1902) - A Memoir, won the inaugural James Tait Black Memorial Prize for biography in 1919. ALS, 1924, 4pp. 4.5 x 7 in.........50-75
345. Liz Smith [b. 1923] American gossip columnist. Signed & inscribed 8x10 photo. VG......25-35
346. [NOBEL] DAVID BALTIMORE - Am. Microbiologist. Awarded 1975 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine for research on how certain viruses effect the genes of cancer cells. SIGNED 5x7 portrait photograph. Poor contrast - signed in dark area............................25-35
347. [ENGLAND] Horace
Annesley Vachell [1861-1955]
prolific English writer of novels, plays, short stories, essays
and autobiographical works. Brief one-sentence ALS,
348. [CINEMA] CARA WILLIAMS (BARRYMORE) (1925- ) American Actress - At 17, Williams was signed to a 20th Century Fox contract, but few of her subsequent film roles were large enough to attract notice. Her fortunes improved when she replaced Judy Holliday in the Broadway production of Born Yesterday (1950); thereafter, her film and TV roles increased in size and prominence. She was nominated for an Academy Award for her portrayal of a sex-starved farm woman in The Defiant Ones (1958). By virtue of her flaming red hair and acute comic timing, Williams was touted as "the new Lucille Ball" on the CBS sitcoms Pete and Gladys (1961) and The Cara Williams Show (1964). She was married to John Barrymore, Jr. and had a son. SIGNED/inscribed 8x10 photograph with sentiment............20-30
349. [SCIENCE] GEORGE ROCHESTER (1908-2002) British Physicist He became one of the founding figures of modern particle physics when, in the 1940s, he discovered the existence of nuclear matter heavier than the previously known particles such as protons and neutrons. Brief ALS, 1992.............25-35
350. [NOBEL PRIZE] Robert M. Solow
(born 1924) American economist particularly known for his work
on the theory of economic growth. He was awarded the John Bates
Clark Medal in 1961 and the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic
Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel ("Nobel Prize") in 1987. ALS
written on back of color photo taken in 1987. 5-1/4 x 3-1/2 in.
351 [SCIENCE] JOHN C. BASILAR (1904-1991) American Chemist. He discovered optical inversion & explained stereo specificity in complex inorganic reactions. While teaching a general chemistry course, he realized that isomerism could exist among inorganic compounds. He went on to train several generations of coordination chemists Basilar is known as the "FATHER of American coordination chemistry." Considered one of the 75 leading chemist in history. TLS dtd 5/27/83......................35-45
352. [NOBEL]
THOMAS CECH - American Chemist. He was awarded the 1989 Nobel
Prize for Chemistry for his discoveries about the catalytic
properties of RNA. SIGNED 4x6 photograph............25-35
John Gunther (1901-1970) American journalist and author
whose success came primarily in the 1940s and 1950s with a
series of popular sociopolitical works known as the "Inside"
books. Signed, inscribed 4 x 6 photo. VG.......50-75
354. Leon Gellert (1892-1977) Australian poet. TLS, 1934, 1p.........40-60
355. Francis A. March (1825- 1911) American polymath, academic,
philologist, and lexicographer. He is considered the principal
founder of modern comparative linguistics in Anglo-Saxon. March
applied the methods of studying the Latin and Greek classics
towards the study of English literature, and led the way for the
first scientific study of the English language. He graduated
from Amherst College in 1845, and received a M.A. degree from
Amherst in 1848. After studying law and teaching for three
years, he became instructor at Lafayette College. March occupied
the chair of English language and comparative philology at
Lafayette College, in Easton, Pennsylvania, from 1857 to 1907.
It was the first post of its kind. March was one of the first
professors to advocate and teach English in colleges and
universities. In addition to English, March also taught French,
German, Greek, Latin, botany, "mental philosophy", political
economy, the Constitution, and law. He also served as president
of the American Philological Association (1873-1874; 1895-1896),
the Spelling Reform Association (after 1876), and the Modern
Language Association (1891-1893). March was the first American
superintendent over the volunteer reading program of the Oxford
English Dictionary, thus providing valuable support to James
Murray in the compilation of this monumental work. ALS, no year, 1p, to the widow of a friend, offering assistance. 4 x
6-1/4". VG...........50-75
356. Samuel Hopkins Adams [1871-1958] Am. writer. Signature........15-20
359. Baron Ashburton [1774-1848] Brit. politician. Signature......15-20
360. Irving Bacheller [1859-1950] Am. writer. ANS on small card...........20-30
361. Ralph A. Benson [1828-1886] Brit. Cricket player. Signature......20-30
362. [FILM] Ross
Hunter (1920-1996 ) Hollywood
film producer. After serving in Army intelligence during World
War II, Hunter signed a movie contract with Columbia Pictures
and acted in a number of B-movie musicals. Success followed when
he transisioned to become a film producer attaining a staff
producer post at Universal Pictures in 1953 on the strength of
his previous credits as a theatrical producer and director.
Hunter was known for producing what were considered "light"
films starring actresses including Doris Day, Debbie Reynolds,
and Julie Andrews. He was also known for melodramas such as
Imitation of Life with Lana Turner and Airport. In the early
1970s, after flopping with the 1973 version of Lost Horizon, he
worked for Paramount Pictures on a string of television movies.
TLS on AIRPORT stationery, 1p, letter of recommendation for Mr.
Al M. Ellis. VG..............25-35
363. [FRANCE] Jules
Favre (1809-1880) French statesman. After
the establishment of the Third Republic in September 1870, he
became one of the leaders of the Opportunist Republicans
faction. ANS, 1878, on 3-3/4 x 2-1/8" card, mounted to slip.
364. George Grote [1794-1871] Brit. historian. Clip signature...........20-30
365. Margaret E. Sangster (1838-1912) American poet, author, and editor. She was popular in the late 19th and early 20th century. CLIP SIGNATURE......25-35
366. CLAUDE AVELINE [1901-1992] Fr. writer. SIGNATURE with
367. [MUSIC] Johnny
Desmond (1919-1985) American popular music
singer. Signed vintage album page...........25-35
368. J. Robert Schrieffer - Am. Nobel physicist. Signature.........20-30
369. [NOBEL] Paul A. Samuelson (b.1915) American neoclassical economist. Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1970, the second year of the Prize. Signed 3x5 card [on lined side]...........20-30
370. Henry Martyn
Hoyt, Jr. (1856- 1910) served as Solicitor
General of the United States from 1903 to 1909. His father, also
named Henry Martyn Hoyt, served as governor of Pennsylvania from
1879 to 1883. Hoyt Jr. was born in Wilkes-Barre and
graduated from Yale University in 1878 and the law school of the
University of Pennsylvania in 1881. After a career spent in
private practice as a lawyer in Pennsylvania, starting in
Pittsburgh and then in banking he became an assistant attorney
general in 1897 and then, in 1903, was appointed Solicitor
General by Theodore Roosevelt. After the end of Roosevelt's term
in office he became a counselor to Secretary of State Philander
C. Knox. Hoyt died in 1910. Five [5] signed bank checks,
Riggs National Bank, 1912. VG...........50-75
371. [BRITAIN] Robert Brudenell, 6th Earl of
Cardigan (1760-1837) succeeded to his title on 24 February
1811, following the death of his uncle James Brudenell, 5th
Earl of Cardigan. Robert Brudenell was a keen cricketer who
made eight known appearances in major cricket matches
between 1790 and 1793. He was an early member of Marylebone
Cricket Club (MCC), for whose team he played most of his
matches [1]. He sat as Member of Parliament (MP) for
Marlborough in both the Parliaments of Great Britain and the
United Kingdom from 1797 until 1802. Signed address panel
dated June 10, 1821. Toned; dark stain just touches 1st
letter "C" of his signature.............20-30
372. [BRITAIN] Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge (1774-1850) was the tenth child and seventh son of George III and Queen Charlotte. He held the title of Duke of Cambridge from 1801 until his death. He also served as Viceroy of Hanover on behalf of his brothers George IV and William IV. His granddaughter, Mary of Teck was the Queen George V of consort. Signed address panel addressed to his sister Her Royal Highness Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh. No date......20-30
373. Margaret Deland (1857-1945) American author. TLS, Cambridge, Mass., 1933, 1p. To Kenneth Whittemore who apparently was also a writer. VG...........35-45
375. Alfred
Turner [1852-1932] Am. painter. Signed card.
376. Gertrude Beals [1868-1952] Am.
painter. Clip signature............20-30
377. George
Ade [1866-1944] American writer.
378. ETER DRUCKER (1909- 2005) American Writer/Teacher. He is also
a consultant specializing in strategy and policy for businesses
and social sector organizations. He has consulted with many of
the world's largest corporations as well as with nonprofit
organizations, small and entrepreneurial companies, and with
agencies of the U.S. government. He has also worked with
free-world governments such as those of Canada, Japan, and
Mexico. He is the author of thirty-one books which have been
translated into more than twenty languages. Thirteen books deal
with society, economics, and politics; fifteen deal with
management. ANS on 3x5 card dtd 1985...............20-30
ACADEMY AWARD WINNING ACTORS - signatures in various forms. No estimates given.
379. Maximilian Schell [return address]
380. Cliff Robertson
381. Eileen Heckart
382. Dean Jagger (1903-1991)
383. Ben Johnson (1918-1996)
(1805-1880) was an entrepreneur and the Mayor of New
York (1862 to 1863) during the American Civil War. Signed bank check 1863, as Mayor. VG...........40-60
385. Howard Cosell (1918-1995)
American sports journalist who was widely known for his
blustery, cocksure personality. Cosell said of himself,
"Arrogant, pompous, obnoxious, vain, cruel, verbose, a
showoff. There's no question that I'm all of those
things." TLS, no date, 1p., to "Dear IDS
People." "Frank, Don, and I are delighted that
you're joining our notable list of sponsors on ABC's NFL
Monday Night Football...." VG.........50-75
387. [CABINET] Arthur E.
Summerfield (1899-1972) the 54th Postmaster
General of the US. TLS, 1955, lengthy full page extending
invitation to the President of the Air Mail Society to attend
the ceremony at the White House commerating the issuance of
Atoms For Peace Stamp. VG......50-75
390. Thornton W. Burgess (1874-1965) born in Sandwich, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, he was a conservationist and author of children's stories . Thornton Waldo Burgess loved the beauty of nature and its living creatures so much that he wrote about them for 50 years. By the time he retired, he had written more than 170 books and 15,000 stories for daily columns in newspapers. Signed 3x5 card to which a US posrage stamp has been affixed. Signature partly over the stamp. VG..........30-40
392. Ivor Brown [1891-1974] British journalist.
Signed card............15-20
395. [MUSIC] Dick Dale (b. 1937) American surf rock guitarist, known as The King of the Surf Guitar. Signed, inscribed color 8x10 photo. VG..........25-35
396. John Fiske (1842-1901) American philosopher and historian. ALS, 1890, 1p, not able to accept invitation due to his lecturing. VG.........50-75
401. IRVIN S. COBB - writer.
Clip signature. [stains]............15-20
403. BARTLEY T. CAMPBELL (1843-1888) American writer. Signature.........20-30
404. ELLIS PARKER BUTLER (1869-1937) ANS on
correspondent's letter..........20-30
405. EDGAR FAWCETT (1847-1904)
American writer. Clip signature............20-30
406. LOUISE CHANDLER MOULTON - American writer.
Signed card, 1875. Fair condition.............15-20
407. [ENGLAND] John Mason Good (1764-1827) English writer on medical, religious and classical subjects. In the autumn of 1784, he began to practise as a surgeon at Sudbury in Suffolk. There he was an acquaintance of Nathan Drake, a fellow writer and student of Shakespeare. n 1794 John Good became a member of the British Pharmaceutical Society, and in that connection, and especially by the publication of his work, A History of Medicine (1795), he did much to effect a greatly needed reform in the profession of the apothecary. OFFERED HERE is clip signature. Accompanied by a clip signature of Nathan Drake (1766-1836) English essayist and physician. Drake's works include several volumes of literary essays, and some papers contributed to medical periodicals, but his most important production was Shakespeare and his Times, including the Biography of the Poet, Criticisms on his Genius, and Writings; a new Chronology of his Plays; a Disquisition on the Object of his Sonnets; and a History of the Manners, Customs and Amusements, Superstitions, Poetry and Elegant Literature of his Age (2 vols., 1817). Click below to see portrait of Nathan Drake, which does NOT come with this lot. Two signatures..........40-60
408. [OPERA] John Dudley [1905-1994] Between December 1940, when he made his debut as a student in Louise , and May 1944, he appeared in 235 performances at the Metropolitan Opera House and elsewhere, taking 28 roles in 24 different operas. He may be heard on several recordings of live Met productions. SIGNED, inscribed [someone tried to erase name inscribed to], 8x10 vintage photo. Photograph by James Abresch, NYC...........35-45
409. [IOWA] HAROLD E. HUGHES - Senator from Iowa; born near Ida Grove, Ida County, Iowa, February 10, 1922; attended the public schools and the University of Iowa; Army combat rifleman in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy during the Second World War; engaged in motor transportation business; elected to Iowa State Commerce Commission 1959-1962; Governor of Iowa 1963-1968; executive committee, National Governors Conference 1965-1967; chairman Democratic Governors Conference 1966-1968; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 1968 and served from January 3, 1969, to January 3, 1975; was not a candidate for reelection in 1974; briefly sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1971; served on the Commission on the Operation of the Senate 1975-1976; consultant to the Senate Judiciary Committee 1975-1976; president, The Hughes Foundation; chairman, Harold Hughes Centers for Alcoholism and Drug Treatment; was a resident of Des Moines, Iowa, before moving to his retirement home in Glendale, Ariz., where he died on October 23, 1996; remains were cremated. SIGNED 8X10 PHOTO AS SENATOR. Fine....................25-35
410. [EDGAR A. GUEST] Lot of 3 soft-cover books from his library, each signed & inscribed to Guest. Inludes: "Rainbow Ribbons" poems by Juanita Elliott; "Philosophic Phantasies" by William Wallace Ellis; "Recitations" by Zilla Vollmer Tietgen. 1946-1952. G-VG........50-75
411. [FILM] Fay Bainter (1893-1968) American film and stage actress. Bainter quickly achieved success, and in 1938 she became the first performer nominated in the same year for both the Academy Award for Best Actress, for White Banners (1938), and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, for Jezebel (1938), winning for the latter. Signed, inscribed 4 x 2-3/4" slip..........30-40
412. Alice Muriel Williamson (1869 - 1933) British novelist. Born Alice Muriel Livingston, she married Charles Norris Williamson (1859-1920) in 1894 and many of her books were jointly written with her husband. After her marriage she introduced herself as Mrs. C.N. Williamson. A number of their novels cover the early days of motoring and can also be read as travelogues. Under the pseydonym Alice Stuyvesant she wrote "The Hidden House" serialised in The Cavalier 1913-1914. Alice apparently said of her husband "Charlie Williamson could do anything in the world except write stories": she said of herself "I can't do anything else." She continued to write after her husband's death in 1920. ALS, no year, 3 full pages. To Miss Marshall [journalist]. Nice content............50-75
414. HELGA SANDBURG (1916- ) American Author/Poet; Carl Sandburg. SIGNED/inscribed stationary, March 1973, with sentiment........20-30
415. [OPERA] LAURENCE TIBBETT (1896-1960) Am. Opera Star. SIGNATURE/inscribed on album page,1939. On verso is Paramount Actress Jane Gilbert............20-30
416. FRED de CORDOVA (1910-2001) American Director/Producer. He started his career as a director in the 1940s, directing B-movies including Here Come the Nelsons, with Ozzie, Harriet and sons, and Bedtime for Bonzo, with Ronald Reagan. But during the television boom in the '50s and '60s, he began directing and producing television programs, including My Three Sons and variety shows with Jack Benny, George Gobel, Burns and Allen, and the Smothers Brothers. Mr. De Cordova began producing The Tonight Show in 1970, eight years after Carson became the show's star, and became executive producer in 1984. ANS dtd 3/6/89................20-30
417. [THEATRE-FILM] Eric Portman [1901-1969] distinguished English stage and film
actor. He is probably best remembered for his roles in several
films for Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger during the
1940s. Signed 3-1/2 x 4-1/2 1940s photo. Minor creasing. Signed
in dark area so contrast is good...........30-40
418. [MAINE] John S.C. Abbott (1805-1877) American historian, pastor, and writer, from Brunswick, Maine. He was a brother of Jacob Abbott, and was associated with him in the management of Abbott's Institute, New York City, and in the preparation of his series of brief historical biographies. ALS, Brunswick, Me., Nov. 23, 1852, 1p, 4to. Re: his fee for lecturing. VG.........50-75
419. [ENGLAND] Sir
Edward Hay Drummond-Hay (1815-1884) British naval officer,
diplomat and colonial administrator. He was born in England
and was a Colonel of the 5th West India Regiment from 1854 to
1863. From 1839 to 1850 he was the President of the British
Virgin Islands From 1850 to 1855 he was the Governor of Saint
Kitts. From 1856 to 3 July 1863 he was the Governor of Saint
Helena. In September 1860, the governor received a visit from
His Royal Highness Prince Alfred, who was an officer in the
Royal Navy serving on the H.M.S. Euralus. ALS, St. Helena, 29
Jan. 1861, 4pp, 4-1/2 x 7-1/4". To John Bell. Mentions, in
this letter, the visit of Prince Alfred.
420. [MASS] Henry Joseph Gardner [1819-1892] Governor of Massachusetts from 1855-58. Gardner was the candidate of the Know-Nothing movement, and was elected governor as part of the sweeping victory of Know-Nothing candidates in the Massachusetts elections of 1854. In line with the nativist and anti-Catholic politics of the Know-Nothing movement, Gardner proposed an amendment to the Massachusetts state constitution banning appropriations of tax funds to Catholic schools, which was passed by the state legislature and ratified after it was approved by referendum. During Gardner's term in office, Anthony Burns was arrested in Boston under the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. Edward G. Loring, a Suffolk County probate judge who also as served U.S. commissioner of the Circuit Court in Massachusetts, ordered that Burns be forced back into slavery in Virginia, outraging abolitionists and the increasingly antislavery public in Massachusetts. Under the pressure of a public petition campaign spearheaded by William Lloyd Garrison , the legislature passed two Bills of Address calling for Judge Loring to be removed from his state office, in 1855 and 1856, but in both cases Gardner declined to remove Loring. (A third Bill of Address to remove Loring from office was later approved by Gardner's Republican successor, Nathaniel Prentice Banks.) SIGNATURE........20-30
421. [FILM] Martin Landau - American film and television actor. Landau began his career in the 1950s. His early films include a supporting role in Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest (1959). He played continuing roles in the television series Mission: Impossible (for which he received several Emmy Award nominations) and Space:1999. He received a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor - Motion Picture and his first nomination for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his work in Tucker: The Man and His Dream, and was nominated for an Oscar for his role in Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989). His performance in the supporting role of Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood (1994) earned him the Academy Award, Screen Actors Guild Award and a Golden Globe. He continues to perform in film and television and heads the Hollywood branch of the Actors Studio. Signature matted with portrait. Overall 12x16. Mat has bumped corners...........35-45
See Landau423. [NY] BEACH, Lewis, a Representative from New York; born in New York City March 30, 1835; was graduated from the Yale Law School in 1856; was admitted to the bar the same year and commenced practice in New York; took up residence in Orange County, N.Y., in 1861; member and treasurer of the Democratic State central committee 1877-1879; elected as a Democrat to the Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth, and Forty-ninth Congresses and served from March 4, 1881, until his death at his home, "Knoll View," Cornwall, Orange County, N.Y., August 10, 1886; chairman, Committee on Expenditures on Public Buildings (Forty-ninth Congress); interment in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y. CLIP SIGNATURE.........15-20
424. [BASEBALL] Masato Yoshii (b. 1965 in Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan) retired baseball player who is currently a pitching coach for the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters in the Japanese Pacific League. He pitched in the Major Leagues from 1998-2002. Signed & inscribed 3x5 card........10-15
425. Beatrice (BOYD) TLS, May 31, 1979. To Charles "Buddy" Rogers. Written 2 days after Mary Pickford died. Well composed uplifting words: "rejoice for Mary's having achieved this life, in having run her course and completed all that God willed for her here......" With envelope...........20-30
426. [CAPTURE OF JEFF DAVIS - NEWSPAPER] Wisconsin State Journal, May 23, 1865, 8pp. Includes: THE TRIAL OF THE ASSASSINS; THE GUILT OF JEFF. DAVIS; European Comments on the Death of Mr. Lincoln; The Starving Of Our Prisoners; "...The disguise in female dress is fully confirmed..." VG...............75-100
427. Hiram Corson (1828-1911) American professor of literature. ALS, Utica, NY, 1907, 4 pages, 4to. To Miss Whiting. Begins by saying he has sent a photo of him taken by Frederick Robinson "It is regarded as the most artistic photograph taken of me..." Followed by good content. Two file holes o/w VG..............40-60
431. [MAINE] Burton M. Cross
[1902-1998] Maine's 61st and 63rd Governor. ALS. 1972, full
1-page. Fine letter about himself and his opinions about a
negative outlook for Maine and the Federal government.
432. [NOBEL PRIZE] Arthur L. Schawlow (1921-1999) American physicist. He
is best remembered for his work on lasers, for which he was
awarded a 1981 Nobel Prize. HIS STATIONERY SIGNED, 1982,
inscribed in type to collector..............25-35
434. WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY [1925-2008]
Conservative author & conservative commentator. Buckley
was "arguably the most important public intellectual in the
United States in the past half century," according to George
H. Nash, a historian of the modern American conservative
movement. ISP, 5x7. VG.......35-45
435. [MARYLAND] Augustus Williamson Bradford (1806-1881)
he was the 32nd Governor of Maryland from 1862 to 1866. He
served as governor during the Civil War and paid a heavy price
for his devotion to the Union. In February 1861, Governor
Thomas H. Hicks appointed Bradford one of Maryland’s delegates
to the Washington Peace Conference, where he made a speech
supporting the Union. Following the conference, the Union Party
named Bradford as its candidate for governor, opposing the
Democratic candidate General Benjamin C. Howard. Bradford
defeated Howard by approximately 30,000 votes and took office on
January 8, 1862. During his term, he violently opposed the
Federal government’s interference in Maryland’s elections,
upheld the dignity of the State government and defied the harsh
and arbitrary military occupation, and went to great lengths to
keep the State in the Union. At the same time he upheld the
Federal government's authority although he differed with its
methods. In September 1862, he was one of the many
northern governors to attend the Loyal War Governors' Conference
in Altoona, Pennsylvania. During the Civil War, the Confederates
invaded Maryland three times. During the last of these, Bradley
T. Johnson’s raiders visited Bradford’s home in July 1864, and
during his absence, burned it to the ground together with all
his furniture, library, and papers. This action was partially in
retaliation for Union General David Hunter’s burning of the home
of Governor John Letcher of Virginia, and partially because of
Bradford’s "uncompromising spirit and strong leanings."
During his four years in office, Augustus Bradford released
Samuel Green (freedman) from jail on the condition he leave the
state. Green was an African-American slave and minister, who was
jailed in 1857 for possessing a copy of the novel Uncle Tom's
Cabin. DOCUMENT SIGNED, 1865, Mechanics Bank,
approx. 7-1/8 x 2-3/4. Has the usual "slice cancel". VG
436. Floyd Dell [1887-1969] Am. journalist, novelist. In 1908
Dell moved on to Chicago where he became editor of the
Friday Literary Review and a leader of the Chicago
Renaissance. In his position at FLR, Dell promoted the
work of Theodore Dreiser, Sherwood Anderson, Carl Sandburg
and other Chicago writers. Relocating to New York in 1913,
Dell became managing editor of Max Eastman's radical
magazine The Masses, and a leader of the pre-war bohemian
community in Greenwich Village. Nice CLIP
437. [ART] Esther [Bensusan] Pissaro [1870-1951] British wood engraver & artist. She was married to Lucien Pissaro [1863-1944] artist and son of the famed artist, Camile Pissaro. ALS, 1923, 1p, concerning a certain work of art that her husband never did, but the recipient of letter would be welcomed if they came to England. Her letters are not common. One mail fold o/w excellent condition................50-75
438. [THEATRE] Aline MacMahon (1899-1991) American actress. Her career began on stage in 1921. She worked extensively in film and television until her retirement in 1975. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Dragon Seed (1944). Document Signed, The Theatre Guild Inc., NYC, 1945, 1p. Signed contract to act in radio performance of "Storm Over Patsy", for run of an hour, and she will be paid $750. VG............50-75
439. [ENGLAND] John Duke Coleridge, 1st Baron Coleridge (1820-97), British jurist, eldest son of the jurist Sir John Taylor Coleridge, born in Ottery Saint Mary, and educated at the University of Oxford. He began practicing law in 1846 and was elected to Parliament in 1865. Three years later he was appointed solicitor general and in 1871 became attorney general. He was appointed chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas in 1873, was raised to the peerage in 1874, and was chief justice of the Court of the Queen's Bench from 1880 to 1894. ANS, 1872......20-30
440. [SCIENCE] Thomas Wright (1711-1786) English astronomer, mathematician, instrument maker, architect and garden designer. Wright is best known for his publication An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe (1750), in which he explains the appearance of the Milky Way as "an optical effect due to our immersion in what locally approximates to a flat layer of stars." This idea was taken up and elaborated by Immanuel Kant in his Universal Natural History and Theory of Heaven. CLIP SIGNATURE mounted...........50-75
441. US Senators - 10 TLSs,
1960-1962, all to Vernon Talbertt: McNamara [MI], Long [HI],
McClellan [Ark], McGee [WY], Miller [IA], Morse [OR], Moss
[UT], Pastore [RI], Prouty [VT], Morton [KY]. All have
mounting residue at top & bottom edge. Mostly on verso
but with some show-thru.............50-75
442. [OHIO] Wayne L. Hays (1911-1989), American politician whose strong rule of the House Administration Committee extended to even the smallest items; in the mid-1970s, lawmakers avoided crossing Hays for fear that he would shut off the air conditioning in their offices. [1][2] He resigned from Congress after a much publicized sex scandal in 1976. TLS, 1976, 1p..................20-30
443. [NOBEL PRIZE] MELVIN CALVIN [1911-1997] chemist most famed for discovering most famed for discovering the Calvin cycle (along with Andrew Benson), for which he was awarded the 1961 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Signed multi-page printout titled "Intermediates in the photosynthetic cycle: a commentary by Melvin Calvin."............25-35
[STOCK CERTIFICATES] group of 10 stock certificates for COMPAGNIE FERMIERE DE LUCHON,
all 1925, approx. 7-1/2 x 12-1/4". VG.
Farmer Company Luchon
Country: France
Date: 1925
Genre: Action de 500 Francs
Issue: 3000 action
Activity: Cures
State: UNC (Uncirculed) new document had almost never
circulated. No folds, trace or task.
Description section - Title from the Farmer Company Luchon,
dating from 1925 whose action was worth 500 francs.
Companies registered capital of 1.5 million francs.
Headquarters: Bagneres-de-Luchon. Established in 1924. Hotel
operations and Royal Majestic Bagneres-de-Luchon
All of these have these coupons still
attached. They all look alike. Fine
condition..............200-300 Reserve at $50
445. [MUSIC] Charles C. Knox [b. 1929] American composer. He is particularly noted for his music for brass instruments and chamber music, among his over 100 compositions to date. Some of his music includes: Sing We to Our God Above for chorus and organ (1970); Festival Procession for chorus, brass quartet and organ (1972); His Praises We'll Sing for treble chorus and organ (1991, later arranged for mixed voices), etc. ALS, 2011, 1p. Fine.......35-45
446. [ENGLAND] Herbert
Marsh (1757–1839) was a bishop in the
Church of England. CLIP SIGNATURE [1821] as the Bishop of
Peterborough. Mounted to large
paper. VG...........20-30
447. [MUSIC] Helen Pickens (1910-1984)
with her two sisters Patti Pickens and Jane Pickens a
popular radio and recording vocal trio in the
1930s. ALS, nd, on Pickens Sister
stationery, 2pp. VG...........25-35
449. Edna Bryner [1866-1967] American writer.
Signature, 1929............20-30
450. [ITALY] Cesare Mori [1871-1942] was a
prefect (prefetto) before and during the Fascist period in
Italy. He is known in Italy as the Iron Prefect (Prefetto di
Ferro) because of his iron-fisted campaigns against the Mafia on
Sicily in the second half of the 1920s. SIGNED CARD, Rone,
dated June 21, 1932. Approx. 4.5 x 3.5".........25-35
451. Clara
Louise Burnham [1854-1927] American writer.
Signature, 1890............20-30
452. (Colonial Philadelphia ) THOMAS P. COPE (1768-1854) American Merchant, Quaker, Philanthropist, Author, he was the son of Caleb Cope. He was originally from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He became one of Philadelphia's wealthiest citizens, and a politician. He authored "Passages from the Writings of William Penn", also his daughter wrote "Philadelphia Merchant, the Diary of Thomas P. Cope." - PAUL BECK (1760-1844) Revolutionary War Soldier, Wealthy Philadelphia Merchant and philanthropist. He joined the Revolutionary War and was an associate of General Thomas Miflin, and the Clymers. He protected the home of Declaration of Independence SIGNER James Wilson, and is mentioned in the summary of "The Lives of The Signers". He was one of Philadelphia's most eminent personalities and philanthropists. - EDWARD THOMSON (1810-1870) Prominent Philadelphia Bishop, Physician. He was against Methodism., but years later converted and in 1831 became a traveling preacher He was appointed President of Wesleyan University and was for 16 years. He later became Bishop. SIGNATURES of ALL THREE, mounted to a larger piece of very old paper.............50-75
453. [MUSIC] Cora de Wilhorst [b. 1835] Opera singer. Signature with sentiment dated 1858. VG...........20-30
455. [FILM] Heinz Woester (1901-1970) was a Swiss film and television actor. Signed, inscribed postcard photo. Condition very good; minor corner crack..........25-35
456. [THEATRE] Adelaide Ristori (1822-1906) distinguished Italian tragedienne, who
was often referred to as the Marquise. AQS, dated London July
16, 1873, written on 8x3 in. card. Fresh
457. William Farquhar Payson
[1876-1939] American writer. ANS, 1935............20-30
458. John Lubbock,
1st Baron Avebury PC, FRS (1834-1913) English banker,
biologist, archaeologist and Liberal politician. Signed
printed poscard accepting position as steward at Annual
Dinner, 1899...........20-30
459. [DELAWARE] Bill Roth (1921-2003) U.S. Senator from Delaware. Signed & inscribed color 8x10 photo.............25-35
460. [OKLAHOMA] Don Nickles (b. 1948) US Senator from Oklahoma from 1981-2005. SIGNED & INSCRIBED color 8x10 photo..........20-30
461. [KENTUCKY] Wendell Ford (b. 1924) the longest-serving US senator in Kentucky history. Signed & inscribed color 8x10 photo..........25-35
462. BEVERLY BAYNE [1894-1982] actress. Brief ALS, n.d.......35-45
463. Clifford Bax (1886-1962)
versatile English writer, known particularly as a playwright, a
journalist, critic and editor, and a poet, lyricist and hymn
writer. He also was a translator, for example of Goldoni. The
composer Arnold Bax was his brother, and set some of his words
to music. A fold open card signed...........20-30
464. Sir Francis Palgrave
[1788-1861] English historian. Clip signature mounted to
465. Nellie Tayloe Ross (1876-
1977) American politician, the 14th Governor of Wyoming from
1925 to 1927, and director of the United States Mint from
1933-1953. She was the first woman to serve as governor of a
U.S. state. To date, she remains the only woman to have served
as governor of Wyoming. She was a staunch supporter of
prohibition during the 1920s. Clip signature.........20-30
467. George William Curtis (1824-1892)American writer
and public speaker, born in Providence, Rhode Island, of old New
England stock. CLIP SIGNATURE with sentiment...........20-30
468. William T. Moncrieff
[1794-1857] English dramatist. Signature in form of return
469. Quida [1839-1908]
British novelist. Clip signature. Ink is light............20-30
New London, Connecticut document dated 1826,
concerning General William North. This is signed by Jeremiah
G. Brainard, Mayor of New London. The document states
that General North has appeared before him, that he is known
and respected. William North (1755-1836) was an
American soldier and politician, born at Pemaquid, Maine. He
entered the Continental Army in 1775, and served under
Benedict Arnold in the unfortunate expedition to Canada in
that year. He was appointed in May 1777 as captain in Henry
Jackson's 16th Massachusetts Regiment, with which he
participated in the Battle of Monmouth. In 1779 he became
aide-de-camp to Baron Steuben, whom he greatly aided in
introducing his system of discipline in the Continental Army.
Later he accompanied Steuben to Virginia, and was present at
the surrender of Cornwallis. North was appointed as a
Federalist to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of John Sloss Hobart and served from
May 5, 1798, to August 17, 1798. This document only concern
Gen. North and is not signedc by him. Approx. 8 x 12
in. There are newspaper clippings glued to back.
Some edge ware..............200-300
Scan 1
Scan 2
picture of North
471. [ART] Peter Blume (1906-1992)
American painter and sculptor. His first major recognition
came in 1934 with a first prize for South of Scranton at a
Carnegie Institute International Exhibition. Signed 3x5
card. VG.........20-30
472. Leonard Merrick
[1864-1939] British Playwright. Clip
473. Charles Doughty
[1843-1926] English poet. Clip signature..............20-30
476. [FRANCE] Louis-François Chamillart, Marquis de la Suze ( 1751
- 1833 ) was a French politician. He was allowed to sit at the
Chamber of Peers in 1815. ALS, 1791, written from Chateau
des Tuileries, to certified services of La Plasse "Marechal
des Logis des Rois." 1p, 7-3/4 x 12-1/4 in. VG...............100-150
479. [RELIGION] Pierre Simon de Dreux-Breze (1811-1893)
Priest since 1825 , Vicar General and Canon Emeritus of
Paris, he distinguished himself as a preacher, and
was appointed Bishop of Moulins October 28, 1849, by the
President of the Republic Called to Rome by Pope
Pius IX on 7 January 1850, it was dedicated to Our Lady
of Paris on 14 April and took possession of his see on 1 May.
Near Dom Prosper Gueranger, he established the Roman rite in
his diocese a pastoral letter by the 21 November 1853 and was
a promoter of the Gregorian chant. [internet
translation]. ALS, not dated, 3 full pages,
5-1/4 x 8-1/4". On the verso of page 3 is an ALS
by Xavier de Ravignan
(1795-1858) French Jesuit preacher and author. Educated in
Paris, he resigned his army commission to study law. Auditor
of the royal court. Deputy attorney-general by 1821. Entering
a Sulpician monastery, and later joining the Society of Jesus,
he was ordained in 1828, and after several years as professor
and retreat preacher at Montrouge, he went to Notre Dame,
where his logic, serenity, and zeal won souls by the hundreds.
Superior of his brethren at Bordeaux from 1837 to 1842, and at
Paris from 1848 to 1851. He preached throughout France and in
Rome, Belgium, and London. His calm, eloquent De l'Existence
et de l'Institut des Jesuites of 1844, vindicating the
Society, sold 25,000 copies in one year. However, the Jesuits'
strife continued until they were forced to disband for a time
in France. Despite painful controversy with his
superiors and imputations from other quarters, he remained
loyal to his order. In 1854 he brought out Clement XIII et
Clement XIV, a dispassionate treatise, of no great literary
merit, on the defender and the suppressor of the Jesuits. He
steadfastly refused preferment, even the archbishopric of
Paris, devoting himself to other works. He died a saintly
death, and thousands followed the remains of the "Apostle of
Paris" to his grave. VG..........200-300
REPUBLIQUE, dated Year IX [1801],
16 pages., approx. 5.5 x 8.5". Many pages on
how to split up captured ships [detailed]; also
article on CORSAIRS [pirates]; etc. Signed
Bonaparte in print. VG............100-150
488. Sir Alexander Beresford Hope PC (1820-1887), known as Alexander Hope
until 1854 (and also known as A. J. B. Hope until 1854
and as A. J. B. Beresford Hope from 1854 onwards), was a
British author and Conservative politician. Brief ALS,
1878, 1p. Tear [1" top edge] & light stain
See above
David Lawrence
(1888-1973) conservative
newspaperman and former
student of Woodrow Wilson
at Princeton University.
In 1916, he became the
Washington correspondent
of the New York Evening
Post. After his reelection
as U.S. President in 1916,
President Woodrow Wilson
fired Irish-American White
House secretary (chief of
staff) Joseph Patrick
Tumulty in 1916 to placate
anti-Catholic sentiment,
particularly from his wife
and his advisor Colonel
Edward M. House, after
which David Lawrence
successfully interceded on
his behalf to remain.
During the presidency of
Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
David Lawrence criticised
'The New Deal' in his 1932
book Beyond
the New Deal, in which
his observation of
economic activity led him
to distinguish between
free enterprise and
corporatism, writing that
corporations are creations
of the state." In 1926,
Lawrence founded United
States Daily, a weekly
newspaper devoted to
covering government, and
seven years later shut it
down to start United
States News for an
audience of community
leaders, business people
and politicians. In 1948,
United States News merged
with Lawrence's
two-year-old weekly
magazine, World
Report to form
the news magazine U.S.
News & World Report. At the
time of Lawrence's 1973
death, the magazine had a
circulation of two
million. On April 22,
1970, David Lawrence was
presented with the
Presidential Medal of
Freedom by President
Richard Nixon. Lengthy
TLS, 1927, 2 full pages,
to James T. William. Excellent
news paper content about
the United States Daily.
490. [CARDINAL] Francis Cardinal Spellman (1889-1967) American prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He was the sixth Archbishop of New York from 1939 to 1967, having previously served as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston (1932-39). He was named a cardinal in 1946. Signed print that has postage stamp affixed. Also signed by James Francis Aloysius McIntyre (1886-1979) American prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Archbishop of Los Angeles from 1948 to 1970, and was created a cardinal in 1953. Print size approx. 8 x 10"...........100-150
491. [CARDINAL] Francis Cardinal Spellman (1889-1967) American prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He was the sixth Archbishop of New York from 1939 to 1967, having previously served as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston (1932-39). He was named a cardinal in 1946. Signed print that has postage stamp affixed. Also signed by James Francis Aloysius McIntyre (1886-1979) American prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Archbishop of Los Angeles from 1948 to 1970, and was created a cardinal in 1953. Print size approx. 8 x 10"...........100-150
493. [ART] Original
antique wood-engraving - SCENES IN ST.
LOUIS, from Picturesque America, image approx. 10
x 7 plus margins. printed text on verso as usual.
the private collection of HENRI CORBIERE, the noted French art
critic. The following are original drawings sent to Corbiere
from friends. Approx. paper sizes. All are in very good
on descriptions to see the drawings
495. DANIEL FERRARA (Algerian, born 1906) signed ink drawing, approx. 12 x 9 in.............75-100
496. ANDRE BOUEY (1898-1976) signed ink drawing, 1966, 12 x 8 in............75-100
497. JACQUES DEMOULIN (born 1905) signed ink drawing dated 1972, 12 x 9.5 in.............75-100
498. STEFAN WALLMARK (born 1912) signed pencil drawing dated 1972, 12 x 8.5 in..........75-100
499. ERIKA BUENTELLO (American) signed pencil drawing dated 1978, 8 x 10.5 in..............75-100
500. [FRANCE] PIERRE DESCAVES - believe he was
the French radio critic. Four [4] pages of notes [unsigned] in
the hand of Descaves referring to Jean Cocteau. PLUS 3 ephemeral
pieces related to Cocteau: 1930 1p. printed page by Cocteau on
Opium; small theatre program picturing him; 2-page flyer about
501. [FILM & THEATRE] Colleen Dewhurst (1924-1991) actress. Brief Document Signed, 1961, 1p. Authorization "I HEREBY AUTHORIZE YOU TO MAKE PAYMENT (IN MY NAME) FOR MY EMPLOYMENT ON THE PLAY OF THE WEEK IN 'NO EXIT' TO MY AGENT JANE BRODER."...........40-60
502. [PORTRAIT] Benoît-Constant Coquelin (1841-1909) French actor, "one of the greatest theatrical figures of the age." Antique original wood-engraved portrait by R.G. Tietze. Approx. 7 x 5" plus wide margins. C. 1892 for The Century Magazine. VG..........25-35
504. [MUSIC] Wolfgang Wagner (1919-
2010) German opera director. He is best known as the
director (Festspielleiter) of the Bayreuth Festival, a
position he initially assumed alongside his brother Wieland in
1951 until the latter's death in 1966. From then on, he
assumed total control until he retired in 2008. Signed 4-1/4 x
5-3/4", dated 1992. VG.......30-40
EXPRESS - 3 stock certificates, 1960-63.
506. [FILM] David Lloyd Wolper
(b.1928) American television and film producer, responsible for
shows such as Roots, The Thorn Birds, North & South, L.A.
Confidential, and Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. He
also produced numerous documentaries and documentary series like
Biography (TV series&emdash;1961-63), The Rise and Fall of
the Third Reich (TV), Appointment with Destiny (TV series), This
is Elvis, Three Days in November, Imagine: John Lennon, and
others. He directed the 1959 documentary The Race for Space,
which was nominated for an Academy Award. His 1971 film (as
executive producer)about the study of insects The Hellstrom
Chronicle won an Academy Award. TLS, 1968, 1p,, signed
507. Helen Astor [1895-1965] Am. socialite. ANS, nd, re: her father....20-30
509. Samuel Merwin [1875-1936]
American writer. Signature 1907.........20-30
510. Sir James Black Baillie
[1872-1940] British philosopher and academic. ALS, 1931,
511. [PORTRAIT] Philip H. Sheridan (1831-1888) was a career United States Army officer and a Union general in the American Civil War. His career was noted for his rapid rise to major general and his close association with Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. Antique original wood-engraved portrait by T. Johnson. Approx. 6 x 5-1/4" plus wide margins. C. 1892 for The Century Magazine. VG..........25-35
512. [PORTRAIT] Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1st (1792- 1871) English mathematician, astronomer, chemist, and experimental photographer/inventor. Antique original wood-engraved portrait by T. Johnson. Approx. 6-1/2 x 5-1/4" plus wide margins. C. 1892 for The Century Magazine. VG..........25-35
513. [FRANCE] Marie-Louise Becomes a Regent - offered here is Bulletin Des
Lois No. 530, signed in type by Napoleon and Marie-Louise, 8pp,
5-1/2 x 8-1/2 in. Empress Marie Louise of France [1791-1847] was
the second wife of Napoleon I. On 20 March 1811, Marie Louise
(as she was known in France) gave birth to a son, Napoléon
François Joseph Charles Bonaparte, styled King of Rome and later
Duke of Reichstadt. Marie Louise acted as Regent of France from
April to December 1812 during the Russian campaign and again
from April 1813 to January 1814 during her husband's absence in
the German campaign. After Napoléon was forced to abdicate his
throne in April 1814, he was exiled to the island of Elba. Marie
Louise returned to Austria, never to see her husband again.
515. [ART] Albert Duvivier - Portrait of Edmond Hedouin,
plate signed and dated 1888, image 6-3/4 x 3-3/4". Wrinkles
should iron out. Hedouin was the noted artist [see lots 66 -
68 in this auction]. VG.............60-80
518. [THEATRE] GERALD SAVORY [1909-1996] English playwright and screenwriter specialising in comedies. His earliest work in the film industry was as a dialogue writer for director Alfred Hitchcock's Young and Innocent (1937). He spent some time in the United States in the 1940s writing for film and television and became an American citizen. From 1964 to 1965 he was writer, producer and production manager for Granada Television, producing five episodes of ITV Play of the Week; adapting Saki, J.B. Priestley, Noël Coward and Tennessee Williams for television. He then joined the BBC first as then Head of Serials, then Head of Plays. He notably produced five episodes of the thoroughly panned Churchill's People (1975–76) and six of the eight episodes of Love in a Cold Climate for Thames Television in 1980. TLS, San Francisco, c. 1930s, 1p, 8vo. Mentions two of his plays: UPPER BIRTH and LOVE WENT A-RIDING. To Roland Young, the noted actor who played Topper.............50-75
519. David
Derek Stacton (1923-1968) American
novelist, historian and poet. TLS, no date, 1p, to Mr. Silkin,
probably Jon Silkin (1930-1997) the British poet. Stacton was
born in San Francisco. In author profiles, however, he claimed
to have been born April 25, 1925 in Minden, Nevada (several of
his books are set in Nevada). Stacton attended Stanford
University from 1941–43. He served in the Civilian Public
Service as a conscientious objector, and wrote a letter as
“David Stacton” decrying the compliant American masses to Dwight
Macdonald’s Politics in 1945. He lived in Europe from 1951–1954,
1960–1962, and 1964–1965. Most of his books as David Stacton
were originally published in England. Stacton wrote under the
pseudonyms Carse Boyd, Bud Clifton, David Dereksen and David
West. He also ghosted Living Religions Of The World a 1956 work
accredited to Frederic Spiegelberg. VG........50-75
522. [FILM] Ben Lyon (1901-1979) American actor. TLS, 1967, 1p..............25-35
524. [FILM] Layte Bowden -
Pan-American Airlines stewardess who kept company with Peter
Lawford for the two years he and his ex-wife, Pat Kennedy, lived
at opposite ends of the country. She was a former beauty queen,
a one-time receptionist and secretary to then-Sen. George
Smathers (D-Fla.) who graced Roll Call’s pages in 1960 as part
of a double header baseball-themed shot, went on to join the jet
set — literally. After leaving the Hill in 1962, she, whom
Life Magazine once featured in an article about “pretty girls”
in Washington, joined the ranks of the Pucci-clad Pan Am
stewardesses. “We were treated like movie stars on Pan Am,” she
said. In her role at the airline, she also flew on White House
press charters as chief purser, accompanying Presidents John
Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon on official
trips. She was with JFK in Berlin when he gave his famous
“Ich bein ein Berliner” speech and in Dallas the day he was
shot. “I was on Air Force One when the word came in” that he had
died, she said. “I fainted in the aisle and somebody got brandy
and poured it down me.” Before she traded in her swinging-single
gal status to marry Butler Aviation CEO Paul Dopp in 1971, the
Floridian said she also dated a dizzying array of Congressmen,
movie stars, and other high-ranking officials, including
then-Rep. John Brademas (D-Ind.), Warren Beatty and Kennedy
brother-in-law and Rat Packer Peter Lawford. She had a small
role in the Lawford-produced film “Billie,” starring Patty Duke.
In the mid-1960s, Dopp and CBS News Anchor Dan Rather began
collaboration on a book based on their experiences traveling
with presidents but never completed it because she “was so busy
having a good time.” Rare ALS, 1966, 1p, to Milt
Ebbins, Peter Lawford's agent and business partner.........75-100
525. [LINCOLN] LEONARD W. VOLK (1828-1895) American sculptor. Most famous for making a life mask of American President Abraham Lincoln. In 1857, he settled in Chicago, where he helped to establish the Academy of Design and was for eight years its head. In 1860 he made a life mask of Lincoln, of whom only one other was ever made (by Clark Mills in 1865). In the early part of spring in 1860, during Abraham Lincoln's visit to Chicago, Volk asked him to sit for a bust. When Lincoln agreed, the artist decided to start by doing a life mask. Lincoln found the process of letting wet plaster dry on his face, followed by a skin-stretching removal process, "anything but agreeable." But he endured it with good humor, and when he saw the final bust, he was quite pleased, declaring it "the animal himself." Volk later used the life mask and bust of 1860 as the basis for other editions, including a full-length statue of Lincoln. Signed 1893 bank check. VG.................100-200
526. [MIXED LOT OF AUTOGRAPHS] Comprised of: [1] Norman Zollinger - author. Sig. & inscribed page, 1981. [2] Henry William Herbert (pen name Frank Forester) (1807-1858) English novelist and writer on sport. CLIP SIGNATURE. [3] Ben Davies (1858-1943) was a popular tenor from Swansea, Wales. He performed in the first production of the Royal English Opera (now the Palace Theater), playing in the première of the opera Ivanhoe. Davies was noted for frequently singing with his eyes closed. SIGNED CARD, 1922. [4] Howard Crosby (1826-1891) American preacher and teacher. From 1870 to 1881 Crosby was chancellor of New York University. He was one of the American revisers of the English version of the New Testament. Crosby took a prominent part in politics. He urged to excise reform and opposed total abstinence. He was one of the founders and the first president of the New York Society for the Prevention of Crime, and pleaded for better management of Indian affairs and international copyright. CLIP SIGNATURE. Fine. [5] William H. Armstrong (1914-1999) Am. author, most noted for his Newbery Medal-winning novel, Sounder. Signed, inscribed 3x5 card. [6] Margaret Fitzhugh Browne [1884-1972] Am. artist. Signed card. [7] SirFrederic G. Kenyon (1863-1952) British paleographer, biblical and classical scholar. He was the director of the British Museum. He was also the president of the British Academy from 1917 to 1921 SIGNED CARD, 1922. Toned around edges. [8] Cyrus H.K. Curtis (1850-1933) was a significant American publisher. Curtis was born in Portland, Maine, and entered the publishing business there with a weekly newspaper. He founded the Philadelphia-based Curtis Publishing Company, which published the Ladies' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post, as well as several other magazines and newspapers. For a time he own the Public Ledger, the Philadelphia Inquirer and the New York Evening Post. He was also known for his philanthropy to hospitals, museums, and schools. He obtained a pipe organ manufactured by the Austin Organ Company which had been displayed at the Philadelphia Sesquicentennial Exposition of 1926 and donated it to the University of Pennsylvania. It was built into Irvine Auditorium when the building was constructed and is known to this day as the Curtis Organ. It is one of the largest pipe organs in the world. SIGNATURE on card. VG. [9] Benay Venuta (1911-1995) American actress, singer and dancer. CLIP SIGNATURE. [10] J. SCOPE [1662-1752] English Justice; Sec. of the Treasury [1724-1752]. Small mounted irregular slip of paper signed..........80-120
527. [TV] Sharon Gless (b. 1943)
is an American character actress of stage, film and
television, who is best known for her roles as Maggie Philbin
on Switch (1975–1978), as Sgt. Christine Cagney in the police
procedural drama series Cagney & Lacey (1982–1988), as
Debbie Novotny in the Showtime cable television series Queer
as Folk (2000–2005), and as Madeline Westen on Burn Notice
(2007–2013). Gless has won two Emmy Awards and has received 10
Emmy nominations, has been nominated seven times for the
Golden Globe (winning two in 1986 and 1991) and has received
her own Star on the Walk of Fame in 1995. Signed,
inscribed 8x10 photo. VG.............25-35
530. [FRANCE] offered here are 2 documents from France: one dated 1783, signed by Jean Francois Joly De Fleury [1718-1802] State councillor who was fired in 1783, the year of this letter which speaks of Countess of La Rochefoucault. 1-page, about 6-3/4 x 8-1/4". PLUS another document 1701, 4pp, about 8.5 x 12. Identified as being about the grandfather of de Fleury..........100-150
1701 page 2536. [GOLF] Ben Crenshaw (b. 1952) American professional golfer. In 1973, Crenshaw became the second player in Tour history to win the first event of his career. SIGNED & INSCRIBED 8x10 color photo. Fine..........20-30
537. [US NAVAL] Ellsworth Davis [1892-1946] American naval officer. He served on the U.S.S. Florida as a signal officer, official uniform inspector and flag lieutenant. During the U.S. occupation of Vera Cruz, Mexico on April 1914, Davis led a company onshore and overtook the town's postal service building. In addition to his service on the U.S.S. Florida, Davis served in the Mediterranean and off of the U.S. Atlantic Coast on the Brooklyn and the Fairfax. He was commanding officer of the USS Fairfax from 1934 to 1936. The Fairfax was a Wickes-class destroyer in the United States Navy during the World War I, later transferred to the Royal Navy as HMS Richmond (G88), as a Town class destroyer. The Fairfax took part in the Presidential Review taken by Franklin D. Roosevelt in San Diego in March 1933, and then sailed for the East coast, where she continued her reserve training duty. She also patrolled in Cuban waters, and in the summers of 1935, 1937, 1938, 1939, and 1940 sailed out of Annapolis training midshipmen of the Naval Academy. Between October 1935 and March 1937, she served with the Special Service Squadron out of Coco Solo and Balboa, Canal Zone, operating primarily on the Atlantic side of the Canal Zone. Offered here is a signed 1934 bank check, The Annapolis Banking & Trust Co. He signs "E. Davis USN." VG........30-40
539. Edmund Blunden, MC [1896-1974] English poet, author and critic.
Like his friend Siegfried Sassoon, he wrote of his experiences
in World War I in both verse and prose. For most of his career,
Blunden was also a reviewer for English publications and an
academic in Tokyo and later Hong Kong. He ended his career as
Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford. Signed in ink limited edition page [proof page] from the "hand-set edition of Near & Far," 6-1/4
x 9-1/2". Fine...........30-40
Goodyear (1800-1860) American inventor who
developed a process to vulcanize rubber in 1839 — a method that
he perfected while living and working in Springfield,
Massachusetts in 1844, and for which he received patent number
3633 from the United States Patent Office on June 15, 1844.
Offered here is a "copy" of 1849 letter from Charles Goodyear
requesting a patent for Goodyear Transparent Cement. Two
pages, contained in an elaborate mat with wooden inserts.
Provenance: Goodyear Family. Overall size approx. 25-1/2 x
19". Obviously a latter copy of the letter, probably circa
1900, possibly earlier. VG.........100-150
542. [MYSTERY LOT] includes: Warner Bros. pay check, 1984, signed on verso by Lawrence Roman (1921-2008) known for writing the hit Broadway play "Under the Yum-Yum Tree" and for adapting the farce into the 1963 movie version. Also includes CLIP SIGNATURE of Henry Martyn Scudder (1822-1895) missionary under American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions and Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America to Japan and South India—to American Madura Mission and American Madras Mission. He established American Arcot Mission, North Arcot of South India—then under Madras Presidency. Also includes Edward Fuller Witsell (1891- 1969) was an officer in the United States Army who served as Adjutant General from 1946 to 1951. General Witsell was a 1911 graduate of The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina and a World War I veteran. TLS, 1946, to congressman [Mas] Philip J. Philbin re: request for relief of active duty for Chaplain (1stn Lieut.) Donald B. Weymouth. Also 1881 Gov. doc from Sec. of War Alex. ramsey about Des Moines Rapids Canal; 1828 Norwich, Ct. document; 1839 document signed by I.P. hazard, Providence, RI; 4 checks signed by Brenda Kuhn; some items from the papers of congressman Philip J. Philbin; a calling card signed Mrs. Wainwright; card signed by Richardson K. Dilworth (1898-1974) American Democratic Party politician, born in the Pittsburgh area, who served as the 118th Mayor of Philadelphia from 1956 to 1962. Also card signed George W. Williams (naval officer); 1811 document from Kittery, Maine area [Spinney]; various bank checks, some small old prints, unidentified autograph signatures; documents, ephemera, etc. Approx. 82 pieces. Good lot for eBay sellers or those who like researching items............80-120
544. 1876 Centennial Reprint of the classic July 8, 1776 issue of DUNLAP'S PENNSYLVANIA PACKET OR THE GENERAL ADVERTISER containing the Declaration of Independence 16.5" x 11," as expected small tears, partial separation at one fold, all iwell away from the Declaration printing. Published by J.V. Vondersmith and printed in Philadelphia in 1876 by the Saturday Evening Mirror. A fun and historic souvenir piece.............150-200
545. John W. Forney (1817-1881) American journalist and politician. He was Clerk of the United States House of Representatives 1851-1856 and 1860-1861. He was Secretary of the United States Senate 1861-1868. Brief ALS, Dec. 27, no tr., 1p...........25-35
546. [TV] Robert
Urich (1946-2002)
American film, television and stage actor and television
producer. Over the course of his 30-year career, Urich starred
in a record 15 television series. Signed, inscribed 8x10
photo. VG...........40-60
[MUSIC] Georgia
Hanni - Executive
Director, Composers and Lyricists Guild of
America. TLS, 1963, 1p., to Milt Ebbins, asking
for copies of contracts for the film Johnny
Cool. Mentions Billy May, Sammy Cahn, &
Jimmy Van Heusen............50-75
549. Frank
M. Cowles - signed document, 1899,
Suffolk Co., Mass., forming a corporation to be known by the name of Cowles Art Institute.
Approx. 8.5 x 14 in., 1-page. Also known as Cowles Art School (aka Cowles
School of Art) was a studio building on 148 Dartmouth Street,
Boston, Massachusetts, that was established in 1883 and
continued operation until 1900. It was one of the
largest art schools in the city, having several hundred
scholars. By the end of the 19th century, Boston had
become an important art center. A number of highly
respected artists were teaching in city. The rich environment
for art had been promoted at least in part by the
Massachusetts Drawing Act of 1870. The act mandated drawing
lessons in public schools. To fill the need for art teachers,
Massachusetts Normal Art (MNA) was established in 1873. Two
blocks behind the Museum of Fine Arts, in the New Studio
Building near the Back Bay Station, was the Cowles Art School
(1883). Cowles Art School offered instruction in figure
drawing and painting from the flat cast and life, artistic
anatomy, perspective and composition, painting still life,
drawing and painting the head from life, drawing still life,
oil and water colors, ad perspective. Notable alumni and
instructors included Childe Hassam, William McGregor Paxton,
Abbott Fuller Graves, George Elmer Browne, Robert Vonnoh
etc. Fine..........250-350
552. [BASEBALL] Harry Lavagetto -
This is a Baseball Magazine Company Premium Photo. Designated
M113 or M114 by collectors, Baseball Magazine began issuing
these photos around 1920 through 1950. Baseball Magazine Premium
Photos are blank-backed sepia tone photos printed on semi-gloss
heavy paper stock. You had to send away for the photos. The
bottom center has the players name, the lower left reads
"Published by the Baseball Magazine Company, New York" and the
lower right reads "Enlarged from an original photograph by C.M.
Conlon, NY". From the beginning, the posters offered
collectors a chance to obtain high-quality reproductions of
photos taken by such legends as Charles Conlon. Conlon was the
alpha photographer for the sport of baseball, beginning a little
after the turn of the century, through his retirement shortly
before World War II. A substantial percentage of the posters
issued during that span featured his images. Approx. 9-1/2 x
12. Superb condition when compared to the usual found.
Often these were trimmed down in size, this one is full
See above
554. [BASEBALL] John Mize - This is a
Baseball Magazine Company Premium Photo. Designated M113 or M114
by collectors, Baseball Magazine began issuing these photos
around 1920 through 1950. Baseball Magazine Premium Photos are
blank-backed sepia tone photos printed on semi-gloss heavy paper
stock. You had to send away for the photos. The bottom center
has the players name, the lower left reads "Published by the
Baseball Magazine Company, New York" and the lower right reads
"Enlarged from an original photograph by C.M. Conlon, NY".
From the beginning, the posters offered collectors a chance to
obtain high-quality reproductions of photos taken by such
legends as Charles Conlon. Conlon was the alpha photographer for
the sport of baseball, beginning a little after the turn of the
century, through his retirement shortly before World War II. A
substantial percentage of the posters issued during that span
featured his images. Approx. 9-1/2 x 12. Superb condition
when compared to the usual found. Often these were trimmed down
in size, this one is full size.............40-60
See above
561. [ART] Portrait of
George Washington - original
engraving/etching/aquatint by T. Johnson, plate signed &
dated 1903 in the plate. This, of course, was done after
Gilbert Stuart's famous portrait. Image 11-1/2 x 9-3/4" plus
wide margins. VG...........100-150
Portrait of Washington
562. [ART] James McGarrell [b. 1930] is one of the most influential figural painters of the 1980's and 90's postmodern movement. His work is in many museum collections, including: the Centre Georges Pompidou, France; Hamburg Museum of Art, Germany; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C.; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City; and the Museum of Modern Art, also in New York City. McGarrell has won countless honors for his intricately detailed figurative paintings, based upon a myriad of fictive and literary sources. He is an elected member of both the National Academy of Design in New York and the Academie des Beaux-Art de l'Institute de France. In 1995, he was awarded the prestigious Jimmy Ernst Award in Art from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He has received grants and fellowships from the Fulbright Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, and has been featured in five Whitney annuals and biennials as well as in the 1968 Venice Biennale. His work is included in the collections of the Art Institute of Chicago, the Centre Georges Pompidou, the Hamburg Museum of Art in Germany, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Hirshhorn Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Whitney Museum of American Art. Original b/w lithograph, pencil signed & titled "Elephant Bathers II", 22-1/2 x 30" flush, Printer's proof. VG.......400-600
See McGarrell lithograph563. [ART] Claude Franqois FORTIER - French engraver, was born in Paris in 1775, and died in the same city in 1835. Original engraving by Fortier, title: "La Matin", image size approx. 10 x 13-1/2" plus wide margins. Circa 1820-1828. Condition: minor foxing spots on verso; minor stains & marks in margin areas; the main flaw, although less visible from front is an offset blue number that must have rested against this print years ago. At first we didn't notice this but its there. We have adjusted the estimate because of this..........75-100
564. [ART] James Brooks [1906-1992] American muralist, abstract painter and winner of the Logan Medal of the Arts. Brooks was a friend of Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner. Considered a first generation abstract expressionist painter, Brooks was amongst the first abstract expressionists to use staining as an important technique. The Courtauld Institute of Art (London), the Dallas Museum of Art (Dallas, Texas), the Harvard University Art Museums, the Honolulu Academy of Arts, the Indianapolis Museum of Art (Indianapolis, Indiana), the Sheldon Art Gallery (Lincoln, Nebraska), the Smithsonian American Art Museum (Washington D.C.), the Tate Gallery (London) and the Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota) are among the public collections holding work by James Brooks. Signed Portland Museum of Art [Maine] membership brochure. This is also signed by Charles Whitney Payson [d. 1985] husband of Joan Whitney Payson the American heiress, businesswoman, philanthropist, patron of the arts and art collector. She was also co-founder and majority owner of Major League Baseball's New York Mets baseball franchise, and was the first woman to own a major-league team in North America without inheriting it. Also signed by Joe Brennan, the Gov. of Maine. VG..........50-75
565. [FILM] Rudy Vallee (1901-1986) American singer, actor, bandleader, and entertainer. Signed bank check dated 1935 plus sheet music.. ......50-75
Click here to see Vallee566. [ART] Gustave Marie Greux [1838-1919] French etcher. Original etching, classic Barbizon scene, signed in the plate, image about 3-3/4 x 6-3/4" plus margins. Printed text on verso. VG............50-75
See Greux etching567. [FILM] Bill Williams (1915-1992) American television and film actor. He is best known for his starring role in the early 1950 television show The Adventures of Kit Carson. Signature matted with vintage photo. Overall 9x13"...........40-60
568. Edmund Blunden [1896-1974] English, poet, author. Signed Presentation/edition page from his book "Near & Far" 1929. Fine.............25-35
570. Fanny
Heaslip Lea [1884-1955] writer.
Signed card...........20-30
571. Geo. William Childs [1829-1894] Am. publisher. Sig./inscribed 1890............20-30
574. JOHN SAVAGE (1779-1863), Democratic-Republican Congressman from New York from 1815 to 1819; Chief Justice of the N, Y. Supreme Court 1823 to 1837. DS dated May 21, 1830, as Chief Justice authorizing Thomas G. Fletcher to practice before the Court. Nice paper seal and remnants of ribbon. 11 X 7-3.4 in. VG...........40-60
575. [CABINET] CLINTON P. ANDERSON (1895-1975), Sec. of Agriculture under Truman. Congressman and then Senator from New Mexico. LS as Chairman on the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy congratulating long-term Senate employee on 50 years of service. FINE..........25-35
576. Roger
Wolcott (1847-1900),
Governor of Massachusetts 1896-1900. ALS, 1999, 1p.......35-45
577. [FILM] Lita Grey
(1908-1995) American actress and second wife of Charlie Chaplin.
Signed 3x5 card. Fine..........25-35
578. Eddie Albert [1906-2005] Am. actor. Signed 3x5 card........20-30
579. Mike Douglas [1925-2006] TV Show Host. Signed 3x5 card......20-30
580. Buddy Hackett [1924-2003] Comedian. Signed 3x5 card.......20-30
581. Steve Allen [1921-2000] Tonight Show host. Signed 3x5 card......20-30583. [FOOTBALL] Ara Parseghian (b. 1923) American collegiate football coach. He
served as head coach for three teams, most notably the
University of Notre Dame team from 1964-1974. During his 11
seasons as head coach of the Fighting Irish (known popularly as
"the Era of Ara"), he compiled a 95-17-4 record, for a .836
winning percentage, making him the most successful Notre Dame
coach of the modern era. Signed,
inscribed 8x10 photo. VG..............25-35
585. [MINN] Robert Selmer Bergland (born July 22,
1928 in Roseau, Minnesota) is a United States politician. He
grew up on a farm (where he still lives) near Roseau, and
studied agriculture at the University of Minnesota in a two year
program. SEC. OF AGRICULTURE. ALS, 2004, 1p...........25-35
586. [FILM & TV] Hazel Court (1926-2006) English actress best known for her
roles in horror films during the 1950s and early 1960s. SIGNED
& INSCRIBED 5x7 photo. VG....25-35
587. [TV] Henry Winkler (b.
1945) American actor. Signed 3x5 card.........20-30
588. ENGRAVED PORTRAIT of JEREMIAH DAY [1773-1867] NOTED YALE CLERGYMAN. Clean.....................20-30
590. [NY] BENNETT, David Smith, a Representative from New York; born on a farm near Camillus, Onondaga County, N.Y., May 3, 1811; attended the common schools and the local academy in Onondaga; engaged in agricultural pursuits; moved to Syracuse and engaged in the produce business, afterwards extending his business to New York City; moved to Buffalo in 1853 and built and operated several grain elevators; also purchased the original Dart grain elevator; elected a member of the State senate in 1865; elected as a Republican to the Forty-first Congress (March 4, 1869-March 3, 1871); declined to be a candidate for renomination in 1870; resumed his former business pursuits in Buffalo, N.Y., where he died November 6, 1894; interment in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, N.Y. SIGNATURE............15-20
591. [NY] SCHUMAKER, John Godfrey, a Representative from New York; born in Claverack, Columbia County, N.Y., June 27, 1826; completed preparatory studies in the Lenox (Mass.) Academy; studied law; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in 1847; moved to Brooklyn, N.Y., in 1853 and continued the practice of law; district attorney for Kings County 1856-1859; corporation counsel for the city of Brooklyn 1862-1864; member of the State constitutional conventions in 1862, 1867, and 1894; delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1864; elected as a Democrat to the Forty-first Congress (March 4, 1869-March 3, 1871); was not a candidate for renomination in 1870; elected to the Forty-third and Forty-fourth Congresses (March 4, 1873-March 3, 1877); was not a candidate for renomination in 1876 to the Forty-fifth Congress; resumed the practice of law; died in Brooklyn, N.Y., on November 23, 1905; interment in Greenwood Cemetery. SIGNATURE.......15-20
592. Sir ISAAC COFFIN - signature with rank of Rear
Admiral. Coffin Bay is a town at the southern extremity of the
Eyre Peninsula, which is a wheat growing area of South
Australia. British naval explorer Matthew Flinders named the
bay on 16 February 1802 in honour of his friend Sir Isaac
Coffin. CLIP SIGNATURE.............35-45
597. (MASSACHUSETTS) CENTRAL PART OF CONCORD, MASS. - original 1839 wood-engraved view, 6-1/2 x 3-1/4 plus margins. Part of the court house is seen on the left. Burying-ground Hill [a post of observation to the British officers in the invasion of 1775] is seen a short distance beyond. VG...................25-35
598. (MASSACHUSETTS) LENOX, MASS. - original 1839 wood-engraved view, 6-1/2 x 3-1/4 plus margins. VG.................25-35
599. [Olympics] Horace Ashenfelter, III (b.1923) American athlete. He competed in international athletics from 1947 to 1956 after service in World War II. Ashenfelter was one of America's finest runners during his career. Although he was considered a long shot, Ashenfelter was the surprise winner of the steeplechase at the 1952 Summer Olympics at Helsinki. He finished ahead of Vladimir Kazantsev of USSR and John Disley of Great Britain, and broke Kazantsev's unofficial world record. Since Ashenfelter worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation , it led to humorous comments about him being the first American spy who allowed himself to be chased by a Russian. In addition, Ashenfelter won the Sullivan Award as outstanding amateur athlete for the year 1952. The indoor track facility at his alma mater, Penn State, is named in his honor. Signed & inscribed album page. He adds 3000 meter steeplechase 1952 Olympic Games.........20-30
600. [Olympics] Tom Courtney (b. 1933) iAmerican athlete, winner of two gold medals at the 1956 Summer Olympics. Signed album page to which he adds 1956 Olympic 800 meters, 1600 meter relay.......20-30
601. [MUSIC] Ivor Foster (1870-1959) Baritone and teacher of singing. SIGNATURE ON ALBUM PAGE, HE DATES IT MARCH 1/1902. SIGNED BELOW BY H. LANE WILSON........20-30
603. MARY WILSON - singer., best known for her work as a founding member of The Supremes. Signed 3x5 card..........20-30
604. LOUIS ELSBERG (1836-1885) physician & author. Two ALS's [1875] on postal cards.......25-35
606. [BASKETBALL] George Yardley (1928-2004) Basketball HOF. Sig. on lined card.......20-30
607. [BASKETBALL HOF] Dave Tobey (1898-1988 ) American basketball referee. He refereed many notable pro games in New York between 1918 and 1925. In 1926 he refereed the Syracuse vs. West Point game, which featured two future Hall of Famers, Vic Hanson and John Roosma . After that game he became popular and refereed many important games from 1926 to 1945, such as the first game with a three-man officiating crew (Georgetown vs. Columbia). He was enshrined in the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1961. Signed & inscribed 2-1/2 x 6-1/2" card with his picture & bio. information......20-30
608. [U.S. GRANT] Message from the President of the United States, April 4, 1876, government document, House of Rep. Ex. Doc. No. 154, 12 pages, signed in type by Grant. Regarding Pawnee Indians. VG....30-40
613. Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908), American poet, critic, and essayist. A printed poem "FIN DE SIECLE", signed, 3pp. Removed from some publication. Attractive example.............25-35
613a. [FILM] Iris Adrian (1912-1994) American film actress. During the 1930s she specialised in playing glamorous gold-diggers and gangsters ' "molls", and played supporting roles in numerous features. She was considered a versatile actress, who could play drama or comedy, and she was also regarded as a capable dancer, dancing in a couple of films with George Raft. She also appeared on several radio programs, including serving as a regular on the Abbott and Costello Show. Signed, inscribed phptp, 8x10. VG......25-35
613b. Shari Lewis (1933-1998) American ventriloquist, puppeteer, and children's television show host, most popular during the 1960s. She is best known as the original puppeteer of Lamb Chop. Signed/inscribed 8x10 photo...............25-35
614. [MUSIC] Arlo Guthrie (b. 1947) is an American folk singer. Like his father, Woody Guthrie, Arlo is known for singing songs of protest against social injustice. Guthrie's best-known work is "Alice's Restaurant Massacree", a satirical talking blues song about 18 minutes in length. His song "Massachusetts" was named the official folk song of the state in which he has lived most of his adult life. Signed 3x5 in. card. Fine................25-35
615. Mr. Tindal (Nicolas Tindal. 1687 - 1774) was the translator and continuer of the History of England by Paul de Rapin. Very few comprehensive histories existed at the time and Tindal wrote a three volume 'Continuation', a history of the Kingdom from the reigns of James II to George II. Tindal was Rector of Alverstoke in Hampshire, Vicar of Great Waltham, Essex, Chaplain of Greenwich Hospital and a Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. ALS, in 3rd person, August 22, 1764, 1p, 6-1/4 x 8-1/4 in. VG. Archival tape repair on verso...............100-150
616. [FILM] Bruce Bennett (1906- 2007) American actor and Olympic silver medalist shot putter. He moved to Los Angeles in 1929 after being invited to compete for the Los Angeles Athletic Club and befriended actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr., who arranged a screen test for him at Paramount. In 1931, MGM, adapting author Edgar Rice Burroughs's popular Tarzan adventures for the screen, selected him to play the title character. Unfortunately, he broke his shoulder filming the 1931 football movie Touchdown, which also prevented his entry into the 1932 Olympics, still holding the world record for shot put. Swimming champion Johnny Weissmuller replaced him and became a major star. Bennett appeared in many films in the 1940s and early 1950s, including Sahara (1943) with Humphrey Bogart, Mildred Pierce (1945) with Joan Crawford, Nora Prentiss (1947) with Ann Sheridan, Dark Passage (1947) with Bogart and Lauren Bacall, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) with Bogart and Walter Huston, Mystery Street (1950), Sudden Fear (1952) with Joan Crawford and Gloria Grahame, and Strategic Air Command (1955) with James Stewart. Brief ALS, 2002, 1p, concerning his autobiography. VG................40-60
617. [CARTOON] JACK ELROD - known for his work on "Mark Trail" comic strip. Jack Elrod, who as a Boy Scout had met Dodd when the latter was a Scout leader, joined the Mark Trail team at its Atlanta, Georgia studio in 1950 as background artist (Agena). The strip's popularity grew through the mid-1960s, with Mark Trail appearing in nearly 500 newspapers through the North America Syndicate.. ALS, no date, 1p. Mentions Mark Trail........25-35
619. George Shultz [b. 1920] Sec. Labor. SP, 8x10............20-30
620. [MUSIC] Licia Albanese (b.1913) distinguished Italian soprano. ISP, 8x10. Prominent corner crease..............20-30
623. [GREAT EASTERN] John Scott Russell
1808-1882) Scottish naval engineer who built the Great Eastern
in collaboration with Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and made the
discovery that gave birth to the modern study of solitons.
Russell's experiments and observations led him to propose a new
system of shaping vessels, known as the wave system, which was
to culminate in the building of the SS Great Eastern. He was
held in high regard by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who made him a
partner in his project to build the Great Eastern. At its time,
this was to be the largest moveable object man had ever created.
The Great Eastern was eventually launched in 1858, having been
designed according to Russell's wave system. Russell was also
one of the earliest and most active people advocating ironclad
men-of-war, and was the joint designer of the first armoured
frigate, HMS Warrior. CLIP SIGNATURE mounted..............25-35
624. [FILM] Beulah Bondi (1888-1981) American actress. ANS, 1962..........25-35
626. [OLYMPIC SKATERS] BONNIE BLAIR & NANCY KERRIGAN - both have signed OLYMPIC HEROES page from some publication. 5-1/2 x 8-1/4........25-35
627. [THEATRE] Herbert Kelcey - vintage stage actor. Signed 5x3 card.....20-30
MATTHEWS (1852-1929) American writer and
educator. ALS, 1905, 2pp. VG...........35-45
629. HENRY
JACKSON van DYKE (1852-1933) American
Author, educator, clergyman, lyricist. TLS, 1908, 1p.
German Politician, Diplomat, Mayor Berlin (1933-1935),
Ambassador to Norway. He became the first President of the
Senate. He retained his position as Mayor after the Nazi
takeover but was replaced in 1935, but held little power over
the Commissioner Julius Lippert. TLS, 1931,
631. (FRANCE) Roger
de Beauvoir (1806-1866) Romantic novelist
and playwright. His wit, good-looks and adventurous
lifestyle made him well known in Paris, where he was a friend of
Alexandre Dumas, père. Of independent means, he wed actress and
author Léocadie Doze in 1847. He was imprisoned for three months
and fined 500 francs for a satirical poem, Mon Procs, written in
1849. Afflicted with gout and nearly destitute from his
flamboyant lifestyle, de Beauvoir spent the last few years of
his life unhappily confined to a chair, dying in Paris. His
best-known works included Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges (1840),
Les Oeufs de Paques (1856) and Le Pauvre Diable (reprinted
1871). ALS, no yr., 1p. VG............75-100
633. Lot of 10 signed photos & printed portraits of 20th century governors. All are 10 x 8" unless otherwise indicated. [1] JOHNSON, PAUL B., governor of Mississippi 1964-68. 11 x 8 overall. Inscribed, "Best wishes to a fine young man." Glossy. [2] GUERRERO, MANUEL FLORES LEON. Governor of Guam 1963-69, apptd. by JFK. He has added "Governor of Guam". Matte finish. [3] WALLACE, LURLEEN B. Governor of Alabama 1967-68 until her death. Her husband George was the noted opponent of integration and a presidential candidate who was shot while campaigning. 5 x 3", matte finish. She added to her signature "Gov". [4] KNOWLES, WARREN P. Governor of Wisconsin 1965-71. Matte finish. Punch holes at left border barely touching the image. [5] CARGO, DAVID F. Governor of New Mexico 1967-71. Glossy. Cargo has added "Governor". [6] SMITH, HULETT C. Governor of West Virginia 1965-69. "With best wishes". Glossy. [7] BREWER, ALBERT P. Governor of Alabama 1968-78. Glossy. Inscribed "To George Berstler Sincere best wishes from his friend Albert P. Brewer, Gov." [8] HEARNES, WARREN E. Gov. of Missouri 1965-73. "Best regards". Glossy. Punch holes at right border barely touching the image. [9] WILLIAMS, JOHN BELL. Gov. of Mississippi 1968-72. "Best wishes". Glossy. Punch holes at left border not touching the image. [10] BRANIGAN, ROGER D. Gov. of Indiana 1965-69. Matte finish.........60-80
637. [FILM] John Carroll [1906-1979] American actor. SIGNED, inscribed printed portrait picture, 5 x 7. VG......25-35
See Carroll638. [ART] Filippo Morghen (Florence, 1730 - Naples, 1777) accomplished eighteenth century engraver. He studied art in Rome for a period of seven years before settling in Naples where he created etchings and engravings. Filippo Morghen was a leading engraver for the recent archaeological discoveries detailed in the Antiquities of Herculaneum, published in Naples in 1757, and the sole engraver and publisher of Views of Ruins in the Environs of Naples, published in 1766. In fact, reference is made to the discoveries at Herculaneum (then a Spanish possession) in the lower right corner of this portrait engraving of Charles III, King of Spain, where we see ancient pottery and sculpture as well as archeological tools-of-the-trade, such as a shovel and a pick. Filippo Morghen's fine engravings earned him the title of 'Engraver to the King of the Two Sicilies'. He was also the father and teacher of Rafaello Morghen (1758-1833), one of the most influential engravers of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Carlos III Hispania Atque Indiarum Rex is based upon a design created by the eighteenth century Italian artist, Camillus Paderni (Naples, c. 1720 - 1770). Original Engraving, portrait of Carlos III Hispania Atque Indiarum Rex (Charles III, King of Spain), image approx. 17 X 12" plus margins. Printed on mid eighteenth century hand-made, laid paper. It is a fine, early impression in excellent condition throughout and an outstanding example of the 18th century portrait engraving. This original engraving stands as a prime example of the famous art of Filippo Morghen. VG............250-350
See Morghen portrait640. Bobby Bass (1936- 2001) American actor, stunt performer, and stunt coordinator. Bass made a career in movies and television in a variety of genres working with Burt Reynolds, Sylvester Stallone, and John Wayne. He taught martial arts and weapons handling to Geena Davis, Michael Douglas, Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Susan Sarandon, and Kathleen Turner. Bass appeared in TV commercials and TV series such as Fantasy Island, McGyver, Mission: Impossible, Star Trek: The Original Series, The A-Team, and The Twilight Zone. Warner Bros. 1985 check made out to him but not signed by him. VG.......20-30
641. Paul Monash (1917-2003) American producer and screenwriter. Monash won early acclaim for his writing for television, including his work on the pioneer anthology series Studio One, Suspense and Playhouse 90. Monash wrote and produced the pilot for the TV series The Untouchables (1959). After the success of The Untouchables, Monash was asked to create Peyton Place (1964–1969), an ABC-TV series that was the first prime-time serialized drama on American television. His film production credits include Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), Slaughterhouse-Five (1972), The Front Page (1974) and Carrie (1976). Monash produced the feature film The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973), a dark, critically acclaimed crime drama starring Robert Mitchum, and also adapted the George V. Higgins novel for the screen. Warner Bros. 1985 check made out to him but not signed by him. VG.......20-30
642. Dick
O'Neill (1928-1998) American stage, film and television
character actor best known for playing Irish cops, fathers,
judges and army generals. He began his acting career as an
original company member of Arena Stage in Washington, D.C.
Warner Bros. 1984 check made out to him but not signed by him. VG.......20-30
643. Joel Siegel (1943-2007)
American film critic for the ABC morning news show Good Morning
America for over twenty-five years. Warner Bros. 1984 check made out to him but not signed by him. VG.......20-30
645. Dee Barton (1937-2001) American jazz trombonist, big band drummer, and prolific composer for big band and motion pictures. Barton is known for his horror-esque style of composing in action thriller films. He created the soundtrack to the Clint Eastwood films Play Misty for Me, and the eerie soundtrack to the 1973 film High Plains Drifter. Warner Bros. 1985 check made out to him but not signed by him. VG.......20-30
646. Alvin Sargent (b.1927) American screenwriter. He has won two Academy Awards(R) in 1978 and 1981 for his screenplays of Julia and Ordinary People. He has been involved in the writing of all the movies to date in the Spider-Man film series. Warner Bros. 1984 check made out to him but not signed by him. VG.......20-30
647. Terrence Malick (b.
1943) American film director, screenwriter, and producer.
In a career spanning over four decades he has directed six
feature films. He made his directorial debut with the drama
Badlands in 1973. Malick released his second film, Days of
Heaven, in 1978, after which he took a long hiatus from
directing films. His third film, the World War 2 drama The Thin
Red Line, was released in 1998. Warner Bros. 1984 check made out to him but not signed by him. VG.......20-30
648. Helen Astor [1893-1976] American Socialite. In 1913, she married William Vincent Astor. ALS, nd, 3pp. VG...........50-75
649. [FILM] Jessica Tandy (1909-1994) actress. Signed 3x5 card. Fine........20-30
650. Annie Fields (1834-1915) American writer. Fields was a forward-looking, philanthropic and multi-talented woman, who encouraged the talents of others even as she followed the good of the intellect. Although Fields often turns up in the pantheons of 19th century poetry, it is for her short sympathetic biographies that she is now remembered. ALS, 1910, 1p, laid to mounting page. With original envelope........50-75
652. [PORTRAIT] of Thomas Cecil
: first earl of Exeter (1542-1623) engraved by John
Cochran (active 1821-1865) was a Scottish portrait
miniaturist, a stipple and line engraver and a painter of
watercolours. Cochran exhibited his portraits at the Royal
Academy between 1821 and 1823, and at the Suffolk Street Gallery
from 1821 to 1827. Image approx. 5x4" plus marghins.
653. Stephen Wright Kellogg
(1822-1904) Congressman from Ct. He was Colonel of the Second
Regiment, Connecticut National Guard, from 1863 to 1866, and
Brigadier-General from 1866 to 1870. He was the author and
promoter of legislation organizing the active militia in an
efficient body known as the Connecticut National Guard. CLIP
655. Morgan R. Wise
(1825-1903) Democratic congressman from Pa. 1879-1883. Document
Signed, Washington DC, 1880, 1p. Received from the Sec. of the
Interior Vol. Two of the Official Register of the US.
659. [BRITAIN] Denman, Thomas. 1st Baron Denman. (1779-1854) English judge. Solicitor general to Queen Caroline (1820), whose innocence he maintained before bar of House of Lords (1820); attorney general (1830); prosecuted reform rioters (1832); M.P. (1818-26, 1830-32); lord chief justice (1832-50); speaker of House of Lords (1835); condemned Moxon, publisher of Shelley' s complete works, for blasphemy (1841). SIGNED address panel postmarked 1836.............25-35
661. Larry Kasdan (b.1949) American film producer, director, and screenwriter. He is best known as the co-writer of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Kasdan has been confirmed to be a consultant for the upcoming third trilogy of Star Wars. Warner Bros. 1985 check made out to him but not signed by him. VG.......20-30
662. William Goldman (b.1931) is an American novelist, playwright, and screenwriter. He came to prominence in the 1950s as a novelist, before turning to writing for film. He has won two Academy Awards for his screenplays, first for the western Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) and again for All the President's Men (1976), about journalists who broke the Watergate scandal of President Richard Nixon: both films starring Robert Redford. His other notable works include his thriller novel Marathon Man and comedy-fantasy novel The Princess Bride, both of which Goldman adapted for film. Warner Bros. 1985 check made out to him but not signed by him. VG.......20-30
663. Anne Marie Pohtamo (b. 1955, Helsinki, Finland) was the second woman from Finland to capture the Miss Universe crown. She claimed the Miss Universe crown in 1975 at the pageant held in El Salvador. Warner Bros. 1985 check made out to her but not signed by her. VG.......20-30
664. Gerald McRaney (b. 1947) American television and movie actor. McRaney is best known as one of the stars of the television shows Simon & Simon, Major Dad, and Promised Land. He was a series regular for the first season of Jericho, and the final season of Deadwood. Warner Bros. 1985 check made out to him but not signed by him. VG.......20-30
665. Stella
Parton (b.1949) American country singer and
songwriter. She is a younger sister of entertainer Dolly Parton.
Warner Bros. 1985 check made out to her but not signed by her. VG.......20-30
668. David Stewart (1800-1858) American Senator. Stewart was born in Baltimore, Maryland, completed preparatory studies, and attended the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University). He graduated from Union College of Schenectady, New York in 1819. He later studied law, was admitted to the bar about 1821, and commenced practice in Baltimore, Maryland. In 1849, Stewart was appointed as a Whig to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Reverdy Johnson and served from December 6, 1849, to January 12, 1850, when a successor was elected. He was not a candidate for election to fill the vacancy, and resumed the practice of his profession in Baltimore soon thereafter. ALS, not dated but appears to be as a senator, written on both sides to Robert P. Anderson about having books sent to him. VG............35-45
669. Maud B. Booth (1865-1948) Salvation Army leader and co-founder of the Volunteers of America. Signed card, with sentiment, 3x2 in........35-45